Justin Bieber

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Purpose album cover


Justin Bieber


[Verse 1]
Feeling like I'm breathing my last breath
Feeling like I'm walking my last steps
Look at all of these tears I've wept
Look at all the promises that I've kept

I put my all into your hands
Here's my soul to keep
I let you in with all that I can
You're not hard to reach

And you bless me with the best gift
That I've ever known
You give me purpose
Yeah, you've given me purpose

[Verse 2]
Thinking my journey's come to an end
Sending out a farewell to my friends, for inner peace
Ask you to forgive me for my sins, oh would you please?
I'm more than grateful for the time we spent, my spirit's at ease

I put my heart into your hands
Learn the lessons you teach
No matter when, wherever I am
You're not hard to reach
And you've given me the best gift
That I've ever known
You give me purpose everyday
You give me purpose in every way

Oh, you are my everything
Oh, you are my everything

[Outro (Spoken)]
I don’t know if this is wrong, because someone else is telling me that it’s wrong. But I feel this so let me just like try my best not to let this happen again. We weren’t necessarily put in the best position to make the best decisions

You can’t be hard on yourself for it, these are the cards you were given so you have to understand that’s not who you are. You know you’re trying to be the best you can be, but that’s all you can do. If you don’t give it all you got, you’re only cheating yourself give it all you got but if it ends up happening, it ends up happening

That’s what happening with me, it’s like “God, I’m giving it all I’ve got, sometimes I’m weak and I’m going to do it.” And it’s like I’m not giving myself grace, I’m just like understanding that’s how it is

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If there is one thing that Justin Bieber has openly talked about in his music, it is his journey of faith. And with "Purpose," he delivers a heartfelt piano ballad that serves as a candid representation of how important his newfound relationship with God is. The song is a tribute to the role that faith has played in his life since he started his career, as he reached a point where he felt like everything else was irrelevant. Now, he sends a message to his Beliebers thanking them for their unwavering support throughout his struggles and how his faith has helped him find his "Purpose."

About Purpose

In "Purpose," Justin Bieber addresses his personal relationship with God, showcasing how his faith has brought him to a newfound state of purpose in his life. Lyrically, the song takes an introspective look into Bieber's mental state while also serving as a thank you letter to his loyal fans for standing by him through thick and thin. The track's slow, sombre balladry has an infectious power driving it that steals its way into your head, tugging on your heartstrings from every angle. The sincerity and honesty in Bieber's vocals add even more weight to the song's most poignant moments, making the already captivating sound even more enthralling.

After years of personal struggles and media scrutiny, Justin Bieber released "Purpose" in 2015. The song serves as a representation of the impact of Bieber's journey of faith and how it helped him get his life back on track. Gone are the days of indulgent behavior and stardom; in its place comes a man who has found his "Purpose" in life, who is more centered and grounded in his faith.

For Justin, "Purpose" is a deeply personal and vulnerable song that reveals both the depth of his faith and his gratitude to those who have remained loyal to him throughout his struggles. Throughout the track, he invokes imagery of being lost and then found, repeating the phrase "you are my purpose" as if he is attempting to remind himself of the path that he has chosen. His voice is raw with emotion at points, as if it is straining to communicate the complexity of his feelings.

The song is a departure from the pop-y style that Bieber had become known for in previous years. It is a sombre and thoughtful ballad with a simple piano melody and a stripped-down beat that is key in accentuating the vulnerability of Bieber's vocals. It is a track with a unique sense of poignancy and a deep vein of introspection running through it.

One of the most interesting things about "Purpose" is the spoken-word outro that Bieber delivers. It is a brief but powerful statement that reflects on the various trials and tribulations he has dealt with throughout his life, but ultimately reaffirms his faith in God, and how that faith has given him a renewed sense of hope and direction in his life. With every word he speaks, it is evident that the Bieber who wrote the track is someone who has significantly grown up and matured, finding solace in his faith and purpose in life.

Final thoughts

"Purpose" is perhaps one of the most inspiring songs in Justin Bieber's catalog, as it showcases the role that faith and spirituality have played in his life. It's a raw, vulnerable, and emotive piece of music that reveals an even more honest side of the artist. His yearning to reconnect with his fans over his shared struggles, his remembrance of a time when life had lacked meaning, and his clarity over now having something to believe in. "Purpose" is an open letter to everyone who has helped Bieber along his journey of faith, a celebration of the power of conviction and an anthem quickly becoming a staple in his repertoire.