Kate Bush

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Symphony in Blue album cover

Symphony in Blue

Kate Bush


[Verse 1]
I spent a lot of my time looking at blue
The colour of my room and my mood
Blue on the walls, blue out of my mouth
The sort of blue between clouds, when the sun comes out
The sort of blue in those eyes you get hung up about

[Verse 2]
When that feeling of meaninglessness sets in
Go blowing my mind on God
The light in the dark, with the neon arms
The meek He seeks, the beast He calms
The head of the good soul department

I see myself suddenly
On the piano, as a melody
My terrible fear of dying
No longer plays with me
For now, I know that I'm needed
For the symphony

[Verse 3]
I associate love with red
The colour of my heart when she's dead
Red in my mind when the jealousy flies
Red in my eyes from emotional ties
Manipulation, the danger signs
[Verse 4]
The more I think about sex, the better it gets
Here we have a purpose in life
Good for the blood circulation
Good for releasing the tension
The root of our reincarnations

I see myself suddenly
On the piano, as a melody
My terrible fear of dying
No longer plays with me
For now, I know that I'm needed
For the symphony

I spent a lot of my time looking at blue
No wonder that I blew it

Kate Bush image

Are you a fan of classic rock and alternative music? If so, then you might have already heard of Kate Bush and her iconic album Lionheart. One of the songs that stand out from the album is Symphony in Blue, released in 1978. It is a song that is rich in meaning, with a complex and deep composition that mirrors the artist's unique vision and belief system.

About Symphony in Blue

Symphony in Blue is one of the new songs Kate Bush wrote for her second album, Lionheart, and it was an instant hit among her fans. It is a track that exudes passion, creativity, and imagination, with an intricate melody and poetic lyrics that transport you to a different realm. According to the Kate Bush Encyclopedia, the lyrics of this song are inspired by Wilhelm Reich's theory in A Book Of Dreams, which talks about the connection between god, sex, and the color blue.

The song features Bush's signature voice and her distinctive musical style, which is a blend of art-pop, progressive rock, and folk music. The lyrics of Symphony in Blue are incredibly evocative, and they paint a vivid picture of a world filled with vibrant colors and emotions. The song's title perfectly encapsulates the essence of the song, as it is a symphony of emotions expressed through the color blue.

The song's composition is a masterpiece, with soaring vocals, dreamy soundscapes, and a beautiful piano melody. The lyrics talk about a spiritual journey and the search for meaning and clarity in life. Kate explores the themes of god, love, sex, and the color blue, and how they are all interconnected. The song is a celebration of life and the beauty that surrounds us, even in the darkest of times.

One of the most striking lines in the song is "I am the hunter of invisible game." This line captures the essence of Kate's music, as she is always searching for something deeper and more profound. The song is a testament to her artistic vision and her unique approach to music, which is both thought-provoking and inspiring.

The song's production is top-notch, with a lush orchestration that perfectly complements the lyrics and adds layers of complexity to the song. The piano melody is hauntingly beautiful, and it stays with you long after the song ends. The song's structure is carefully crafted, with each section building up to a powerful crescendo that leaves you breathless.

In essence, Symphony in Blue is a song that is both complex and beautiful. It is a testament to Kate Bush's musical prowess and her unique creative vision, which has influenced countless musicians and artists over the years. The song's message is timeless and universal, as it speaks to the human experience and our search for meaning and purpose in life. If you haven't heard this song yet, then you are missing out on one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever created.

If you're a fan of Kate Bush's music, then you already know that she is one of the most talented and innovative musicians of our time. Her music is a true work of art, and each song is a masterpiece in its own right. Symphony in Blue is no exception, as it perfectly captures Kate's unique vision and her passion for creating music that is both thought-provoking and inspiring. So take a few minutes out of your day, listen to Symphony in Blue, and let yourself be transported to a world of magic and wonder.

  • Release Date: June 1, 1979
  • Artist: Kate Bush