Led Zeppelin

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Four Sticks album cover

Four Sticks

Led Zeppelin


[Verse 1]
Oh, baby, it's crying time
Oh, baby, I got to fly
Got to try to find a way
Got to try to get away
'Cause you know I gotta get away from you, babe

[Verse 2]
Oh, baby, the river's red
Ah, baby, in my head
There's a funny feeling going on
I don't think I can hold out long

And when the owls cry in the night
Oh, baby, baby, when the pines begin to cry
Baby, baby, baby, how do you feel?
If the rivers run dry, baby, how would you feel?

[Verse 3]
Craze, baby, the rainbow's end
Mm, baby, it's just a den for those who hide
Who hide their love to depths of life
And ruin dreams that we all knew so, babe

And when the owls cry in the night
And, baby, when the pines begin to cry
Oh, baby, baby, how do you feel?
If the rivers run dry, baby, how do you feel?
Ah, ah...
Baby, how do you feel?
[Instrumental Break]

[Verse 4]
Ooh yeah, brave I endure
Ooh yeah, strong shields and lore
They can't hold the wrath of those who walk
And the boots of those who march
Baby, through the roads of time so long ago

Ooh, yeah
Ooh, ooh yeah
Ah, ah, ah, ah
Ooh, hoo
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ah

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When people think of Led Zeppelin, many of them think of "Stairway to Heaven," "Kashmir," or "Whole Lotta Love." But for true Zeppelin fans, "Four Sticks" is always a standout track. It's not as well-known as some of their other hits, but it's a testament to the band's musical prowess and the talent of drummer John Bonham in particular.

About Four Sticks

The title of "Four Sticks" comes from the fact that John Bonham used two sets of drumsticks during the recording process - one in each hand - in order to achieve the sound he was looking for. The song is incredibly complex, with a time signature that alternates between 5/8 and 6/8, making it especially difficult to play. Every member of the band had a hard time recording this track, due to its abstract nature and difficulty level. But the final result is a true masterpiece.

The song begins with a bang - a driving drumbeat that immediately sets the tone for the track. The guitar and bass join in shortly after, creating a riff that is instantly recognizable to any Zeppelin fan. As the song progresses, Robert Plant's vocals come in, with lyrics that are somewhat cryptic and open to interpretation. Many people believe that the song is about the relationship between man and nature, while others think it's about the power of music to transport us to another realm.

One of the most impressive things about "Four Sticks" is the virtuosity of the musicians involved. Jimmy Page's guitar playing is particularly stunning, with his solos taking center stage at various points throughout the song. John Paul Jones' bass work provides a solid foundation for the rest of the instruments, while Plant's vocals soar over the top of everything.

But it's John Bonham's drumming that truly steals the show. The fact that he had to use two sets of drumsticks - which is no easy feat - in order to play the drums for this song is a testament to his skill and determination. His playing is precise and powerful, driving the song forward and providing the perfect rhythmic accompaniment for the rest of the band.

Overall, "Four Sticks" is a song that showcases everything that made Led Zeppelin such an iconic band. It's complex, challenging, and innovative, with a level of musicianship that is unparalleled. If you're a fan of classic rock, this song is definitely one that should be on your playlist.