Legião Urbana

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Angra dos Reis album cover

Angra dos Reis

Legião Urbana


[Letra de "Angra dos Reis"]

[Verso 1]
Deixa, se fosse sempre assim quente
Deita aqui perto de mim
Tem dias que tudo está em paz
E agora os dias são iguais
Se fosse só sentir saudade
Mas tem sempre algo mais

Seja como for
É uma dor que dói no peito
Pode rir agora que estou sozinho
Mas não venha me roubar

[Verso 2]
Vamos brincar perto da usina
Deixa pra lá, a angra é dos reis
Por que se explicar se não existe perigo?
Senti teu coração perfeito batendo à toa
E isso dói

Seja como for
É uma dor que dói no peito
Pode rir agora que estou sozinho
Mas não venha me roubar
[Verso 3]
Vai ver que não é nada disso
Vai ver que já não sei quem sou
Vai ver que nunca fui o mesmo
A culpa é toda sua e nunca foi
Mesmo se as estrelas começassem a cair
E nos queimasse tudo ao redor
E fosse o fim chegando cedo
E você visse o nosso corpo em chamas
Deixa pra lá
Quando as estrelas começarem a cair
Me diz, me diz pra onde é que a gente vai fugir?Embed

Legião Urbana image

Hey there music fans! Today, we're diving into the captivating world of Brazilian rock with the legendary song "Angra dos Reis" by Legião Urbana. This timeless track is sure to transport you to the sunny shores of Brazil and leave you craving for more. So, grab your headphones and let's explore the enticing melodies and thought-provoking lyrics of this iconic tune.

About Angra dos Reis

"Angra dos Reis" is a track that holds a special place in the hearts of many Legião Urbana fans, as it showcases the band's ability to craft powerful and introspective music. The song was released in 1993 as part of their fourth studio album, "O Descobrimento do Brasil." Legião Urbana, known for their socially conscious lyrics, was one of the most influential bands in Brazilian rock history, and "Angra dos Reis" is a shining example of their artistic prowess.

With its infectious melody and emotive vocals, "Angra dos Reis" takes you on a journey through the picturesque coastal town of Angra dos Reis, located in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The song effortlessly captures the spirit of this idyllic location, evoking a sense of tranquility, longing, and mystery.

The music itself is a perfect fusion of rock, folk, and pop influences, creating a unique sound that is instantly recognizable as Legião Urbana. The song opens with a mesmerizing acoustic guitar riff that sets the tone for the entire track. As the instrumentation builds, the layers of guitars, drums, and bass create a rich and dynamic backdrop, enhancing the emotional impact of the lyrics.

Speaking of lyrics, "Angra dos Reis" is a lyrical masterpiece. Renato Russo, the lead vocalist and songwriter of Legião Urbana, has a way with words that resonates deeply with listeners. The lyrics of "Angra dos Reis" explore themes of isolation, longing, and the search for meaning and connection in a chaotic world. The words are poetic and introspective, allowing the listener to reflect upon their own experiences and emotions.

Russo's haunting vocals soar over the music, infusing every line with raw emotion and vulnerability. His performance is captivating and adds an extra layer of depth to the song. The combination of the mesmerizing melody, poignant lyrics, and Russo's powerful vocals create a truly unforgettable musical experience that stands the test of time.

Throughout the song, there are moments of sheer musical brilliance. The instrumental breaks showcase the band's technical prowess and ability to create intricate yet catchy melodies. The interplay between the guitars and the rhythm section is seamless, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of sound.

"Angra dos Reis" has not only captivated legions of fans in Brazil but has also garnered international recognition. Its universal themes and evocative sound have the power to transcend language barriers and touch the hearts of listeners across the globe.

So, whether you're a longtime fan of Legião Urbana or just discovering their music for the first time, "Angra dos Reis" is a song that demands your attention. Its timeless beauty and thought-provoking lyrics make it a true masterpiece in the realm of Brazilian rock. So, sit back, close your eyes, and let the music of "Angra dos Reis" transport you to a world where dreams and reality intertwine.

Experience the magic of "Angra dos Reis" and let its enchanting melodies and powerful lyrics leave an indelible mark on your soul.