Legião Urbana

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Quase Sem Querer album cover

Quase Sem Querer

Legião Urbana


[Letra de “Quase Sem Querer”]

[Verso 1]
Tenho andado distraído
Impaciente e indeciso
E ainda estou confuso
Só que agora é diferente
Estou tão tranquilo e tão contente
Quantas chances desperdicei
Quando o que eu mais queria
Era provar pra todo o mundo
Que eu não precisava
Provar nada pra ninguém
Me fiz em mil pedaços pra você juntar
E queria sempre achar
Explicação pro que eu sentia
Como um anjo caído
Fiz questão de esquecer
Que mentir pra si mesmo
É sempre a pior mentira

Mas não sou mais
Tão criança
A ponto de saber tudo
Já não me preocupo
Se eu não sei porquê
Às vezes o que eu vejo
Quase ninguém vê
E eu sei que você sabe
Quase sem querer
Que eu vejo o mesmo que você

[Verso 2]
Tão correto e tão bonito
O infinito é realmente
Um dos deuses mais lindos
Sei que às vezes uso
Palavras repetidas
Mas quais são as palavras
Que nunca são ditas?
Me disseram que você
Estava chorando
E foi então que eu percebi
Como lhe quero tanto

Já não me preocupo
Se eu não sei porquê
Às vezes o que eu vejo
Quase ninguém vê
E eu sei que você sabe
Quase sem querer
Que eu quero o mesmo que você

Legião Urbana image

Legião Urbana's song "Quase Sem Querer" is a mesmerizing track that showcases the band's talent for blending folk-rock musicality with heartfelt lyrics. It is one of the standout tracks on their second album, "Dois," released in 1986. The song captures the essence of the band's musical style and lyrical depth, making it a significant contribution to the Brazilian music scene of that time.

About Quase Sem Querer

"Quase Sem Querer" translates to "Almost Unintentionally" in English, and the song beautifully explores the complexities of love and relationships. With introspective and poetic lyrics, Legião Urbana delves into the unpredictable nature of falling in love, hinting at the serendipity and unpredictability that often accompanies matters of the heart.

The song begins with a delicate acoustic guitar melody, setting a mellow and reflective tone. The folk-rock influence is evident in the instrumentation, which features acoustic guitars, gentle percussion, and melodic basslines. This instrumentation creates a warm and inviting sonic landscape that perfectly complements the lyrical content.

Renato Russo, the lead vocalist and songwriter of Legião Urbana, brings raw emotion and vulnerability to his delivery of the lyrics. His distinctive voice carries a sense of longing and yearning, effortlessly capturing the essence of the song's themes. Russo's captivating vocal interpretation adds another layer of depth and authenticity to "Quase Sem Querer."

Lyrically, "Quase Sem Querer" explores the idea of love as something that can often catch us off guard. The lyrics touch upon the natural progression of relationships and the moments when two individuals meet and connect in an almost accidental manner. It reflects on how love can flourish unexpectedly, almost as if it has a life of its own, independent of our intentions.

The song's chorus is particularly poignant, with Russo singing, "Se você me desse só uma chance / Um dia, um segundo, uma hora / Eu ia te fazer tão feliz." Translated to English, these lines express the longing to have just a moment with the person of affection, with the belief that such an opportunity would bring immense happiness.

Legião Urbana's ability to capture universal feelings and emotions through their music is evident in "Quase Sem Querer." The song delicately explores the juxtaposition between the powerlessness and beauty of love, highlighting the unexpected encounters and connections that shape our lives.

As the song progresses, the instrumentation gradually intensifies, incorporating additional layers of electric guitars and drums, adding richness and depth to the musical arrangement. This progression reflects the emotional journey expressed in the lyrics, building up to a powerful and cathartic climax.

"Quase Sem Querer" is a testament to Legião Urbana's songwriting prowess and their ability to create music that resonates with listeners on a profound level. The song's introspective and relatable themes, combined with the band's musical talent, have cemented its place as one of their most beloved tracks.

Throughout their career, Legião Urbana established themselves as one of the most influential bands in the Brazilian music scene, and "Quase Sem Querer" serves as a prime example of their impact. The song remains relevant and continues to captivate audiences with its timeless quality and heartfelt lyrics.

Incorporating elements of folk-rock and introspective songwriting, Legião Urbana's "Quase Sem Querer" stands as a testament to their musical legacy. It is a song that invites listeners to contemplate the unpredictable nature of love while immersing themselves in the band's distinctive sound.

Whether you're a long-time fan of Legião Urbana or discovering their music for the first time, "Quase Sem Querer" is a must-listen track that encapsulates the band's iconic style and their ability to evoke deep emotions through their music. Its timeless quality makes it a song that resonates with audiences across generations, reminding us of the power and beauty found within the simplicity of love and connection.