Lil Wyte

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So Called Homies

Lil Wyte


[Chorus 2x]
I've lost so many so called homies but that's okay
Since they gone I've realized they weren't my homies anyway
Cuz if they was it would be cool and everything would be straight
But see they ain't that's why I had to write this song about the fake

[Verse 1]
It all started in 2001 when I was signed to Hypnotize Minds
Now I gotta a mutherfuckin' line around my house
Everybody came to hang with Lil Wyte
I've always had a lot of friends but these were not your average nights
It'd be a Tuesday there'd be 16 people in my living room
And everybody had a blunt then we would all be feelin soon
A few of them lost their jobs cuz they couldn't pass a piss test
The others just got fired for tryin' to hang with me all day I guess
I worked my ass off once a year and get checks every three months
I ain't always had cheese shit I used to be on free lunch
And now we're in a recession and shit all my homies countin' change
Askin' me for money and if I ain't got it they all start lookin' strange

[Chorus 2x]

[Verse 2]
I've done everything I can for 99% of them
I fed their kids I've paid their bills and this the fuckin' thanks I get
I'm sick and tired of all your shit I'm bout to call it fuckin' quits
I'm not a billionaire I've never had a multi-platinum hit
So stop askin' me for everything unless it's good advice
I got plenty of that I spit the facts just tell me about your life
I ain't the one to burn your bridges with just so you know
I cut your water off and leave you shakin' cold on the flo'
I'm a nice guy but don't mistake my kindness for weakness
I've been this way since back in the day when I was on some street shit
You eat shit and shit lies and that's really the reason why
I don't fuck with ya anymore I can't believe I even tried
[Chorus 2x]Embed

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A warm, hearty welcome to all the music enthusiasts out there! Today, we are going to dive deep into the world of hip-hop with a focus on the track that has been making waves in the music industry - "So Called Homies" by the immensely talented Lil Wyte. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride of emotions, as this song takes us through the highs and lows of friendship, trust, and betrayal.

About So Called Homies

"So Called Homies" is an electrifying hip-hop track that showcases Lil Wyte's ability to captivate his audience with his thought-provoking lyrics and infectious beats. With a career spanning over two decades, Lil Wyte has solidified his position as one of the most respected and influential artists in the genre.

Right from the opening bars, this song pulls no punches in expressing the complexities of relationships, particularly those we hold closest to our hearts - friends. Lil Wyte delves into the concept of "homies," emphasizing the delicate balance between loyalty and deception. He sheds light on how friends can sometimes disguise themselves as allies when, in reality, their intentions may be far from genuine.

One of the striking aspects of "So Called Homies" is its ability to resonate with listeners from all walks of life. The universal theme of betrayal strikes a chord with anyone who has experienced the painful realization that a once-solid friendship has crumbled beneath their feet. Lil Wyte's raw and authentic delivery channels the emotions associated with trust being shattered, leaving listeners with a powerful and relatable connection to the lyrics.

The production quality of "So Called Homies" is another standout element of this track. The beats strike the perfect balance between intensity and groove, providing the ideal backdrop for Lil Wyte's masterful storytelling. The carefully crafted instrumentals create a sonic landscape that enhances the emotional impact of the lyrics, allowing listeners to immerse themselves fully in the narrative.

Lyrically, Lil Wyte's prowess shines through as he skillfully weaves together vivid imagery and introspective introspection. He paints a vivid picture of the dynamics within toxic friendships, showcasing his ability to navigate the complexities of human relationships. Through his poignant lyrics, Lil Wyte challenges listeners to question the authenticity of their own bonds and encourages them to reevaluate the company they keep.

As we dig deeper into the verses, we encounter a lyrical journey that showcases Lil Wyte's versatility as an artist. His rhymes effortlessly transition between rapid-fire flows and more melodic sections, displaying an impressive command over the rhythms and cadences of hip-hop. This versatility adds another layer of complexity to the track, further solidifying its place in the pantheon of impactful rap songs.

In addition to its musical prowess, "So Called Homies" boasts an impressive thematic richness. Lil Wyte's lyrics explore the multifaceted nature of relationships, providing listeners with a window into the intricacies of human connection. By exposing the darker side of friendship, he serves as a wake-up call for those who may have become complacent in their relationships and encourages them to reevaluate their allegiances.

This track not only possesses a powerful message but is also a testament to Lil Wyte's enduring impact on the hip-hop scene. With his distinct voice and introspective lyrics, he has carved out a niche for himself, earning the respect and admiration of both fans and fellow artists. "So Called Homies" stands as a testament to his talent and artistry, solidifying his position as a leading force in the genre.

So, dear music enthusiasts, buckle up and embark on a soul-stirring journey with Lil Wyte's "So Called Homies." Prepare to be moved, challenged, and inspired by the artistry and depth that this track has to offer. Allow yourself to be swept away by the raw emotions and powerful storytelling that only the best of hip-hop can provide.

Remember, in a world where trust is fragile and true friendships are rare, we must question who our true allies are. In the words of Lil Wyte, "So Called Homies" serves as a call to arms - a reminder to cherish genuine connections and to be wary of those who may don the mask of friendship while harboring ulterior motives.