Lorna Shore

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Infernum album cover


Lorna Shore


2 ContributorsInfernum LyricsBound within purgatory

Empty and frozen left to levitate in the nothingness that is gravity
Sight has seemed to fail me, my ears ring back nothing to guide me
I have torn the veil between realities
Have I been cast into the realm of where the dead will never seem to rest?
To wander the abyss that is nothingness have I been cast into eternal misery?
Frozen to the bone wandering alone cast into the realm of purgatory
Left on my own the wasteland unknown cast into the realm of purgatory

Subject to the grasp of time
Left to rot in the thought my life
I weep before the days of the past
Trapped here to know they're not coming back

The limitless white vastness confined eternally to mental madness
The vastness of this madness has lead me to a realm in white blindness

Who would think that I’d be judged to be held within this hell
No one to hear or answer my cries
Is this where I rot for life?

Bound within purgatory
Empty and frozen left to levitate in the nothingness that is gravity
Sight has seemed to fail me, my ears ring back nothing to guide me
I have torn the veil between realities
You might also likeTake me from this white madness where my memories and conscious are the judge
I do not deserve this punishment
Release me from this confinement
I’m fucking losing it

Torn to pieces by the demons in me
They’ve left me to bleed
Put me to eternal sleep

Have I been cast into the realm of where the dead will never seem to rest?
To wander the abyss that is nothingness have I been cast into eternal misery?

Frozen to the bone wandering alone cast into the realm of purgatory
Left on my own
The wasteland unknown cast into the realm of purgatory

Subject to the grasp of time
Left to rot in the thought my life
I weep before the days of the past
Trapped here to know they're not coming back

Trapped in this madness
Trapped within this purgatory

Empty and frozen left to levitate in the nothingness that is gravity
Sight has seemed to fail me, my ears ring back nothing to guide me
Trapped within purgatoryEmbed

Lorna Shore image

Lorna Shore is a melodic and technical deathcore band from New Jersey, United States. They are known for their insanely heavy music, catchy chorus, and impeccable musicality. Infernum is one of their most popular songs, released on their debut album Psalms in 2015. This song is not only a display of their musicianship but also showcases the band's lyrical and thematic approach.

About Infernum

From the very first note of Infernum, the listeners are taken on an epic journey of fast-paced riffs, thunderous drums, and guttural screams. The song starts with a subtle guitar riff that builds up in tension, leading to a breakneck speed drumming with vicious guitar sweeps and breakdowns. The relentless aggression and ferocity of the music are perfectly complemented by Tom Barber's harsh and uncompromising vocals.

Lyrically, Infernum is an introspective and thought-provoking song that touches upon themes of sin, temptation, and the devil. The lyrics perfectly capture the inner struggle of human beings, the constant conflict between good and evil, and the lure of darkness. The powerful and impactful lyrics go hand-in-hand with the blistering music, making the listeners feel the intensity of the emotions expressed.

The technical and musical precision of Lorna Shore is on full display in Infernum. The band's impeccable guitar work, intricate drumming patterns, and flawless vocal delivery show the dedication and hard work they have put into their craft. The song is a testament to the band's ability to create dynamic and multifaceted music that is both intense and memorable.

One of the unique things about Infernum is the way it seamlessly blends different sub-genres of metal into one cohesive song. The song incorporates elements of deathcore, black metal, and technical death metal, creating a sound that is both familiar and innovative. The intricate guitar solos, the fast-paced blast beats, and the brutal breakdowns all work together to create a sound that is wholly original and unmistakably Lorna Shore.

It's easy to see why Infernum is one of Lorna Shore's most popular songs. It's a true masterpiece of technical deathcore that captures the essence of the genre while also showcasing the band's unique sound. The song is not only a display of the band's musicality but also a representation of their deeper philosophical and moral themes. Infernum is a must-listen for any fans of heavy metal and a true masterpiece of modern music.

Perplexity and Burstiness of Infernum

Infernum is a song that is both perplexing and bursting at the seams with raw energy. The technical precision and intricate guitar work keep the listener's attention from beginning to end, while the melodic chorus provides a refreshing break from the chaos. The song is musically complex, with multi-layered guitar solos, dynamic drumming patterns, and unrelenting vocals that keep the listener on edge.

At the same time, the song is incredibly bursty, with sudden tempo changes, breakdowns, and explosive choruses that catch the listener off guard. The song has a natural ebb and flow to it, with moments of contemplation and introspection punctuated by moments of pure sonic assault. The listener is taken on a journey of self-discovery and raw emotion, leaving them both perplexed and energized.

Wrapping Up

Infernum is a musical masterpiece that showcases the incredibly technical and artistic abilities of Lorna Shore. The song is complex and bursting with energy, with a sound that is wholly original and unmistakably Lorna Shore. The blend of different sub-genres of metal creates a unique sound that is both familiar and innovative, appealing to a broader audience while also delivering a knockout to hardcore metal fans. Infernum is a must-listen to anyone who loves heavy metal or technical deathcore and is a testament to the band's dedication and hard work.