Los Enanitos Verdes

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H.I.V. album cover


Los Enanitos Verdes


1 ContributorH.I.V. LyricsLejos de estar sin fe, vi muchos de los caídos
Entre los cuales un amigo
Mucha resignación (mas ayuda esperaba)
Cierran la entrada de su casa
Espera el milagro y no, parece desearlo y no
El último acto, acto de amor
Acto de amor
Nada me sorprendió, al escuchar lo relatado
No es el destino que esperamos
Mientras estés de pie y tengas tu mente en blanco
Nada podrá hacerte mas daño
Mi casa es tu casa y no... dudes en llamarme
El último acto, acto de amor
Acto de amor, acto de amor, acto de amor...
Y le ruego, ruego al cielo que alivie tu temor
Y aparezca el remedio que alivie tu dolor
Vamos a la ciudad traeré unos abrigos
Así ayudaremos al olvido
Nadie podrá decir nada que no se haya dicho
Vive o muere en paz contigo mismo
Mi casa es tu casa y no... dudes en llamarme
El último acto, acto de amor
Acto de amor, acto de amor, acto de amor...
Acto de amor
Acto de amor
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Los Enanitos Verdes image

Los Enanitos Verdes, a rock band hailing from Argentina, have been winning the hearts of music lovers for decades. With their powerful vocals, infectious melodies, and thought-provoking lyrics, they have established themselves as one of the most influential bands in Latin America. Among their vast discography, one song stands out for its poignant and controversial subject matter - "H.I.V." This powerful track delves into the realities of living with HIV/AIDS, shedding light on a topic that continues to be stigmatized and misunderstood.

About H.I.V.

"H.I.V." is an emotionally charged song that explores the impact of HIV/AIDS on individuals and society as a whole. The song's lyrics are a mixture of reflection, empathy, and a call to action, addressing the pervasive stereotypes and discrimination faced by those living with the virus.

The track starts with a haunting guitar riff that sets the somber tone, immediately drawing the listeners in. Lead singer Marciano Cantero's raw and heartfelt vocals create a deep connection, as he delves into the emotional journey of an individual experiencing the realities of living with HIV/AIDS.

The lyrics of "H.I.V." paint a vivid picture of the physical, emotional, and social challenges faced by individuals living with the virus. The song explores themes of isolation, fear, and the desire for acceptance. Through its powerful imagery and metaphors, Los Enanitos Verdes captures the struggles and triumphs of those affected by HIV/AIDS.

One of the notable aspects of "H.I.V." is its ability to inspire empathy and compassion in listeners. The song encourages a deeper understanding of the experiences faced by individuals living with HIV/AIDS, urging the audience to challenge the stigma surrounding the virus. Los Enanitos Verdes' lyrics and the heartfelt delivery of the song serve as a reminder that behind the statistics and medical terminology, there are real people with real stories.

The release of "H.I.V." sparked a significant impact in the Latin American music scene, as it brought to the forefront a topic that had been largely ignored or sensationalized. The band's decision to address HIV/AIDS in their music demonstrated their commitment to using their platform to raise awareness and advocate for social change.

Beyond the lyrics and vocals, the instrumentation of "H.I.V." further enhances the emotional depth of the song. The powerful drums, heartfelt guitar solos, and melodic baselines create a sense of urgency and despair. This musical arrangement perfectly complements the lyrical content, intensifying the emotional impact on the listener.

Moreover, Los Enanitos Verdes' ability to blend rock elements with introspective lyrics is a testament to their artistry and versatility. "H.I.V." showcases their ability to tackle important social issues while delivering a captivating musical experience.

Through "H.I.V.," Los Enanitos Verdes not only created an impactful song but also fostered a much-needed dialogue about HIV/AIDS in Latin America. By shining a light on the prejudices and misconceptions surrounding the virus, the band encourages empathy, understanding, and support for those affected. Their bold and compassionate approach makes "H.I.V." a timeless anthem that continues to resonate with both old and new listeners alike.

In a world where discrimination and stigmatization persist, Los Enanitos Verdes' "H.I.V." serves as a powerful reminder that behind the diagnosis is a person deserving of love, respect, and understanding. This song invites us to break free from fear and prejudice, and to embrace a more compassionate and inclusive society.

As we listen to "H.I.V.," we are not mere spectators but active participants in the journey towards empathy and social change. Los Enanitos Verdes have given us a song that not only enlightens and educates but also empowers us to make a difference.