Los Enanitos Verdes

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Y Ahora Te Vas album cover

Y Ahora Te Vas

Los Enanitos Verdes


1 ContributorY Ahora Te Vas LyricsLetra de "Y Ahora Te Vas"
[Verso 1]
Yo quise darte todo todo de mi vida
Saqué de mis adentros lo que ahí crecía
Una obsesión inmensa por hacerte mía
Una voz en mi pecho que no me mentía

Pero las cosas buenas siempre cuestan tanto
Fue por demás luchar contra todo tu encanto
Y yo arriesgué contigo hasta la última gota
Del llanto que hoy refleja mi triste derrota

Y ahora te vas, te vas, te vas
Sabiendo que no pude lograr
En tu alma motivar el amor
Que yo por ti sentía

A quién le darás
Todo lo que no me diste a mí
Quien llorará por ti como yo
Algún día

[Verso 2]
Pero las cosas buenas siempre cuestan tanto
Fue por demás luchar contra todo tu encanto
Y yo arriesgué contigo hasta la última gota
Del llanto que hoy refleja mi triste derrota
Y ahora te vas, te vas, te vas
Sabiendo que no pude lograr
En tu alma motivar el amor
Que yo por ti sentía

A quién le darás
Todo lo que no me diste a mí
Quien llorará por ti como yo
Algún día

Y ahora te vas, te vas, te vas
Sabiendo que no pude lograr
En tu alma motivar el amor
Que yo por ti sentía

Y ahora te vas, te vas, te vas
Sabiendo que no pude lograr
En tu alma motivar el amor
Que yo por ti sentíaEmbed

Los Enanitos Verdes image

Are you ready to dive into the world of Latin rock? Well, get ready because we're about to take a closer look at "Y Ahora Te Vas" by Los Enanitos Verdes. This iconic song has captivated audiences for decades with its heartfelt lyrics, infectious melodies, and powerful performances. Whether you're a long-time fan or just discovering this gem, join us as we explore the depths of this timeless classic.

About Y Ahora Te Vas

Released in 1990 as part of their album "Big Bang," "Y Ahora Te Vas" quickly became one of Los Enanitos Verdes' biggest hits. This Argentine rock band, formed in the late 1970s, has been a driving force in the Latin rock scene, and this song is a perfect example of their musical prowess and emotional lyricism.

From the moment the song begins, you're greeted with a captivating combination of guitars, drums, and enchanting vocals. Los Enanitos Verdes waste no time in setting the tone for the heart-wrenching tale that is about to unfold. The lyrics, penned by lead singer Marciano Cantero, tell a story of heartbreak, longing, and the pain of watching someone you love walk away.

As the song progresses, the intensity builds, and the emotions become even more palpable. The instrumentation perfectly complements the raw and vulnerable vocals. The guitar solos, in particular, add a touch of melancholy and passion, taking the listeners on an emotional rollercoaster. Every note and chord seems to resonate with the pain expressed in the lyrics.

One of the standout features of "Y Ahora Te Vas" is the hauntingly beautiful chorus. When the band reaches the peak of the song, the lyrics "Y ahora te vas, sin decir nada más" (And now you're leaving, without saying anything else) become etched into the listener's soul. It's a moment of catharsis, where the heartache is laid bare, and the listener can't help but be moved by the raw vulnerability portrayed in the music.

What sets Los Enanitos Verdes apart is their ability to blend different musical elements to create a unique and captivating sound. In "Y Ahora Te Vas," you'll find traces of traditional rock, pop influences, and a hint of Latin flair. This fusion of genres adds depth and richness to the song, making it accessible to a wide range of listeners.

Another noteworthy aspect of Los Enanitos Verdes' music is their ability to craft lyrics that resonate with audiences on a deep level. "Y Ahora Te Vas" is no exception. The lyrics evoke a sense of shared experiences, allowing listeners to connect with the song on a personal level. Whether you've gone through a similar heartbreak or simply appreciate the power of emotive storytelling, this song has the power to leave a lasting impact.

Throughout their career, Los Enanitos Verdes have received numerous accolades and recognition for their musical contributions. "Y Ahora Te Vas" stands as a testament to their artistry and ability to create songs that stand the test of time. It's a song that has transcended generations, continuing to touch the hearts of listeners around the world.

In closing, "Y Ahora Te Vas" is a masterpiece of Latin rock. From its gripping lyrics to its powerful performances, this song encapsulates the raw emotions of heartbreak and longing. Los Enanitos Verdes have crafted a timeless classic that resonates with listeners of all backgrounds. Sit back, press play, and allow yourself to be swept away by the mesmerizing beauty of "Y Ahora Te Vas."