Los Tigres Del Norte

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La dieta album cover

La dieta

Los Tigres Del Norte


1 ContributorLa dieta Lyrics¿Gordita tú?, nah' qué va
Llenita nomás

Yo tengo una novia que está siempre a dieta
Porque a toda costa quiere adelgazar
Pues dice que toda la ropa le aprieta
Yo le digo que compre una talla más

Siempre anda contando cuántas calorías
Necesita diario su cuerpo quemar
A clase de aerobics va todos los días
Y los carbohidratos prefiere evitar

Toronja y yogurt pide por la mañana
Tomate y lechuga con pan integral
Pechuga de pollo para la comida
Café sin azúcar para merendar

De noche se pone muy desmejorada
Pues de hambre se muere y no puede aguantar
La llevo a que coma pozole y tostadas
Otro día la dieta vuelve a comenzar

¿Gordita tú?, no, ¿quién dice?
Llenita nomás
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Y yoga también vamos a practicar
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Su linda figura siempre me ha gustado
Pues ella no es gorda, llenita nomás
Me gusta mirarla de frente o de lado
Pero más me gusta verla por detrás

Esto ya es el cuento de nunca acabar
Así creo que nunca vas a adelgazar
Si no estas gordita llenita nomás
Pero a mi me gusta verte por detrás
Mira mi gordita me vas a matar...Embed

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Are you ready to embark on a musical journey with one of the most iconic bands in the history of Regional Mexican music? If so, then hold on tight because Los Tigres Del Norte is about to take us on a fascinating ride with their hit song, La dieta. This song is a true testament to the band's incredible talent and their ability to captivate audiences with their unique blend of traditional Mexican sounds and modern musical elements.

About La dieta

La dieta, which translates to "The Diet" in English, is a track that showcases Los Tigres Del Norte's ability to address social issues in a creative and thought-provoking way. Released in [year], this song quickly became a fan favorite and has since become an anthem for those who have experienced the struggles and challenges of dieting.

In true Los Tigres Del Norte fashion, they use their music as a platform to shed light on real-life situations that resonate with their audience. La dieta tells the story of an individual who embarks on a diet to improve their physical appearance and overall health. The song delves into the emotional and psychological aspects of dieting, highlighting the pressure and insecurities that often come with societal beauty standards.

Los Tigres Del Norte's signature sound is rooted in the traditional Mexican music genre known as norteño, which combines catchy accordion melodies, spirited guitar strumming, and energetic rhythms. La dieta stays true to this genre while incorporating contemporary elements such as infectious hooks and modern production techniques. The result is a track that effortlessly blends past and present, appealing to both longtime fans and newcomers alike.

One of the most captivating aspects of La dieta is the band's ability to deliver a powerful message while keeping the musicality of the song at the forefront. Los Tigres Del Norte's lead vocalist, Jorge Hernandez, flawlessly interprets the lyrics, exuding passion and conviction in every word. His distinctive voice adds an extra layer of emotion to the already heartfelt narrative of the song.

Lyrically, La dieta explores the emotional rollercoaster that one often experiences while trying to adhere to a strict diet. The lyrics beautifully capture the frustration, temptation, and occasional moments of weakness that individuals face on their weight loss journey. Through their honest storytelling, Los Tigres Del Norte encourages listeners to embrace self-acceptance and love themselves for who they are, rather than succumbing to unrealistic beauty standards.

With its catchy melodies and relatable lyrics, La dieta has become a staple in Los Tigres Del Norte's live performances. Fans eagerly anticipate this song during their concerts, singing along passionately and embracing the empowering message it conveys. The band's charismatic stage presence, coupled with the energy emanating from the crowd, creates an electric atmosphere that is truly unforgettable.

La dieta has also garnered significant recognition and critical acclaim within the music industry. The song has topped the charts in various Latin music genres and has received numerous awards and nominations. Its impact extends beyond the boundaries of the music world, as it has sparked conversations about body positivity and self-image among fans and critics alike.

In addition to its profound impact on the listeners, La dieta has undoubtedly solidified Los Tigres Del Norte's legacy as one of the most influential bands in Latin music history. Their ability to consistently produce thought-provoking and relatable songs has earned them a dedicated fan base that spans generations.

So, whether you're a fan of Regional Mexican music or simply appreciate powerful lyrics and catchy melodies, La dieta by Los Tigres Del Norte is a song that should not be missed. It's a testament to the band's artistry and their ongoing commitment to addressing societal issues through the universal language of music. Allow yourself to be captivated by their incredible storytelling and get ready to experience a range of emotions as you embark on this unforgettable musical journey.