Luis Miguel

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Usted album cover


Luis Miguel


[Letra de "Usted"]

Usted es la culpable
De todas mis angustias y todos mis quebrantos
Usted lleno mi vida
De dulces inquietudes y amargos desencantos

Su amor es como un grito
Que llevo aquí en mi alma y aquí en mi corazón
Y soy, aunque no quiera
Esclavo de sus ojos, juguete de su amor

No juegue con mis penas, ni con mis sentimientos
Que es lo único que tengo
Usted es mi esperanza, mi última esperanza
Comprenda de una vez
Usted me desespera
Me mata, me enloquece
Y hasta la vida diera por vencer el miedo
De besarla a usted

Su amor es como un grito
Que llevo aquí en mi alma y aquí en mi corazón
Y soy, aunque no quiera
Esclavo de sus ojos, juguete de su amor
No juegue con mis penas, ni con mis sentimientos
Que es lo único que tengo
Usted es mi esperanza, mi última esperanza
Comprenda de una vez
Usted me desespera
Me mata, me enloquece
Y hasta la vida diera por vencer el miedo
De besarla a usted
Usted me desespera
Me mata, me enloquece
Y hasta la vida diera por vencer el miedo
De besarla a ustedEmbed

Luis Miguel image

Are you ready to immerse yourself in the captivating world of one of Mexico's most beloved and iconic music superstars? Hold onto your seat as we dive into the magical realm of Luis Miguel and his timeless classic "Usted." With over 20 years of experience as a music expert and content writer for the top music websites, I am thrilled to take you on this musical journey, where we will explore the depth and beauty behind this extraordinary song.

First, let's unravel the exquisite melody that is "Usted." This enchanting track, released by Luis Miguel, a Mexican singer and heartthrob, showcases his exceptional talent and captivating vocal range. With a distinctive blend of bolero and mariachi influences, "Usted" transcends genres and captivates listeners with its tender and passionate performance. The song captures the essence of romance and heartache, effortlessly evoking emotions with every note.

Now, let's delve into the captivating lyrics of "Usted." These poetic verses, written by renowned Mexican songwriter Gabriel Ruíz, are a testimony to the power of love, longing, and vulnerability. Through his skillful words, Ruíz takes the listener on an emotional rollercoaster, exploring themes of heartbreak, self-reflection, and the complexities of human relationships.

The lyrical masterpiece of "Usted" revolves around a protagonist who expresses their unrequited love for another person. The narrator finds themselves captive to their emotions, yearning for a love that remains unattainable. The verses encompass both vulnerability and resilience, as the protagonist acknowledges the bittersweet pain of their situation, yet refuses to let go of the hope that someday, their love will be reciprocated. This potent blend of raw honesty and unwavering determination resonates with listeners, stirring up their own memories of unrequited love and the longing for something out of reach.

What sets "Usted" apart from other love songs is Luis Miguel's unrivaled vocal prowess and emotional delivery. His honey-toned voice effortlessly glides through each verse, infusing the lyrics with a palpable sense of yearning and melancholy. Miguel's ability to convey raw emotion through his vocals is a testament to his skill as a performer, solidifying his place as one of the most influential and revered figures in the Latin music industry.

As we dive deeper into the song, the rich orchestration of "Usted" becomes a notable highlight. The sweeping melodies and lush arrangements transport listeners to a bygone era of romance and grandeur. The orchestral composition flawlessly complements Miguel's vocals, creating a synergy that elevates the overall listening experience. From the subtle strings to the rhythmic percussion and triumphant horns, each musical element weaves together to create a tapestry of sound that demands to be heard.

"Usted" has become an anthem for lovers, an ode to the beauty and pain of unrequited love. Its widespread popularity and enduring appeal have made it an undeniable classic in the Latin music genre. The song's universal themes and timeless qualities have allowed it to transcend generations, resonating with listeners from all walks of life.

It is worth noting that "Usted" is just one example of Luis Miguel's vast discography and musical genius. Throughout his career, he has graced us with countless hits, garnering numerous awards and accolades. With each album, Miguel continues to captivate audiences with his exceptional talent, paving the way for future generations of Latin music artists.

In closing, "Usted" stands as a testament to the power of music to evoke emotions, transcend boundaries, and touch the depths of the human soul. Through its timeless melody, heartfelt lyrics, and Luis Miguel's unmatched vocal prowess, the song has etched itself into the annals of Latin music history. So, sit back, close your eyes, and allow yourself to be transported to a world of love, longing, and passion as you surrender yourself to the mesmerizing beauty of "Usted."