Luis Miguel

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Y album cover


Luis Miguel


3 ContributorsY LyricsY que hiciste del amor que me juraste?
Y qué has hecho de los besos que te di?
Y qué excusa puedes darme si fallaste?
Y mataste la esperanza que hubo en mí

Y que ingrato es el destino que me hiere
Y que absurda la razón de mi pasión
Y que necio es este amor que no se muere
Y prefiere perdonarte tu traición

Y pensar
Que en mi vida fuiste flama
Y el caudal de mi gloria fuiste tú
Y llegué a quererte con el alma
Y hoy me mata de tristeza tu actitud

Y a qué debo dime entonces tu abandono?
Y en qué ruta tu promesa se perdió
Y si dices la verdad yo te perdono
Y te llevo de recuerdo junto a Dios

Y pensar
Que en mi vida fuiste flama
Y el caudal de mi gloria fuiste tú
Y llegué a quererte con el alma
Y hoy me mata de tristeza tu actitud
See Luis Miguel LiveGet tickets as low as $99You might also likeY a qué debo dime entonces tu abandono?
Y en que ruta tu promesa se perdió
Y si dices la verdad yo te perdono
Y te llevo de recuerdo junto a Dios

Luis Miguel image

If you're a fan of Latin pop music, then you're probably familiar with the iconic artist Luis Miguel. With a career spanning over four decades, Luis Miguel has captivated audiences with his smooth vocals and charming personality. One of his most notable songs is "Y," a heartfelt ballad that showcases his incredible vocal range and emotional depth.

"Y" is a song that beautifully captures the essence of love and longing. Released in 1988, it was featured in Luis Miguel's album "Busca Una Mujer." Written by Juan Carlos Calderón, the song became an instant hit and solidified Luis Miguel's status as a superstar in the Latin music industry.

About Y

From the very first notes of "Y," it's clear that this song is something special. The opening piano melody sets a melancholic tone, immediately drawing the listener into the emotions of the song. As Luis Miguel's velvety voice enters, the lyrics come to life, painting a vivid picture of love lost and the longing for what once was.

The lyrics of "Y" tell the story of a man who is reminiscing about a past love. He reflects on the memories they shared and the happiness they once experienced together. There's a sense of sadness and regret in his words, as he realizes that he can never go back to those moments. The repetition of the word "y" (meaning "and") throughout the song serves as a reminder of the bond they once shared, as well as a symbol of the connection that still lingers despite their separation.

What makes "Y" so captivating is not only the lyrics but also Luis Miguel's powerful delivery. His voice is filled with raw emotion, and every word he sings resonates deeply with the listener. Whether it's the hauntingly beautiful high notes or the tender lower tones, Luis Miguel's vocal performance in "Y" is nothing short of breathtaking.

In addition to the emotional depth of the song, "Y" also showcases Luis Miguel's impeccable control and technique. He effortlessly transitions between different vocal registers, effortlessly hitting high notes with a sense of ease. His ability to convey such strong emotions with his voice alone is a testament to his talent as a singer.

Aside from its musical brilliance, "Y" has also become a timeless classic due to its relatability. The theme of lost love is something that many people can identify with, and the song serves as a comforting companion for those who have experienced heartbreak. Whether you're going through a breakup or simply feeling nostalgic, "Y" provides a soundtrack to your emotions and reminds you that you're not alone.

Over the years, "Y" has remained a fan favorite and a staple in Luis Miguel's concert repertoire. Its ability to evoke powerful emotions and resonate with audiences is a testament to its enduring appeal. The song has also been covered by various artists, further cementing its status as a beloved classic.

In the world of music, there are certain songs that become etched in our memories, capturing moments and emotions that we can never forget. "Y" is one of those songs. With its poignant lyrics, soul-stirring vocals, and timeless appeal, it continues to touch the hearts of listeners around the world. So, the next time you find yourself yearning for a song that speaks to your soul, look no further than "Y" by Luis Miguel.