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Penis Song album cover

Penis Song



Ladies and gentlemen, introducing
The "Penis Song"
(Oh no, he didn't) (Honkey dick)

[Chorus 1]
This is my penis song
I wish that I had a bigger shlong
One that was quite a bit more thick and way more long
One of those porno king kong dongs

[Verse 1]
Haha, check it out, yo, uh
I wish my dick was bigger, yep, I can admit it
I'm above average on inches but I wanted damn double digits
If I had a big ol' cock what would I do?
I'd probably go to Florida and show it to Trina and screw
Get butt naked and start streaking at my school
And get arrested but at least the girls would be impressed
With my third leg and, and then I'd go to a keg and
Do a keg stand, get drunk and do the running man
With no clothes on just to show off
"My dick's bigger than yours when mine is cold and soft"
Haha, oh yeah
I forgot that's not really the cock that I have
I went out and party-bagged 'em and quickly opened the package
And it fit me like Kriss Kross's old school starter jackets
Tryna convince myself like, "Size doesn't matter
Anyways I'd probably just put it on backwards," I mean
I know that God made us all different and special
But shit did he really have to invent lopsided testicles?
[Interlude 1]
I don't have them, I just... I feel bad for, like, you know the guys with like, you know, their left one hangs like lower than the right one, kinda like a—kinda like a lazy eye, like on your, on your balls. I don—I don't know, I just just heard that... I feel bad

[Chorus 2]
This is my penis song
I wish that I had a bigger shlong
One that was quite a bit more thick and way more long
Fellas, if y'all feel me sing along (Don't front, don't front)

[Interlude 2]
Yo yo yo, Ayo ladies? Yeah? Ladies? Yeah? Do you want a guy with an average dick? Hell no. Then—wait, you don't? No, honkey dick. Okay, that's cool (Whatever) No, that's fine

[Verse 2]
I promise, I'm so self conscious
That's why you never see me skinny dippin' in August
Always walkin' around with my hands in my pockets
Tryna pump blood into my guy Alfonso
I mean, goddamn I don't think you girls understand
I've had a complex since that song Short Short Man
And even though girls have told me that I'm big
When I watch a porno I feel like a little kid
I mean, let's take Ron Jeremy
Now if a girl sees him she'll compare him to me
And every MC in hip-hop has got a huge cock
Or at least talks about it in every song that they drop
I mean, shit
If I was really hung I'd make a whole album called Me and My Dick
With interludes of all the girls that I'd been with
And talk about my package and multiple orgasms
'Cause all that I see is that size does matter
We got Enzite, penis pumps, surgery to Viagra
But when it all adds up you can't really change it
I'm not a porno star, I just gotta face it
[Interlude 3]

[Chorus 2]
This is my penis song
I wish that I had a bigger shlong
One that was quite a bit more thick and way more long
Fellas, if y'all feel me sing along (Don't front, don't front)

Macklemore image

Some short introduction paragraphs about the most important things about the song.

Are you ready to have some fun and embrace the hilariously unexpected? Well, you're in luck because Macklemore has delivered an absolute gem with his song, "Penis Song." Known for his clever and thought-provoking lyrics, Macklemore takes a comical twist in this track, exploring taboo subjects with his unique brand of humor.

Get ready to embark on a journey that combines laughter, satire, and a touch of innuendo as Macklemore brings his sharp wit to the forefront. "Penis Song" is more than just a one-note joke; it's a reflection of Macklemore's ability to keep his audience entertained while addressing society's discomfort with discussing such topics openly.

About "Penis Song"

Let's dive deeper into the fascinating world of "Penis Song" by Macklemore. This track showcases the artist's ability to take a lighthearted approach to a subject that is usually shrouded in embarrassment.

Macklemore's clever wordplay and unmistakable charm shine through in the lyrics of "Penis Song." While some may dismiss it as purely comedic, the song has a deeper purpose - to challenge societal norms and encourage open conversations about taboo subjects.

The beauty of "Penis Song" lies in its ability to expose the absurdity of how we avoid discussing sexuality and bodily functions openly while simultaneously making us burst out laughing. Macklemore's clever metaphors and playful innuendos create a sense of perplexity, urging us to question our own discomfort and society's conventions.

Macklemore's use of humor is not just for entertainment purposes - it's a tool to dismantle our own inhibitions and invite us to embrace open dialogue. Through his wit and charm, he manages to draw attention to the hypocrisy surrounding discussions on sexuality, pushing boundaries while keeping us hooked with his catchy beats.

With "Penis Song," Macklemore proves that music can be both enjoyable and thought-provoking. This track challenges the status quo and advocates for a more open-minded society where we can discuss intimate topics without judgment.

Unleashing the Comedic Genius

Macklemore's ability to inject humor into his music without losing context or specific intent is truly remarkable. In "Penis Song," he showcases his comedic genius, combining unexpected metaphors, tongue-in-cheek references, and clever wordplay.

While some may argue that the focus on penises and sexual innuendos is juvenile, Macklemore aims to challenge our preconceived notions and make us reflect on the ridiculousness of the taboos that surround us. He effectively employs burstiness, ensuring that the song retains its lightheartedness while addressing a serious underlying theme.

Through his unconventional approach, Macklemore successfully brings humor to subjects that most artists would shy away from. By doing so, he creates a safe space where listeners can laugh and feel more comfortable discussing these topics openly. His use of anecdotal storytelling and witty punchlines adds an extra layer of entertainment and engagement that keeps us hooked from start to finish.

A Song with a Purpose

While "Penis Song" may seem like a frivolous endeavor at first glance, it serves a more profound purpose. By discussing taboo topics in an approachable and humorous way, Macklemore encourages dialogue and critical thinking.

The song tackles societal discomfort head-on, exposing the double standards and hypocrisy surrounding discussions on sexuality. It challenges us to reconsider our own attitudes and behaviors, urging us to free ourselves from the shame and embarrassment that often accompanies these topics.

Macklemore's skillful combination of perplexity and specificity ensures that "Penis Song" remains both memorable and impactful. His ability to engage his audience through humor creates an atmosphere of openness, allowing listeners to reflect on their own biases and start important conversations about self-acceptance and sexuality.

In a world where taboos still reign supreme, "Penis Song" is a refreshing and necessary reminder that discussing intimate subjects does not have to be uncomfortable or shameful. Macklemore's thought-provoking lyrics and satirical approach inspire us to challenge societal norms and embrace a more inclusive and accepting mindset.

So, dive into the witty world of Macklemore's "Penis Song" and embrace the laughter and self-reflection it offers. Through his lighthearted humor and infectious beats, he challenges us to shed our inhibitions and engage in conversations that truly matter.

  • Release Date: October 10, 2005
  • Artist: Macklemore