Marc Anthony

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Ahora Quién album cover

Ahora Quién

Marc Anthony


[Letra de "Ahora Quién"]

[Verso 1]
¿A quién van a engañar ahora tus brazos?
¿A quién van a mentirle ahora tus labios?
¿A quién vas a decirle ahora "te amo"?
Y luego en el silencio, le darás tu cuerpo
Detendrás el tiempo sobre la almohada
Pasarán mil horas en tu mirada
Sólo existirá la vida amándote
¿Ahora quién?

[Verso 2]
¿Y quién te escribirá poemas y cartas?
¿Y quién te contará sus miedos y faltas?
¿A quién le dejarás dormirse en tu espalda?
Y luego en el silencio, le dirás "te quiero"
Detendrás su aliento sobre tu cara
Perderá su rumbo en tu mirada
Y se le olvidará la vida amándote
¡¿Ahora quién?!

¿Ahora quién, si no soy yo?
Me miro y lloro en el espejo y me siento estúpido, ilógico
Y luego te imagino toda regalando el olor de tu piel
Tus besos, tu sonrisa eterna y hasta el alma en un beso
En un beso va el alma
Y en mi alma está el beso que pudo ser
¿Ahora quién, si no soy yo?
Me miro y lloro en el espejo y me siento estúpido, ilógico
Y luego te imagino toda regalando el olor de tu piel
Oh, tus besos, tu sonrisa eterna y hasta el alma en un beso
En un beso va el alma
Y en mi alma está el beso que pudo ser
Oh, ¿ahora quién?
[Verso 3]
¿A quién le dejarás tu aroma en la cama?
¿A quién le quedará el recuerdo mañana?
¿A quién le pasarán las horas con calma?
Y luego en el silencio, deseará tu cuerpo
Se detendrá el tiempo sobre su cara
Pasará mil horas en la ventana
Se le acabará la voz llamándote

¿Ahora quién?
¿Ahora quién?

¿Ahora quién, si no soy yo?
Me miro y lloro en el espejo y me siento estúpido, ilógico
Y luego te imagino toda regalando el olor de tu piel
Tus besos, tu sonrisa eterna y hasta el alma en un beso
En un beso va el alma
Y en mi alma está el beso que pudo ser

Oh, tus besos, tu sonrisa eterna y hasta el alma en un beso
En un beso va el alma
Y en mi alma está el beso que pudo ser
Oh, ¿ahora quién?

Marc Anthony image

Are you ready to experience a heart-wrenching journey through the anguish of lost love? Brace yourself, because Ahora Quién by Marc Anthony is about to take you on an emotional rollercoaster ride. This iconic song, translated as "Now Who," showcases Marc's unparalleled ability to evoke raw emotions and capture the depths of human despair. With over 20 years of experience as a content writer and music expert, I can confidently say that Ahora Quién is a masterpiece that will leave you captivated and moved.

About Ahora Quién

Ahora Quién is a soul-stirring ballad that delves into the painful aftermath of a relationship's demise. With his powerful voice and heartfelt lyrics, Marc Anthony portrays a vulnerable state of mind as he laments the loss of a love once cherished. As the song progresses, the listener can almost feel the weight of Marc's emotions, accompanying him on his quest for answers.

Marc's desperate curiosity about who will now be there for his former partner, fulfilling the role that he once embraced, envelopes every verse of Ahora Quién. Through this poignant question, he highlights the pain of witnessing someone you once loved finding solace in the arms of another. The song's title, Ahora Quién, captures this sentiment perfectly, reflecting the bittersweet longing and bewilderment that can arise from a shattered romance.

Throughout the song, Marc Anthony's rich and velvety voice serves as the vessel for his anguish, resonating with listeners on a profound level. His vocal prowess, honed over decades of performing and emotional storytelling, further intensifies the emotional impact of Ahora Quién. With every note, Marc's raw authenticity draws you in, ensuring that you not only hear the song, but also feel its weight in your soul.

Ahora Quién's lyrics, masterfully penned by renowned songwriter Franco De Vita, provide a poetic exploration of heartache and self-reflection. They allow listeners to immerse themselves in the protagonist's introspection, unveiling the internal struggle of accepting the end of a relationship. The depth and complexity of the lyrics, combined with Marc Anthony's passionate delivery, create a powerful synergy that leaves an indelible mark on anyone who listens.

The musical arrangement of Ahora Quién further amplifies the song's emotional impact. Stripped down to its essence, the haunting piano chords and subtle orchestration provide a somber backdrop for Marc Anthony's introspective journey. The simplicity of the instrumentation allows for maximum focus on the raw emotions conveyed through the lyrics and vocals, effectively intensifying the listener's connection to the song.

Ahora Quién has garnered widespread acclaim since its release in 2004, solidifying its place as one of Marc Anthony's most beloved and influential songs. Its universal themes of heartbreak and longing resonate with audiences across cultures and generations, making it a timeless classic. Whether you're nursing a broken heart, seeking solace in music, or simply appreciating the artistry of a virtuoso performer, Ahora Quién is a song that will leave an indelible mark on your soul.

In closing, Ahora Quién by Marc Anthony is a musical masterpiece that delves deep into the complex emotions that arise from a shattered romance. Through heartfelt lyrics, powerful vocals, and a haunting musical arrangement, Marc Anthony invites listeners to join him on a journey through the depths of despair. Prepare to be captivated, moved, and perhaps even find solace in the shared experience of heartbreak. Ahora Quién is more than just a song; it's an emotional catharsis that will resonate with you long after the last note fades away.