Marca MP

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Recuerda album cover


Marca MP


[Letra de "Recuerda"]

Mi amor, te quiero, te adoro
No puedo parar yo de pensar
En ese cuerpo, perfecto, tan tierno
Quisiera tocar tu carita

Y hacerte sentir la mujer más hermosa
Hacerte el amor en la cama con rosas

Quisiera besarte y poder tenerte
Llevarte a la luna unas tres mil veces
Como aquella vez que llegamos del baile
Se nos pasó el tiеmpo, ¿en qué?, solo Dios sabe

Te bеsaba el cuello mientras me marcabas
Hicimos mil travesuras en la cama
Recuerda, que sigo siendo dueño de ti

Hacerte sentir la mujer más hermosa
O hacerte el amor en la cama con rosas

Quisiera besarte y poder tenerte
Llevarte a la luna unas tres mil veces
Como aquella vez que llegamos del baile
Se nos pasó el tiempo, ¿en qué?, solo Dios sabe
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Recuerda, que sigo siendo dueño de ti

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Recuerda is a beautiful and captivating song by Marca MP that is sure to capture the hearts of music lovers worldwide. With its hauntingly beautiful melody and soulful lyrics, it's a song that you can't help but fall in love with. Whether you're a die-hard fan of Latin music or simply enjoy listening to good music, you'll surely enjoy this song and all that it has to offer.

About Recuerda

Recuerda is a Spanish word that means "remember" in English. This song is a beautiful ballad that talks about lost love and the memories that remain. The lyrics are emotive and passionate, and they will undoubtedly resonate with anyone who has ever lost a loved one or gone through a difficult breakup. Marca MP brings these lyrics to life with her beautiful voice, and her raw emotion is felt throughout the whole song.

The background music in Recuerda is equally impressive, with its intricate guitar riffs and soft piano melodies. It adds to the overall feeling of the song and perfectly complements Marca MP's vocals. The instrumentation in the song captures the essence of the Latin culture and the traditional sounds that many people associate with it. It is smooth and effortless, and it will transport you to a peaceful place where you can reflect on the past and cherish the memories that you hold dear.

Marca MP is the perfect artist to bring this song to life. With over 20 years of experience in the music industry, Marca MP is a seasoned professional known for her soulful voice and her ability to connect with her audience. Her passion for music is evident in every note she sings, and her ability to tell a story through her lyrics is truly remarkable.

Recuerda is a song that transcends language barriers and cultural differences. It is the kind of song that you can listen to over and over again without getting tired of it. It has a timeless quality about it that will resonate with people for many years to come.

All in all, Recuerda by Marca MP is a beautiful masterpiece that showcases the true essence of Latin music. It is passionate, emotive, and beautifully crafted, and it is a must-listen for anyone who loves good music. Whether you're on a long road trip or simply relaxing at home, this song is the perfect soundtrack to your day. So sit back, relax, and let Marca MP take you on a journey you won't soon forget.

  • Release Date: July 3, 2020
  • Artist: Marca MP