Marca MP

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Ya Me Tocaba Pistear (En Vivo) album cover

Ya Me Tocaba Pistear (En Vivo)

Marca MP


[Letra de "Ya Me Tocaba Pistear"]

[Verso 1]
Hoy esta noche nos anuncia borracheras
Hoy se me antoja pa' pegarme un pisteadón
Jalar la banda y que se traigan las botellas
Con mis amigos y mujeres de a montón

[Verso 2]
No siempre a diario se festejan los cumpleaños
Venga la banda y que me canten norteño
Y que me canten el corrido de mi padre
Pa' emocionarme y acordarme del viejón

[Verso 3]
No se me olvidan los consejos de mi padre
Que hiciеra caso y obedeciera a mi amá
Aquí еn mi mente bien presente sus regaños
Pero ni modo, ya me tocaba pistear

[Coro 1]
Me da tristeza y a la vez me causa risa
Porque de niño también se me complicó
Son experiencias que nos regala la vida
Para de grandes no cometer ni un error
Dice, pata seca
Tómala, tómala bien

[Verso 4]
A ver mis compas, las muchachas ya están listas
Pidan canciones pa que empiecen a bailar
Que alce la mano aquel que quiera mas cerveza
Porque con gusto yo se las voy a brindar

[Verso 5]
Son de estas horas que yo quiero mas que a nadie
Préstenme el radio, quiero saber como están
Están dormidos, lo está cuidando su madre
Ya tengo ganas de volverlos a abrazar

[Coro 2]
No digo adiós mejor dedico un hasta luego
Porque otro día nos volvemos a mirar
Ay, pa' mañana nos pondremos en contacto
Que mis amigos quieren volver a pistearEmbed

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Are you a fan of Mexican Regional music that's full of life and energy? If you are, then Ya Me Tocaba Pistear (En Vivo) by Marca MP is a song you need on your playlist. This song has been making waves in Mexico since its release, and it's not difficult to see why.

About Ya Me Tocaba Pistear (En Vivo)

Ya Me Tocaba Pistear (En Vivo) is one of the most popular songs by Mexican Regional group, Marca MP. The song is a lively mix of accordion, guitar, and drums that are typical of Mexico's regional music scene. The lyrics of Ya Me Tocaba Pistear (En Vivo) are about a man who used to party a lot but has now settled down and is ready to party again. The song talks about the joys of drinking, dancing, and having a good time.

Marca MP is a talented group of musicians who have been in the Mexican Regional scene for quite some time. Made up of four members, the band has a unique take on traditional Mexican music that has made them a hit among fans of the genre. They are known for their ability to create catchy beats and infectious lyrics that get you up and dancing.

Ya Me Tocaba Pistear (En Vivo) is a live recording of the song that captures the essence of Marca MP's music. The energy and enthusiasm of the audience add to the already lively performance, making it a great song to listen to when you need a pick-me-up.

The song has garnered over 30 million views on YouTube, making it one of Marca MP's most successful songs. Its popularity is not just limited to Mexico but has spread to other parts of Latin America and even the United States.

What sets Ya Me Tocaba Pistear (En Vivo) apart from other songs in the Mexican Regional genre is its ability to connect with people on a personal level. The lyrics are relatable, and the music is infectious, making it a song that you can listen to on repeat without getting tired of it.

Whether you're a die-hard fan of Mexican Regional music or someone who wants to experience something new, Ya Me Tocaba Pistear (En Vivo) is a song that you need to add to your playlist. Its combination of lively music and relatable lyrics makes it the perfect party song, and you'll find yourself dancing to it in no time.

  • Release Date: December 31, 2020
  • Artist: Marca MP