Marilyn Monroe

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Running Wild

Marilyn Monroe


1 ContributorRunning Wild LyricsRunnin' wild
Lost control
Runnin' wild
Mighty bold
Feelin' gay
Boisterous too
CaRefrainee mind

All the time
Never blue!
Always going
Don't know where
Always showing
I don't care!
Don't love nobody
It's not worhtwhile
All alone
Runnin' Wild!You might also likeEmbed

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Running Wild is a magnificent song that was produced by Marilyn Monroe, one of the most iconic figures of her time. This song is a timeless classic that has been enjoyed by music lovers for many years now, and it continues to be an inspiration for many artists in the music industry. This track represents a perfect fusion of jazz and pop, making it an excellent piece of music that is perfect for fans of both genres.

About Running Wild

Running Wild is a powerful and engaging song that speaks loudly to the soul. It comes with a catchy melody that is complemented by Marilyn Monroe's beautiful and soothing voice, making it a perfect tune for relaxation. The song's lyrics are loaded with emotion, and they speak to the freedom and wildness that we all crave in life. The lyrics is also very empowering, and encourages people to embrace their wild side, to be bold and daring, and to never be afraid to take risks.

The song's instrumental arrangement is second to none, and it is a perfect blend of swing jazz and pop music. The electric guitar comes in heavily towards the end of the song, giving it a grand finale and culminating in an epic finish. This song indeed captures the essence of Monroe's musical style and artistic prowess.

Running Wild debuted in 1954 as a part of the soundtrack to the film "River of No Return" in which Monroe starred. Lionel Newman and Earle Hagen composed the score for this film, including this track. The song title itself alludes to the film's storyline, where Monroe's character, a saloon singer, insists she is not one to be "tamed" despite the male lead being determined to do so, focusing specifically on the word "wild."

It has been many years since Running Wild was first released, but its impact remains evident in pop culture. Many artists today still find inspiration in this song, and it is often sampled in modern pop and hip-hop music. Monroe's voice lives on in this song, and the message behind it continues to resonate with many people. Running Wild is a song that stands the test of time, and its impact will undoubtedly continue to be felt for many years to come. It is a true gem in the world of music.

In general, Running Wild by Marilyn Monroe is an excellent song that combines the best of jazz and pop music. It arguably stands as one of Marilyn Monroe's finest musical performances, and it is clear that it will continue to be appreciated for many years to come. It is a timeless classic that resonates with all generations and has made its mark on pop culture.