Michel Teló

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Fugidinha album cover


Michel Teló


[Letra de "Fugidinha" por Michel Teló]

O Oooooooooo O Oooooooo

[Chorus 1]
Tô bem na parada
Ninguém consegue entender
Chego na balada
Todos param pra me ver
Tudo dando certo
Mas eu tô esperto
Não posso botar tudo a perder

[Chorus 2]
Sempre tem aquela
Pessoa especial
Que fica na dela
Sabe seu potencial
E mexe comigo
Isso é um perigo
Logo agora que eu fiquei legal

[Chorus 3]
Tô morrendo de vontade de te agarrar
Não sei quanto tempo mais vou suportar
Mas pra gente se encontrar
Ninguém pode saber
Já pensei e sei o que devo fazer
[Chorus 4]
O jeito é dar uma fugidinha com você
O jeito é dar uma fugida com você
Se você quer saber o que vai acontecer
Primeiro a gente foge
Depois a gente vê

O Ooooooo O Oooooooo

[Chorus 1]

[Chorus 2]

[Chorus 3]

[Chorus 4]

Michel Teló image

Hey there! Welcome to the delightful world of music, where emotions, stories, and melodies blend together to create magic. Today, we're going to dive into the infectious rhythms and heartfelt lyrics of Fugidinha by Michel Teló. This Brazilian sensation has captured hearts all around the world, and it's time to unravel the beauty of this song.

About Fugidinha

Inspired by the rich musical heritage of Brazil, Fugidinha takes us on a lively journey through love, passion, and the art of seduction. The song was released by Michel Teló, a renowned Brazilian singer and songwriter, known for his exceptional ability to blend genres effortlessly.

Fugidinha made its grand entrance into the music scene in 2011 as part of Teló's album "Na Balada." Almost instantly, it became a massive hit and swept across the nation, captivating audiences with its vibrant energy and catchy melody. Teló's distinctive vocals, combined with the infectious beats, create an irresistible fusion that demands attention and compels listeners to dance along.

The lyrics of Fugidinha tell a story of longing and desire. The title itself can be translated to "The Little Escape," portraying a desire to break free from the norm and indulge in a little romance. It paints a picture of a passionate encounter, a stolen moment shared between two lovers, filled with excitement and longing. Teló's warm and engaging voice brings these emotions to life, drawing listeners into his narrative and allowing them to feel every beat of the song.

One of the remarkable aspects of Fugidinha is its ability to transcend language barriers and captivate international audiences. In 2012, a Spanish version titled "Ai Se Eu Te Pego" was released, propelling Teló to global stardom. The song became an international sensation, reaching the top of music charts in numerous countries and creating a dance craze that took over dance floors worldwide.

With its infectious rhythm and energetic vibe, Fugidinha has become an anthem for celebration and joy. Whether you're at a party, a wedding, or simply enjoying a night out with friends, this song has the power to ignite the dance floor and create a shared sense of happiness. Its playfulness and groove are an invitation to let go and embrace the present moment, spreading smiles and good vibes all around.

Michel Teló's Fugidinha is a testament to the universal language of music. It effortlessly combines Brazilian influences with a global appeal, touching the hearts and souls of people from all walks of life. So, next time you hear the infectious beats of Fugidinha, don't resist the urge to sway your hips and immerse yourself in its mesmerizing charm. It's time to experience the magic!