Mon Laferte

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Caderas Blancas album cover

Caderas Blancas

Mon Laferte


[Letra de "Caderas Blancas"]

[Verso 1]
Cierra la puerta, ven siéntate cerca
Toma mi mano, mejor ya no hablar del pasado
Si no lo sabes tú, te lo digo yo
Que la vida ahora se siente perfecta
Toda tu esencia completa recuerda poemas

[Verso 2]
Sé que lo entiendes al mirarme de frente
Sé que no soy la única que esta sintiendo esto
Todo va y viene, amor
Que bonito se siente esta turbulencia
Llegaste, amante divino, como una tormenta

Toma mis caderas blancas
Toma lo que quieras, ya no hay nada que perder
Sacúdeme los besos, despéiname el espacio
Quiero perderme en el canela de tu piel

Toma mis caderas claras
Toma lo que quieras, tengo tanta sed de ti
Sí que valió la pena, mi amor, mi piel morena
Te 'toy queriendo, te 'toy amando tanto
[Verso 3]
Llévame lejos, allá a tu universo
Donde las palabras conversan, se tejen en verso
Allí te esperaré
Te entrego mis labios en este momento
La noche esta más azul, llévate este recuerdo

Toma mis caderas blancas
Toma lo que quieras, ya no hay nada que perder
Sacúdeme los besos, despéiname el espacio
Quiero perderme en el canela de tu piel

Toma mis caderas claras
Toma lo que quieras, tengo tanta sed de ti
Sí que valió la pena, mi amor, mi piel morena
Te 'toy queriendo, te 'toy amando tanto

Toma mis caderas blancas
Toma lo que quieras, ya no hay nada que perder
Sacúdeme los besos, despéiname el espacio
Quiero perderme en el canela de tu piel

Toma mis caderas claras
Toma lo que quieras, tengo tanta sed de ti
Sí que valió la pena, mi amor, mi piel morena
Te 'toy queriendo, te 'toy amando tanto

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Are you ready to dive into the world of Mon Laferte and her mesmerizing music once again? Today, we have a special treat for you - the fourth single and fifth chapter of her album Norma - "Caderas Blancas." This enchanting song takes us on a journey of love, exploring the depths of Mon Laferte's emotions as she finally surrenders herself completely to her partner.

But wait, there's more to "Caderas Blancas" than meets the eye. Beyond the literal translation, the title evokes a sense of purity and chastity, symbolizing the offering of these qualities to her beloved in this beautiful composition. It's a song that encapsulates vulnerability, trust, and surrender, all intertwined in a poetic melody that Mon Laferte masterfully delivers. Let's delve deeper into the world of "Caderas Blancas" and uncover its magical essence.

About "Caderas Blancas"

As we embark on this musical journey, it's important to understand the nuances and intricacies of "Caderas Blancas." The song holds a significant place in Mon Laferte's album, Norma, as it marks the fourth single released. Norma, an album influenced by the artist's personal experiences and emotions, takes listeners on a rollercoaster ride of love, heartbreak, and self-discovery.

In "Caderas Blancas," Mon Laferte manages to capture the essence of surrendering one's heart and body to the person they love. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of her letting go of any doubts or confusions and fully embracing the love she shares with her partner. It's a celebration of letting passion guide her, and unapologetically giving into the depths of desire.

The title itself, "Caderas Blancas," adds an intriguing layer to the song. Translated as "White Hips," it symbolizes purity and innocence. In a world where sexuality is often taboo, Mon Laferte uses this captivating metaphor to convey how she willingly offers these pure and chaste qualities to her significant other.

But it's not just the metaphorical meanings that make "Caderas Blancas" stand out. The song's musical composition is equally captivating. Mon Laferte's signature voice, filled with emotion and vulnerability, gracefully dances along with the smooth melody. The combination of delicate guitar strums and atmospheric instrumentation creates a dreamlike ambiance, enveloping listeners in a world of passion and desire.

As the song progresses, Mon Laferte's voice rises and falls, mirroring the ebb and flow of emotions that come with surrendering oneself to love. Each lyric is delivered with intention and conviction, making it impossible to not be swept away by the raw honesty and authenticity in her voice.

One cannot help but feel the emotional weight of "Caderas Blancas." The lyrics resonate with anyone who has ever experienced the tumultuous journey of love, reminding us of the power of vulnerability and letting go. Mon Laferte's ability to connect on such a profound level is a testament to her artistry and the universal language of music.

Furthermore, the production of "Caderas Blancas" showcases Mon Laferte's attention to detail. The arrangement is carefully crafted, with every instrument and element serving a purpose. From the percussive beats that drive the rhythm forward to the subtle harmonies that add depth and texture, each layer contributes to the song's overall richness.

"Caderas Blancas" is not just a song, but a complete sensory experience. It's a masterpiece that effortlessly combines poetic storytelling, heart-wrenching vocals, and impeccable production. Mon Laferte's ability to weave these elements together results in a song that resonates deep in the listener's soul.

Norma, the album that houses "Caderas Blancas," is a testament to Mon Laferte's growth as an artist. It showcases her evolving musical style, pushing boundaries and exploring new territories while staying true to her Mexican roots. With each song, she invites us into her world, allowing us to witness her experiences and emotions through her lyrical prowess and captivating vocal performance.

"Caderas Blancas" stands as a shining example of Mon Laferte's ability to create music that is both thought-provoking and emotionally resonant. It's a testament to her artistry and the power of music to touch our hearts and souls. So, take a moment, close your eyes, and let yourself be engulfed by the mesmerizing world of "Caderas Blancas" by Mon Laferte.