Mylène Farmer

Mylène Farmer avatar image
Sans logique album cover

Sans logique

Mylène Farmer


This is a blank formatted disket
This is a blank formatted disket
This is a blank formatted disket
This is a blank formatted disket
This is a blank formatted disket
This is a blank formatted disket

[Couplet 1]
Si Dieu nous fait à son image, si c'était sa volonté
Il aurait dû prendre ombrage
Du malin mal habité qui s'immisce et se partage
L'innocence immaculée de mon âme d'enfant sage
Je voudrais comprendre

De ce paradoxe, je ne suis complice
Souffrez qu'une autre en moi se glisse
Car sans logique, je me quitte
Aussi bien satanique qu'Angélique

[Couplet 2]
Si chaque fois qu'en bavardages, nous nous laissons dériver
Je crois bien que d'héritage, mon silence est meurtrier
Vous me découvrez blafarde, fixée à vos yeux si tendres
Je pourrais bien par mégarde d'un ciseau les fendre
De ce paradoxe, je ne suis complice
Souffrez qu'une autre en moi se glisse
Car sans logique, je me quitte
Aussi bien satanique qu'Angélique

This is a blank, this is a blank, this is a blank
This is a blank, this is a blank

Sans logique, je me quitte
Aussi bien satanique qu'Angélique
(Sans logique, je me quitte)
De ce paradoxe, je ne suis complice
(Aussi bien satanique qu'Angélique)
Souffrez qu'une autre en moi se glisse

(Sans logique, je me quitte)
De ce paradoxe, je ne suis complice
(Aussi bien satanique qu'Angélique)
Souffrez qu'une autre en moi se glisse

(Sans logique, je me quitte)
De ce paradoxe, je ne suis complice
(Aussi bien satanique qu'Angélique)
Souffrez qu'une autre en moi se glisse
(Sans logique, je me quitte)
De ce paradoxe, je ne suis complice
(Aussi bien satanique qu'Angélique)
Souffrez qu'une autre en moi se glisse

Mylène Farmer image

Can you imagine a song that defies all logic? Well, that's exactly what Mylène Farmer accomplished with her hit single "Sans logique." Released in March 1989, "Sans logique" is the tenth single by the French singer and songwriter. It is taken from her album "Ainsi soit je…" which was released the previous year in 1988. The song quickly climbed the charts and reached the impressive 10th position on the top singles chart in France. It's no wonder that "Sans logique" became a favorite among fans, selling approximately 200,000 copies.

But the impact of "Sans logique" goes beyond its success on the charts. The music video, directed by Laurent Boutonnat, made its debut on March 15, 1989, on the popular French television channel M6. The filming process took an entire week at the studios in Arpajon. The captivating storyline of the music video was crafted by Laurent Boutonnat and Gilles Laurent, while Marianne Rosenstiehl captured the essence of the shoot through her exceptional photography skills.

About Sans logique

"Sans logique" perfectly encapsulates the unique style and talent of Mylène Farmer. Building upon the success of her previous releases, this song stands out as a true gem in her impressive discography. With its bold lyrics and mesmerizing melody, "Sans logique" invites listeners into an enchanting musical journey that challenges conventional reasoning.

The song opens with a haunting intro, drawing us in with its mysterious ambiance. As the synths and percussion kick in, Farmer's distinct voice takes center stage, captivating us with her impeccable vocal performance. Her delivery is filled with raw emotion, effortlessly conveying the passion and intensity embedded within the lyrics.

Lyrically, "Sans logique" explores the depths of human emotions and the irrationality that often accompanies them. Farmer's poetic words invite us to embrace the chaos and unpredictability of love, urging us to surrender to its powerful force. The profound message behind the song resonates deeply, reminding us that sometimes, logical explanations fall short when it comes to matters of the heart.

Throughout the track, the instrumentation mirrors the enchanting lyricism, creating a truly immersive listening experience. The combination of electronic elements and orchestral arrangements adds layers of depth to the sound, elevating the overall production. The carefully crafted melodies and harmonies sweep us away, immersing us in a dreamscape that defies all rationality.

One cannot discuss "Sans logique" without acknowledging the impact of Mylène Farmer's mesmerizing stage presence. Known for her theatrical performances, Farmer brings the song to life during her live shows. Her captivating energy on stage, combined with mesmerizing visuals and stunning choreography, ensure that the audience is spellbound from the moment she steps into the spotlight.

Over the years, "Sans logique" has become an iconic anthem for fans of Mylène Farmer. Its enduring popularity is a testament to the song's timeless quality and its ability to transcend boundaries. Whether you're a long-time fan or a newcomer to Mylène Farmer's music, "Sans logique" is sure to leave a lasting impression.

So why not immerse yourself in the enigmatic world of "Sans logique" and let its captivating melodies and thought-provoking lyrics transport you to a realm where logic gives way to pure emotion? Join the millions of fans who have been captivated by Mylène Farmer's artistry and discover the magic of "Sans logique."