Mylène Farmer

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L’horloge album cover


Mylène Farmer


5 ContributorsTranslationsEnglishL’horloge LyricsLe, le, le, la

[Couplet 1]
Horloge ! Dieu sinistre, effrayant, impassible
Dont le doigt nous menace et nous dit « Souviens-toi ! »
Les vibrantes douleurs dans ton cœur plein d'effroi
Se planteront bientôt comme dans une cible :
Le plaisir vaporeux fuira vers l'horizon
Ainsi qu'une sylphide au fond de sa coulisse :
Chaque instant te dévore un morceau du délice
À chaque homme accordé pour toute sa saison

Le, le, le, la

[Couplet 2]
"Trois mille six cent fois par heure, la Seconde
Chuchote : Souviens-toi ! - Rapide, avec sa voix
D'insecte, Maintenant dit : je suis Autrefois
Et j'ai pompé ta vie avec ma trompe immonde !
"Rememer ! Souviens-toi, prodigue, Esto memor !
(Mon gosier de métal parle toutes les langues)
Les minutes, mortel folâtre, sont des gangues
Qu'il ne faut pas lâcher sans en extraire l'or !
Souviens-toi que le temps est un joueur avide
Qui gagne sans tricher, à tout coup, c'est la loi
Le jour décroit ; la nuit augmente, souviens-toi !
Le gouffre a toujours soif ; la clepsydre se vide
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[Couplet 3]
« Tantôt sonnera l'heure ou le divin Hasard
Où l'auguste Vertu, ton épouse encor vierge
Où le repentir même (oh ! la dernière auberge !)
Où tout te dira : « Meurs, vieux lâche ! il est trop tard ! »
(Souviens-toi !)

Le, le, le, la

(Souviens-toi ! Souviens-toi !)
(Souviens-toi ! Souviens-toi !)Embed

Mylène Farmer image

Are you ready to dive into the enchanting world of Mylène Farmer's music? Today, we'll be exploring one of her most captivating songs, L'horloge. Prepare to be transported into a mystical soundscape that combines haunting melodies with poignant lyrics. In this article, we'll delve into the story behind L'horloge, decipher the meaning behind its lyrics, and explore the artistic journey that Mylène Farmer has embarked upon with this mesmerizing track.

About L’horloge

L'horloge, which translates to "The Clock" in English, is a captivating song by the iconic French singer-songwriter, Mylène Farmer. Released in 2015, L'horloge can be found on her critically acclaimed album, "Interstellaires." This album marked a significant departure from Farmer's previous musical style, venturing into a more electronic sound while retaining her trademark poetic and introspective lyricism.

From the moment L'horloge begins, listeners are drawn into a sonic dreamscape. The song opens with ethereal synth sounds that create a sense of mystery and anticipation. Farmer's mesmerizing vocals then join the mix, effortlessly blending with the atmospheric instrumentation. Her voice carries a haunting quality that perfectly complements the atmospheric production, creating a truly hypnotic listening experience.

The lyrics of L'horloge are undoubtedly one of its most intriguing aspects. Farmer's poetic prowess shines through as she delves into themes of time, mortality, and the existential nature of human existence. The clock becomes a metaphor for the fleeting nature of life, ticking away like a siren reminding us of our mortality. Farmer's introspective lyrics invite listeners to contemplate the passage of time and the importance of cherishing every moment.

What sets L'horloge apart from many other songs is its ability to evoke a wide range of emotions. As the song progresses, it builds in intensity, taking listeners on an emotional rollercoaster. Farmer's impassioned vocals soar over the atmospheric production, creating a sense of urgency and emotional depth. Whether it's the moments of quiet reflection or the powerful crescendos, L'horloge never fails to leave a lasting impact on its audience.

Beyond its musical and lyrical brilliance, L'horloge also showcases Mylène Farmer's artistic evolution. Throughout her illustrious career, Farmer has continuously reinvented herself, pushing boundaries and exploring new sonic territories. With "Interstellaires" and songs like L'horloge, she embraced a more electronic sound, incorporating elements of synth-pop and atmospheric textures. This artistic experimentation allowed her to reach new heights and captivate audiences around the world.

L'horloge serves as a testament to Mylène Farmer's ability to create music that both captivates and challenges listeners. It stands as a hauntingly beautiful piece of art that invites introspection and offers a glimpse into the mindscape of one of music's most enigmatic figures. From its mesmerizing melodies to its evocative lyrics, L'horloge is a masterpiece that showcases the immense talent and artistic vision of Mylène Farmer.

So, if you're ready to embark on a musical journey that delves into the profound mysteries of life, look no further than L'horloge by Mylène Farmer. Allow yourself to be swept away by the enchanting melodies, thought-provoking lyrics, and emotional depth that this extraordinary song has to offer. Brace yourself for an experience that will leave you both perplexed and inspired, as Mylène Farmer guides you through the ethereal corridors of time.