Natalia Lafourcade

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O Pato (El Pato)

Natalia Lafourcade


3 ContributorsO Pato (El Pato) LyricsUn pato
Que va cantando alegremente
Cuac, cuac
Cuando se encuentra a un lindo gato
Miau, miau
Para cantar bosanova
Un ganso
Se entusiasmo alegremente
Cuac, cuac
Para cantar hacia la gente
Cuac, cuac

Y un perrito que hay estaba empezó a cantar
Cuando quería ensañar
El pobre pato se desafinó
Cuchi, cuchi como le sale
Sus notas feas eran peor que las del gato
La voz del pato era más que un desagato
Y en la nota final lo empujaron al agua
Y se puso a nadar

Qüick, qüick
Narana qüick, qüick
Qüick, qüick un pato

Se entusiasmo alegremente
Cuac, cuac
Para cantar hacia la gente
Cuac, cuac
Y cantarles bosanova
Cuando quería ensañar
El pobre pato se desafinó
Cuchi, cuchi como le sale
Sus notas feas eran peor que las del gato
La voz del pato era más que un desagato
Y en la nota final lo empujaron al agua
Y se puso a nadar
Qüick, qüick
You might also likeNarana qüick, qüick
Qüick, qüick un pato
Un pato
Qüick, qüickEmbed

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If you are looking for a rhythmical and upbeat song, you cannot miss O Pato (El Pato) by Natalia Lafourcade. This pop song is a great example of how music can convey joy, humor, and rhythm in a few notes.

About O Pato (El Pato)

O Pato (El Pato) is a fun and lively song that was originally written by Brazilian composer Jayme Silva and lyricist Neuza Teixeira. In the Spanish version known as El Pato, Natalia Lafourcade demonstrates her vocal versatility by bringing a unique interpretation that combines Latin rhythms with Brazilian beats.

From the first notes of the song, the catchy rhythm and playful melody grab your attention and make you want to dance. The lyrics are fun and easy to follow, and the chorus "Quack quack quack, Mr. Duck" is sure to get stuck in your head for hours. Even if you are not fluent in Spanish, the song's upbeat tempo and joyful vibe make it infectious and easy to enjoy.

Natalia Lafourcade's version of O Pato (El Pato) features a mix of instruments such as percussion, piano, and guitar. The song's arrangement perfectly balances an energetic tone with a light and playful sound that makes you want to tap your feet and join in the fun. The interplay between the different instruments and the catchy chorus combine to make this song a true masterpiece.

What makes O Pato (El Pato) even more remarkable is its cultural significance. The song is a perfect fusion of two Latin American countries' musical traditions: Brazil and Mexico. Natalia Lafourcade, a prominent Mexican artist, found inspiration in Brazilian music, highlighting how music can break down cultural barriers and bring people together.

In addition to its musical qualities, O Pato (El Pato) also has an interesting history. The song was first released in 1960 by Brazilian singer João Gilberto and quickly became a hit, inspiring numerous other artists to perform and record their own versions. Over the years, the song has been adapted to different styles and languages, including French, German, English, and Spanish, but Natalia Lafourcade's version remains one of the most popular ones.

In 2020, Natalia Lafourcade's version of O Pato (El Pato) received the Latin Grammy Award for Best Regional Mexican Song, underscoring the song's timeless appeal and popularity.

The Bottom Line

O Pato (El Pato) by Natalia Lafourcade is the perfect song to lift your spirits and put a smile on your face. Its upbeat melody, catchy chorus, and cultural significance make it a masterpiece of Latin American music. Whether you are a fan of Brazilian music, Mexican music, or just good vibes, this song won't disappoint. So don't wait any longer - hit play, turn up the volume and let yourself be carried away by the rhythm of O Pato (El Pato).