Natalia Lafourcade

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Que La Vida Vale

Natalia Lafourcade


[Letra de "Que La Vida Vale"]

[Verso 1]
Me quitaron la vida, me la arrebataron
Triste aquel día, el sol se apagó
Lloraron las flores, lloraron los ángeles
Algunas estrellas
El mundo paró

[Verso 2]
Me quitaron la vida, me la arrebataron
Terminaron los sueños, aquella ilusión
Desde aquí en el cielo, donde estamos los muertos
Ya no llores te pido en esta canción

Lo que quiero decir es que la vida vale
Porque la vida vale, hay que vivir
En cualquier instante, cuando menos los esperes
Así de vil y salvaje, todo llega a su fin

[Verso 3]
Me quitaron la vida, me la arrebataron
Triste aquel día, el sol se apagó
Dinero no importa, ni clases sociales
Solo honrar el momento y la felicidad
Lo que quiero decir es que la vida vale
Porque la vida vale, hay que vivir
En cualquier instante, cuando menos los esperes
Así de vil y salvaje, todo llega a su fin

Lo que quiero decir es que la vida vale
Porque la vida vale, hay que vivir
En cualquier instante, cuando menos los esperes
Así de vil y salvaje, todo llega a su fin

En cualquier instante, cuando menos los esperes
Así de vil y salvaje, todo llega a su fin
Que la vida valeEmbed

Natalia Lafourcade image

If you're looking for an uplifting and inspiring song to add to your playlist, look no further than "Que La Vida Vale" by Natalia Lafourcade. This popular track is a celebration of life, love, and all of the wonderful things that make our time on this planet so special.

With its catchy beat, infectious chorus, and heartfelt lyrics, "Que La Vida Vale" is one of the most beloved songs in modern Latin music. Whether you're a longtime fan of Lafourcade's or you're just discovering her music for the first time, this track is sure to put a smile on your face and a bounce in your step!

About Que La Vida Vale

"Que La Vida Vale" was released by Natalia Lafourcade in 2015 as part of her album "Hasta La Raíz." The song quickly became one of the album's most popular tracks, thanks in part to its upbeat pop sound and optimistic message.

The lyrics to "Que La Vida Vale" are all about finding joy and happiness in every moment of life. Lafourcade sings about everything from sunshine and rain to laughing and dancing, encouraging listeners to embrace all of the wonderful things that make life worth living.

One of the things that makes "Que La Vida Vale" so memorable is its catchy chorus, which repeats the phrase "que la vida vale la pena" (life is worth it) over and over again. This simple yet powerful mantra is a reminder to all of us to cherish the moments that matter and to live each day to the fullest.

Another standout feature of "Que La Vida Vale" is its bright and cheerful instrumentation. The song features lively acoustic guitars, driving percussion, and soaring vocal harmonies, creating a sound that's as infectious as it is uplifting.

At its core, "Que La Vida Vale" is a celebration of life, love, and all of the things that make our existence meaningful. Whether you're feeling down and need a pick-me-up, or you're simply looking for a fun and inspiring new song to add to your playlist, this track is sure to deliver.

In addition to its inspiring message, "Que La Vida Vale" has also been celebrated for its cultural significance. The song is a shining example of the thriving Latin music scene, showcasing the talents of some of the most talented and innovative artists in the world.

So if you're looking for a song that will make you smile, lift your spirits, and remind you of all of the wonderful things that make life worth living, "Que La Vida Vale" by Natalia Lafourcade is the perfect choice. With its catchy melody, upbeat lyrics, and infectious energy, this track is sure to become an instant classic that you'll come back to time and time again.