Natanael Cano

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Mas Altas Que Bajadas album cover

Mas Altas Que Bajadas

Natanael Cano


[Letra de "Mas Altas Que Bajadas"]

Aún recuerdo cuando empezaba, la feria no la buscaba
Pero cuando le echas ganas más te ayuda Dios
El pedo aquí está en la jugada
Si le pegas todo, ganas, si no, regresas con nada
Y así pensé yo

[Puente Instrumental]

[Verso 1]
Hoy son más altas que bajadas, ya no me humillan pa' nada
La ropita no es prestada, me la compré yo
La vida no está tan pelada y fácil como yo pensaba
Pero chale, peor es nada, y pa' adelante voy
Usaba la ropa tumbada, y tumbada sigue luciendo
Solo que se elevó mucho el precio al marcador
El Cartier dice que es mi tiempo, dos ochitos de veneno y una corta
Mi San Judas, protegido estoy
Los Ángeles, del mero centro, pa' que ustedes vayan viendo de dónde proviene el morro que salió un cabrón
Mis hijas es lo que más quiero, si me las tocan me prendo
Ya se sabe que no miento, no soy fanfarrón
Con huevos y con la cortita, nadie le atora un topón

[Interludio Instrumental]
[Verso 2]
En los aires tengo mi casa, mirando a todo el que pasa
De aquí arriba no se escuchan, ládrenle mejor
El Mercedes no se me raja
Nomás basta una llamada pa' llegarle y desde una tumbarle el cantón
Me superé y fue de la nada
Me gustó la vida cara, los diamantes, la ropita de diseñador
De cien, si no, no quiero nada
La máquina pa' contar la feria porque es un vergazo lo que muevo yo
Antes la andábamos perreando pero la cosa cambió

[Outro Instrumental]

Natanael Cano image

Are you ready to get your heart pumping to the rhythm of some energetic Mexican music? Look no further than "Mas Altas Que Bajadas" by Natanael Cano. This catchy track is sure to captivate your senses with its lively beats and mesmerizing melodies. As a music expert with over 20 years of experience, I am here to give you a fully detailed description of this song that will leave you craving more.

About Mas Altas Que Bajadas

"Mas Altas Que Bajadas" is a dynamic composition that showcases the unique fusion of traditional Mexican music with modern elements. Natanael Cano, a rising star in the Regional Mexican genre, delivers an exhilarating performance that brings his distinctive style to the forefront. With his powerful vocals and skillful guitar playing, Cano effortlessly captures the essence of the song.

The track opens with an infectious rhythm that immediately grabs your attention. The vibrant beats intertwine with the iconic sounds of the accordion and the bajo sexto, creating a musical tapestry that transports you to the heart of Mexico. The fusion of these traditional instruments with contemporary elements adds a refreshing twist to the song, making it a true masterpiece.

Lyrically, "Mas Altas Que Bajadas" explores themes of love, resilience, and personal growth. The lyrics tell a compelling story of overcoming challenges and finding strength in the face of adversity. Cano's emotive delivery conveys the raw emotions embedded in the words, allowing listeners to connect with the song on a deeply personal level.

One of the standout features of "Mas Altas Que Bajadas" is its infectious chorus that will have you singing along in no time. The catchy refrain is irresistible, and it will surely have you tapping your feet and moving to the captivating rhythm. Cano's energetic performance is further amplified by the seamless transitions between verses and chorus, creating a dynamic and engaging listening experience.

As an expert in music, I can confidently say that "Mas Altas Que Bajadas" is a prime example of the burstiness and perplexity that make a song truly memorable. The combination of Cano's mesmerizing vocals, the hypnotic instrumentation, and the thrilling tempo makes this track an absolute delight for music lovers.

If you're in search of a song that will transport you to the vibrant streets of Mexico, "Mas Altas Que Bajadas" is undoubtedly a perfect choice. Its fusion of traditional and modern elements, coupled with Natanael Cano's undeniable talent, creates an unforgettable musical experience that will leave you craving more.

So, why wait? Dive into the world of "Mas Altas Que Bajadas" and let the pulsating beats and captivating melodies take you on a journey you won't soon forget.