Neil Diamond

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America album cover


Neil Diamond


13 ContributorsAmerica LyricsFar
We've been traveling far
Without a home
But not without a star
Only want to be free
We huddle close
Hang on to a dream
On the boats and on the planes
They're coming to America
Never looking back again
They're coming to America
Home, don't it seem so far away
Oh, we're traveling light today
In the eye of the storm
In the eye of the storm

Home, to a new and a shiny place
Make our bed, and we'll say our grace
Freedom's light burning warm
Freedom's light burning warm
Everywhere around the world
They're coming to America
Every time that flag's unfurled
They're coming to America
See Neil Diamond LiveGet tickets as low as $33You might also likeGot a dream to take them there
They're coming to America
Got a dream they've come to share
They're coming to America

They're coming to America
They're coming to America
They're coming to America
They're coming to America
My country 'tis of thee
Sweet land of liberty
Of thee I sing
Of thee I sing

Neil Diamond image

Neil Diamond's "America" is an American classic song that graced the airwaves for the first time in 1980. The track is the third and final single from the soundtrack to the movie "The Jazz Singer." The song quickly became a massive hit, peaking at #8 on the Billboard Hot 100, making it one of Neil Diamond's most successful songs to date. This masterpiece is a heartfelt tribute to the American Dream, as seen through the eyes and emotion of an immigrant's son. The song gained a massive following, and its lyrics continue to resonate strongly with many people across the United States and beyond.

About America

Neil Diamond's "America" is an excellent piece of music that captures the essence of the American Dream. It's an anthem that speaks to the immigrant experience and the journey to success and prosperity. The song was inspired by Diamond's father, who emigrated from Russia to the United States in the early 1900s. The song is a tribute to the United States, its people, and its values, as well as the many immigrants who came to America seeking a better life.

The song's lyrics chronicle the ups and downs of an immigrant's life in the United States, tugging at the heartstrings of its listeners with sentiments and themes that are at the heart of what it means to be an American. The song opens with Diamond leading off with lines that speak to the yearning and hope that immigrants brought to the United States. "Far / We've been traveling far / Without a home, but not without a star / Free / Only want to be free / We huddle close, hang on to a dream." These lyrics paint a picture of immigrants traveling far, sometimes with nothing to their name, but determined to make a better life for themselves.

The song's narrative also touches on some of the difficulties that immigrants face in the United States, such as the struggle to make ends meet, cultural differences, and feelings of isolation and loneliness. Diamond captures these emotions brilliantly in the lyrics, "Everywhere around the world / They're coming to America / Ev'ry time that flag's unfurled / They're coming to America / Got a dream to take them there / They're coming to America / Got a dream they've come to share / They're coming to America." The chorus is a celebratory ode to the hope and determination that drives immigrants to take the journey and the success that the country offers despite all the odds.

Neil Diamond does an excellent job of painting a picture of the journey of immigrants, their tribulations and their triumphs. The song captures the spirit and promise of America, but also acknowledges that there are challenges. Despite this, Diamond makes the listener realize that they're worth pushing on in their effort for the American Dream, and joining the chorus of proud immigrants who have risen above the fray. It's a song that evokes feelings of pride, hope and patriotism, and it continues to inspire people across the United States to this day.

The Sound and Production

Musically, "America" by Neil Diamond is a true classic. The song opens with a simple acoustic guitar riff that mimics the rhythm of a train. As the song progresses, the tempo picks up, and the full band joins in. The arrangement is relatively straightforward, focusing mainly on Diamond's lyrics and the melody. The lyrics tell a story, and Diamond's unique voice pulls the listener in from the first lines.

The instrumentation in the song is very much rooted in the rock genre of the early 1980s. The song's pace picks up in the chorus, adding to the sense of excitement and urgency in the song's message. Diamond's voice is very much front and center throughout the song, with the instruments playing more of a supporting role. It's apparent that Diamond believes in the message of his song, and his conviction comes through in every line he sings. The simple yet powerful message of "America" is a testament to the strength of Diamond's songwriting and the power of his voice.

In Conclusion

"America" by Neil Diamond is more than just a song or an anthem; it's a statement about the American Dream, the pursuit of success, and the strength and resilience of the immigrant experience. The song's lyrics touch on themes and emotions that are universal and strike at the heart of what it means to be an American. "America" is a beautifully written tribute to the United States, its people, and its values, and it deserves its place among the classic pieces of American music. Neil Diamond's voice, the instrumentation and the overall message make this song a reminder of what the American Dream stands for, and it should be celebrated by everyone that calls America home.