Neil Diamond

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Lonely Looking Sky album cover

Lonely Looking Sky

Neil Diamond


3 ContributorsLonely Looking Sky LyricsLonely looking sky, lonely sky
Lonely looking sky
And bein' lonely
Makes you wonder why
Makes you wonder why
Lonely looking sky
Lonely looking sky
Lonely looking sky

Lonely looking night, lonely night
Lonely looking night
And bein' lonely
Never made it right
Never made it right
Lonely looking night
Lonely looking night
Lonely looking night

Sleep, we sleep
For we may dream
While we may
Dream we dream
For we may wake
One more day, one more day

Glory looking day
Glory day, Glory looking day
And all it's glory
Told a simple way
Behold it if you may
Glory looking day
Glory looking day
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Neil Diamond is a legendary singer-songwriter known for his unique voice and classic compositions that continue to resonate with music lovers worldwide. One of his most underrated tracks is Lonely Looking Sky, which captures the essence of Diamond's songwriting prowess and vocal talent. This song is a true masterpiece that showcases how Diamond can evoke complex emotions with his straightforward lyrics and melodies. Whether you are a long-time fan or a newcomer to Diamond's music, Lonely Looking Sky is a must-listen track that will leave a lasting impression.

About Lonely Looking Sky

Lonely Looking Sky is a stunning ballad that features Diamond's signature crooning voice and heartfelt lyrics. The song was released in 1971 as part of his Stones album, which went on to become a classic in its own right. The tune is a poignant reflection on the human condition, and how despite our triumphs and triumphs, we are often left feeling lonely and lost. Diamond's lyrics are simple yet powerful, and his delivery is nothing short of exceptional.

The song starts with Diamond's acoustic guitar strumming, setting the melancholic tone of the track. With each verse, the instrumentation shifts slightly, with Diamond's rich vocals taking center stage. The chorus of the song is particularly impactful, with Diamond repeating the phrase "Lonely Looking Sky" over and over again in a way that is both haunting and beautiful.

Lonely Looking Sky is a deceptively simple song that manages to pack an emotional punch. Diamond's lyrics are a masterclass in songwriting, with every word carefully chosen to convey a particular feeling. The song is a reminder that even in our most triumphant moments, we can still feel lost and alone.

The instrumentation of the song is also noteworthy, with Diamond's acoustic guitar providing the perfect backdrop for his vocals. The melodies are simple yet effective, creating a sense of yearning and melancholy that perfectly matches the tone of the lyrics. Lonely Looking Sky is a testament to Diamond's talent as a songwriter and musician.

Overall, Lonely Looking Sky is a standout track on an album filled with hits. It is a beautiful song that captures the essence of Neil Diamond's music and showcases his creative vision. Listening to this song is an emotional experience that will leave you pondering the complexities of the human condition.

In summary, if you are a Neil Diamond fan, Lonely Looking Sky is a must-listen track that you cannot afford to miss. It is a powerful reminder of Diamond's prowess as a songwriter and his uncanny ability to touch the hearts of his listeners.