Neil Diamond

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Shilo album cover


Neil Diamond


[Verse 1]
Young child with dreams
Dreaming each dream on your own
When children play
Seems like you end up alone

[Pre-Chorus 1]
Papa says he'd love to be with you
If he had the time
So you turn to the only friend you can find
There in your mind

Shilo when I was young
I used to call your name
When no one else would come
Shilo you always came and we'd play

[Verse 2]
Young girl with fire
Something said she understood
I wanted to fly
She made me feel like I could

[Pre-Chorus 2]
Held my hand out, I let her take me
Blind as a child
All I saw was the way
That she made me smile
She made me smile
Shilo when I was young
I used to call your name
When no one else would come
Shilo you always came and you'd stay

[Pre-Chorus 3]
Had a dream and it filled me with wonder
She had other plans
"Got to go, and I know that you'll understand"
I understand

Shilo when I was young
I used to call your name
When no one else would come
Shilo, you always came
Come today


Neil Diamond image

If you are a Neil Diamond fan, then you might be familiar with one of his early songs titled Shilo. Released back in 1967, this song didn't make it to the charts, but it was a valuable piece of art that Neil Diamond wrote during his early days as a musician.

While Shilo might not have been as famous as some of Diamond's greatest hits such as Sweet Caroline, it is still a song worth mentioning and listening to. In this article, I'll take you on a journey to discover more about this piece of music and why it is unique. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into the world of Shilo by Neil Diamond.

About Shilo

Diamond wrote this song based on his imaginary childhood friend named Shilo. The song tells the story of a lonely child who has his friend Shilo to keep him company. Although Shilo is not real, he is like an angel who guides the child and makes him feel less lonely.

The song starts with a beautiful melody played on a guitar, accompanied by a soft drumbeat that sets the mood for the story. Diamond's voice then comes alive, singing about his imaginary friend Shilo. Although the song is upbeat and melodic, the lyrics are quite sad, with lines such as "Lonely people, they're all the same, we know, we know when you're feeling empty and your heart's a real unknown."

One of the most interesting things about this song is the way Diamond creates a character out of Shilo, his imaginary friend. As he sings, he describes Shilo's presence, his personality, and how he looks out for the child. The song's bridge is particularly moving, with Diamond singing about Shilo's protective power; "Guardian angel, Swirling, swirling, all around, around, around me, Shilo."

The instrumentation in this song is also quite impressive. The guitar work is beautiful, and the piano adds to the melody's depth, creating a sound that is melancholy yet hopeful at the same time. The use of strings further emphasizes the song's emotional tone, as well as adding an orchestral quality to the sound.

The song's climax is a crescendo, with Diamond's voice reaching its highest pitch, accompanied by a drum roll and a guitar solo that adds a sense of urgency to the music. The lyrics become more intense, describing the power that Shilo has over the child's soul: "Shilo, when I was young, I used to call your name, When no one else would come, Shilo, you always came and we'd play."

Overall, Shilo is a beautiful piece of music that showcases Diamond's musical and lyrical abilities. The song's melody and instrumentation work together flawlessly, creating a sound that is both melancholic and hopeful. The lyrics, although sad, tell a story of friendship and companionship, reminding listeners of the power that imaginary friends can have.

It is evident why Neil Diamond became the legend that he is today - his ability to write songs that are both relatable and meaningful is a skill that only a few possess. Shilo is a testament to this ability, and it's a song that will continue to touch people's hearts for years to come.