Neutral Milk Hotel

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Circle of Friends album cover

Circle of Friends

Neutral Milk Hotel


6 ContributorsCircle of Friends LyricsGreet all your friends and they say hello
They tie all your ends until they tie
Yourself in again into something whole
Something secure and lost inside
And climb away

All of the forces we uphold
And all of the dangers we escape
You wonder sometimes how long we'll hold
Til all of this anger shows its way

And breaks away
I'm okay (x3)

There are just some things we can't know
There are just some things you can't face
But I will secure myself and blow
Against this disease that you embrace
And waste away

And beginning again takes so much time
And all of your friends come to watch you go
And as your machine pulls from the drive
You watch as their empty hearts explode

And blow away, away
I'm okay (x2)You might also likeEmbed

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Get ready to dive into the intriguing world of Neutral Milk Hotel and their captivating song, "Circle of Friends." This song holds a special place in the hearts of both the band and their listeners, as it delves into the complex dynamics between friends during challenging moments. Originally recorded for the album "Beauty," this track showcases the raw and emotive talent of Neutral Milk Hotel's frontman, Mangum. Join me on this musical journey as we explore the deeper meaning behind "Circle of Friends" and the impact it has had on the band's music.

About Circle of Friends

"Circle of Friends" is a thought-provoking track that invites listeners to reflect on the ups and downs experienced within friendships. As Mangum himself revealed, the song is not necessarily about his own friends but rather the difficult moments that can arise between friends. By delving into these "shitty moments," Neutral Milk Hotel manages to capture the complexities of human relationships, providing a relatable and emotionally charged experience for their audience.

With their poetic lyrics and intricate instrumentation, Neutral Milk Hotel paints a vivid picture of the tumultuous nature of friendships. The song's chilled-out and dreamlike soundscapes elicit a sense of introspection, allowing listeners to explore their own experiences with friendship. Through poignant storytelling and rich symbolism, "Circle of Friends" effortlessly captures the essence of navigating the ebbs and flows of these significant relationships.

Neutral Milk Hotel's frontman, Mangum, masterfully weaves his voice throughout the song, infusing each verse with a raw and heartfelt intensity. His emotive vocal delivery draws listeners in, ensuring that every word resonates deeply. The band's signature lo-fi sound contributes to the song's authenticity, creating an intimate and personal listening experience.

Lyrically, "Circle of Friends" showcases Neutral Milk Hotel's talent for crafting thought-provoking verses. The lyrics are filled with vivid imagery, metaphorical references, and poetic wordplay. Each line invites interpretation, urging listeners to delve into their own understanding of the song's meaning. This lyrical depth, combined with the band's imaginative instrumentation, creates a multi-layered sonic experience.

While "Circle of Friends" is undoubtedly a standout track on the album "Beauty," it also aligns seamlessly with Neutral Milk Hotel's broader discography. The band has established a reputation for producing music that is both sonically unique and emotionally profound. Their ability to tap into the complexities of human emotion is exceptional, and "Circle of Friends" is a prime example of this.

Since its release, "Circle of Friends" has garnered a dedicated following who appreciate its lyrical depth and musical ingenuity. The song has become an anthem for the introspective and contemplative souls seeking connection through music. Its presence in the band's live performances has further solidified its significance within Neutral Milk Hotel's repertoire, cementing its place as a fan favorite.

Ultimately, "Circle of Friends" is more than just a song about friendship. It is a testament to the power of music to evoke an emotional response and create a sense of unity among listeners. Neutral Milk Hotel's ability to capture the nuances of human relationships is unparalleled, cementing their status as musical visionaries.

So, take a moment to reflect on your own experiences with friendship, as you embrace the captivating sounds of "Circle of Friends" by Neutral Milk Hotel. Allow yourself to get lost in the enchanting melodies, poetic lyrics, and heartfelt emotion that this song has to offer. Let it be a reminder that even in the midst of the most challenging moments, the circle of friends we hold dear can help us find solace, understanding, and ultimately, a place to call home.