Neutral Milk Hotel

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Everything Is album cover

Everything Is

Neutral Milk Hotel


Jeff: "Who were you?"
Child: "A member of 'Kiss' or a punk rocker."
J: "Every year?"
C: "'Just kind of funny, yeah, I would dress up as a... punk rocker, when I was, um... little."
J: "So what'd you do when you became a punk rocker?"
C: "I wore a trash bag."

[Verse 1]
Growing sleepy as the rain falls
As children draped in flowers form a chain
They sing a song with jelly jars and bird calls
As night falls into dust and it's day again

[Verse 2]
I'm not afraid of a love parade in my daydream
Old men with kazoos and beating drums
But I awake and I see the streets are ice cream
It's just you and me and oh dear, our life has just begun

Everything is beautiful here
It's spinning circles around my ears
I'm finally breaking free from fear
And it's fading
[Verse 3]
Oh beautiful smiles, won't you stay awhile
We could close the door and sleep all day
It's a September sky with pretty pictures in my mind
That's lost its feeling of so afraid

Everything is beautiful here
It's spinning circles around my ears
I'm finally breaking free from fear
And it's fading

[Verse 1]
Grown sleepy now as the rain falls
As children draped in flowers form a chain
They sing a song with jelly jars and bird calls
As night falls into dust and it's day again

Everything is beautiful here
It's spinning circles around my ears
I'm finally breaking free from fear
And it's fading

Neutral Milk Hotel image

Get ready to be transported to a whimsical and introspective world with "Everything Is" by Neutral Milk Hotel. This enigmatic indie folk song is a true gem that captures the essence of the band's unique sound and lyrical storytelling. With over two decades in the music industry, Neutral Milk Hotel has masterfully crafted a discography that resonates with fans all over the world, and "Everything Is" is no exception.

About Everything Is

Released in 1998 as part of their critically acclaimed album "In the Aeroplane Over the Sea," "Everything Is" showcases Neutral Milk Hotel's signature blend of lo-fi production, poetic lyrics, and unconventional instrumentation. The song starts with a gentle acoustic guitar riff that sets the melancholic tone for the rest of the track.

As the song progresses, layers of instruments gradually come into play, including the haunting sound of the saw, vibrant horns, and a vibrant accordion. These unconventional choices give "Everything Is" a distinct and intimate feel, immersing the listener in a world of nostalgia and bittersweet reflection.

The lyrics of "Everything Is" are poetic and evocative, with frontman Jeff Mangum pouring his heart out through introspective and often cryptic verses. The song touches on themes of existential uncertainty, emotional longing, and the exploration of one's inner self. Mangum's abstract storytelling allows for personal interpretation, making the song resonate deeply with different listeners on a personal level.

Throughout the track, Mangum's vocals are raw and unfiltered, at times veering into a fragile falsetto that adds an extra layer of vulnerability to the performance. His delivery perfectly matches the introspective nature of the lyrics, allowing the listener to be fully immersed in the emotional journey that "Everything Is" presents.

One of the standout qualities of "Everything Is" is its ability to create a sense of perplexity and burstiness, captivating the listener's attention from start to finish. The song seamlessly transitions from tender and intimate moments to soaring crescendos that fill the sonic space with a captivating energy.

Neutral Milk Hotel's "Everything Is" has garnered a dedicated and passionate following over the years, becoming a beloved staple in indie music. The track's enduring popularity is a testament to its timeless appeal and the band's ability to create music that feels deeply personal yet universally relatable.

Whether you're a die-hard fan of Neutral Milk Hotel or discovering their music for the first time, "Everything Is" is a song that invites you to immerse yourself in its intricacies and let your imagination run wild. It's a musical journey that will leave you pondering life's mysteries, embracing the beauty of the mundane, and finding solace in the shared human experience.

So, sit back, close your eyes, and let "Everything Is" transport you to a world of poetic wonder and sonic brilliance.