Neutral Milk Hotel

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Ruby Bulbs album cover

Ruby Bulbs

Neutral Milk Hotel


6 ContributorsRuby Bulbs LyricsI need to taste your voice in my mouth
I need to taste your voice in the air
And I need to feel your skin against all that I retch out
And feel your voice all over everywhere

I need to paste your skin around the mailbox
And hold the postman in your smile
I need to fill your lungs with smallpox
And fill the glow of a sick and distorted life

Beautiful baby
All filled with angels
Beautiful baby
All filled with angels
Beautiful baby
All filled with angels
Beautiful babies
All filled with angels

We are wrecking in your over
We are swimming in your speakers
We are sticky stuff all over
Coming out from all your features
For free
And I say I want inside you
Because there's nothing on the surface
But it hurts to have to hold you
And all your holes they hold no purpose
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Hey there, music lovers! Today, I'm excited to dive into the intriguing world of Neutral Milk Hotel's song, "Ruby Bulbs." Brace yourself for a thrilling ride as we explore the misprinted title, the uncanny lyrics, and the emotional delivery that make this song stand out. Get ready to immerse yourself in a tale of psychedelic journeys, love, and haunting melodies.

About Ruby Bulbs

"Ruby Bulbs" is a captivating track by Neutral Milk Hotel that has left fans puzzled and fascinated for years. The title itself adds to the mystique of the song. It's worth noting that the misprinted title was corrected in the 2011 reissue of their album, "Everything Is." Since then, it has been recognized as "Ruby Bulbs."

One of the most intriguing aspects of this song is the confusion surrounding its structure. Upon listening to live recordings and various versions, it becomes evident that the last two verses are actually part of another untitled song. Yet, these two parts are often performed as a cohesive unit. The instrumentation remains simple, with just one A chord throughout most of the song. But when we reach the mesmerizing "swimming in your speakers" part, an A chord alternates with a D chord, adding a touch of depth and emotion to the music.

One cannot discuss "Ruby Bulbs" without addressing its lyrical content. The lyrics paint a dark and enigmatic picture, delving into unsettling themes. In a 1996 bootleg from Denver, Jeff Mangum, the lead singer, shed some light on the song's meaning. He described it as a song about someone taking a young girl and placing her around a mailbox to please a hallucinating postmaster. It's a haunting concept that lingers in the mind, invoking a mix of discomfort and curiosity.

The raw emotions conveyed in the delivery of "Ruby Bulbs" deserve special recognition. Jeff Mangum's voice possesses a captivating quality that draws listeners in, allowing them to experience the depth and intensity of the song. The somber notes and haunting melody further enhance the emotional impact, leaving a lasting impression on anyone immersed in its sonic world.

As fans of Neutral Milk Hotel know, the band has always had a knack for crafting unique and thought-provoking compositions. "Ruby Bulbs" is no exception. It showcases the band's ability to captivate listeners with uncomplicated instrumentation and resonate with them through deep, cryptic lyrics. The combination of these elements creates a sense of perplexity and intrigue that keeps fans coming back for more.

In a way, "Ruby Bulbs" serves as a metaphor for life itself. It exposes the dark corners and hidden depths that exist within our existence. By exploring the unsettling themes, Neutral Milk Hotel provokes us to confront the uncomfortable aspects of our reality, challenging us to delve deeper and seek a greater understanding.

In summation, "Ruby Bulbs" is a mesmerizing song that grabs hold of your attention from the very first note. With its misprinted title, mysterious lyrics, and emotional delivery, it stands as a testament to Neutral Milk Hotel's ability to create an experience that lingers in the mind of the listener. It's a song that defies easy categorization and rewards those willing to dive into its depths. Allow yourself to be captivated, bewildered, and moved as you embark on a journey through the enchanting world of "Ruby Bulbs."

So, grab your headphones and prepare to be transported into the enigmatic realms of Neutral Milk Hotel's "Ruby Bulbs." Let the music wash over you, and let the haunting melodies and thought-provoking lyrics engulf your senses. Experience the perplexity and burstiness of this remarkable track, and discover the magic that lies within its sonic tapestry.