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Perfect Circle



[Hook 1]
Three hundred and sixty five days in a daze
Spent up in a screen of purple haziness
My affair with this lady named laziness
Laissez-faire mon frère, au revoir les enfants
And... on and on it goes like a marathon
On and on it goes till the break of dawn of a new era
Who better to usher in the age of extras, et cetera, et cetera?

[Verse 1]
The one and only almighty and holy
Omnipresent and potent to show thee
The jubilee of free will at work for food for thought
Who would have could have should have said and done this and that
After the fact and fiction blended like a broken dictionary
Are we supposed to carry on all alone
By any means necessary, act tough when it's scary?
Fair enough, the moon has a dark side
The sun shines like there's not another day to waste in haste
A hot sec since the last time it got kinda cold to the bone
O Mi Deo Gloria, when the mind expands the body finds a temple
Inner area in which to flip the scripture
Dip the pen and picture in my heart, a scene apart
It's a perfect circle
It's a perfect circle
[Hook 2]
Three hundred and sixty degrees in a breeze
Sitting on top of the world it sure feels
Like a million souls are trying to eat
Off a plate worth a buck and nobody gives a nut yeah
Round and round it goes like a Merry-go and
Round and round it goes like a Ferris wheel and
Everybody knows that this earth is round but
Most of us still live like the world is flat

[Verse 2]
Clap, clap your hands to this beat
Celebrate word, life, and friends soon to be
All city, all state, then come across home plate
Talk about life mission on the journey to make
Hate and love, shove and hug, mate and fun, fate and luck
Break and bake the bread and cheese and let the day pass by
Fade into the past like an old calendar page
Chilling like barrels, taste finer with age
All the blessings on this planet disappear when taken for granted
You see the writing on the granite, understand it?
Follow though the steps till we meet before we're obsolete
Even it it's oblique to me, it's a perfect circle
It's a perfect circle
It's a perfect circle

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Are you ready to embark on a musical journey that will take you on a whirlwind of emotions? Well, get ready to be captivated by the mesmerizing sounds of "Perfect Circle" by Nujabes featuring Shing02. This song is a true masterpiece that delves into the profound concept of life's eternal cycle, beautifully encapsulating the essence of beginnings, endings, and the inevitable return to where it all started.

In the world of "Perfect Circle," Shing02 takes us on a reflective journey where he contemplates the ebb and flow of life. In the first verse, he reminds us that even in the darkest moments, the worst days we face are merely fleeting. They are like mere flash points in the grand scheme of things. Life continues, and no matter how deterring those moments may seem, they are just a small part of the perfect circle.

The second verse of the song embraces life in all its glory. It is a celebration of existence and a powerful message urging us to live life to the fullest. Shing02 assures those who have already embarked on the journey to the other side that they won't be alone for long. Someday, they will reunite with their loved ones, completing the perfect circle. It's a poignant reminder of the interconnectedness of our lives, where every departure is merely a temporary goodbye.

About "Perfect Circle"

Nujabes, a legendary Japanese hip-hop producer, has a distinct ability to blend soulful melodies with captivating beats. "Perfect Circle" is a prime example of his extraordinary talent, as the mesmerizing instrumentation sets the stage for Shing02's introspective lyrics.

With each beat, Nujabes weaves together a tapestry of emotions, creating a sonic universe that draws listeners into its cosmic realm. The ethereal soundscape takes you on a journey, evoking a sense of timelessness and contemplation. It's as if moments freeze, allowing you to immerse yourself in the present and ponder upon the perpetual cycle of life.

Shing02's heartfelt lyrics beautifully complement the music, adding depth and meaning to the track. His words strike a chord with the listeners, resonating with the universal human experience. As he reflects on the perfect circle of life, he invites us to consider our own place within this eternal process.

Throughout the song, the collaboration between Nujabes and Shing02 is nothing short of magical. Their synergy creates a seamless flow, where the music and lyrics intertwine harmoniously. The combination of Nujabes' hypnotic beats and Shing02's thought-provoking verses creates a sonic landscape that is both captivating and soothing.

As you listen to "Perfect Circle," you'll find yourself engulfed in a myriad of emotions. The music transcends barriers, speaking to the very core of the human experience. It invites introspection, prompting you to reflect on the nature of life and the cyclical patterns that govern our existence.

This song serves as a gentle reminder that life is a continuous journey, filled with moments of joy, sorrow, and everything in between. It encourages us to embrace the temporary nature of our experiences, finding solace in the knowledge that every ending leads to a new beginning. With each cycle, we grow, evolve, and deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

So, let the enchanting sounds of "Perfect Circle" transport you to a realm of contemplation and discovery. Allow the music to guide you through the twists and turns of life's eternal cycle, as you navigate the perfect circle that connects us all.

Experience the magic of "Perfect Circle" and immerse yourself in the depths of its introspective beauty. Let the music wash over you, carrying you along the currents of life's everlasting cycle. In this universe of sound, you'll find solace, inspiration, and a gentle nudge to live life to the fullest. Embrace the perfect circle and let it guide you on your own personal journey.

  • Release Date: October 7, 2015
  • Artist: Nujabes