Ricky Martin

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Quimera album cover


Ricky Martin


5 ContributorsQuimera LyricsPasaron tantas cosas
Antes de querer parar, parar, parar
Te perdiste en otras vidas y al final
La encontraste sin buscar
Todo por casualidad
Hoy aceptas tu pasado
Porque él te enseñó a amar, amar a amar
Tu mejor futuro de su mano va
Él te escucha sin juzgar
Mil historias que vivir
Y contar
Tu sabías que lo que era
Vivir entre las tinieblas
Pudiste ver a tiempo el humo
Que daba la hoguera
Tu entendías su quimera
Y él intentaba ser el hombre que todo el mundo quisiera
Te pasaron tantas cosas
Que nadie vio jamas, jamás, jamás
Él comparte su destino sin dudar
Ahora es más fácil respirar
Cada vez un poco más
Y así van cerrando las heridas
Aunque a veces se excusaran
Pesa más el porvenir que lo que pudisteis vivir
Tanto amor no hay Dios que lo pueda dividir
Tu sabías que lo que era
Vivir entre las tinieblas
Pudiste ver a tiempo el humo
Que daba la hoguera
Tu entendías su quimera
Y él intentaba ser el hombre que todo el mundo quisiera
Hoy no existe ya la duda
Y es que las manos se han cansado de ser mudas
Él es tanto para ti
Que de ilusión ya no puedes vivir
Si ahora tienes que huir otra vez
Y por el mismo camino de ayer

Ricky Martin image

Quimera by Pablo Alborán featuring Ricky Martin is an electrifying collaboration that blends the best of modern ballads with Latin pop. The track was released in 2021 as part of Alborán's latest album, Vértigo, which was produced under the Warner Music Spain label. The song features Alborán’s soothing vocals and Martin's rhythmic flows, making it a must-listen for anyone who loves contemporary music.

About Quimera

The song's title "Quimera" translates to "chimera" in English, which means an imagined or unrealistic dream. The song's lyrics revolve around the chimerical dream of a perfect romance and the nostalgic feeling of dreaming about that perfect love. The song has a melancholic tone, as the singer expresses his desire to submerge himself entirely in the fantasy, even though he knows it is not real and cannot be achieved.

The song's slow and melodic rhythm plays an integral part in recreating the feeling of an insubstantial and surreal dream. The music's instrumentation is a blend of traditional Latin pop with elements of electronic and R&B music, creating a distinct sound that combines classic and modern styles.

The track features a mix of Spanish and English lyrics. The Spanish verses, sung by Alborán, are romantic and nostalgic, while Martin's English verses are more passionate and hopeful. The mix of languages adds an extra layer of emotion to the song, as it caters to a broader audience, regardless of their language preferences.

The song's music video, directed by Nuno Gomez, is a visual masterpiece that perfectly translates the lyrics and emotions depicted in the track. The video features Alborán and Martin in a contemporary dance performance, creating a stunning visual experience that embodies the song's emotional depth.

Quimera is a song that captures the essence of modern Latin pop, combining traditional elements with modern twists to create a new sound. The song's theme of unrealistic and chimerical love paired with the catchy melody, offers an emotional gut punch that will leave listeners feeling all sorts of feelings. The collaboration between Pablo Alborán and Ricky Martin is an exceptional move, and their pairing on this song is a match made in Latin pop heaven.

Why You Should Listen to Quimera

If you're a fan of Pablo Alborán or Ricky Martin, you don't want to miss this emotional and musical masterpiece. The song's melancholic tune and lyrics will resonate with anyone who has ever felt the nostalgia of a past love. The song's overall composition, combined with the duo’s outstanding vocals, make it unforgettable and a must-hear for anyone looking for a modern take on Latin pop ballads.

The song is perfect for any mood, whether you're looking for something romantic, moody or simply wanting to listen to some excellent music. The song's mix of Spanish and English lyrics makes it accessible to a more diverse audience, regardless of language preference. The song stands out as one of the best tracks in Alborán's latest album, Vértigo, and is a testament to the singer's growth and the modern direction of Latin pop.

In closing, Quimera is a song that delivers emotions and melody in one perfect, bilingual package. It's a poignant ballad that marks the beginning of a new era in Latin pop, and we hope to see more collaborations like this in the future. So, what are you waiting for? Add Quimera to your playlist today and lose yourself in the nostalgic dream of perfect love.