Pedro Infante

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La Calandria album cover

La Calandria

Pedro Infante


1 ContributorLa Calandria LyricsEn una jaula de oro
Pendiente del balcón
Se hallaba una calandria
Cantando su dolor

Hasta que un gorrioncillo
A su jaula llego
"Si usted puede sacarme
Con usted yo me voy."

Y el pobre gorrioncillo
De ella se enamoro
Y el pobre como pudo
Los alambres rompió

Y la ingrata calandria
Después que la sacó
Tan luego se vio libre
Voló, voló y voló

El pobre gorrioncillo
Todavía la siguió
PA' ver si le cumplía
Lo que le prometió

La malvada calandria
Esto le contestó:
"a uste ni lo conozco
Ni presa he sido yo."
You might also likeY triste el gorrioncillo
Luego se regresó
Se paró en un manzano
Lloró, lloró y lloró

Y ahora en esa jaula
Pendiente del balcón
Se encuentra el gorrioncillo
Cantando su pasión

En una jaula de oro
Pendiente del balcón
Se hallaba una calandria
Cantando su dolor

Hasta que un gorrioncillo
A su jaula llego
"Si usted puede sacarme
Con usted yo me voy."

Y el pobre gorrioncillo
De ella se enamoro
Y el pobre como pudo
Los alambres rompió

Y la ingrata calandria
Después que la sacó
Tan luego se vio libre
Voló, voló y volóEmbed

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La Calandria by Pedro Infante is a timeless classic that has captivated listeners for decades. With its beautiful melodies, poignant lyrics, and the unmistakable voice of Infante, this song holds a special place in the hearts of Mexican music enthusiasts around the world. Released in [year], La Calandria showcases Infante's incredible vocal range and emotional depth, making it a truly unforgettable listening experience.

At its core, La Calandria is a song about love and longing. Infante's emotive delivery brings the lyrics to life, evoking a sense of melancholy and yearning that resonates with listeners. The song tells the story of a man who is entranced by the beauty of a woman, comparing her to the mythical Calandria bird, known for its enchanting song. Infante's passionate performance conveys the intensity of his feelings, immersing the audience in a world of unrequited love and desire.

Infante's talent as a singer and actor shines through in La Calandria. His powerful vocals and charismatic stage presence create a captivating atmosphere, transporting listeners to a moment of raw emotion. Infante's ability to convey complex emotions through his voice is what sets him apart as a truly exceptional artist. Whether it's the yearning in his voice or the raw vulnerability he exhibits, Infante's performance in La Calandria leaves a lasting impression.

The instrumentation in La Calandria further enhances the emotional impact of the song. The orchestration is skillfully arranged, combining traditional Mexican elements with a touch of romanticism. The beautiful string section adds depth and richness to the music, while the gentle strumming of the guitar adds a touch of intimacy. Every note and every instrument harmoniously combine to create a melodic journey that perfectly complements Infante's powerful vocals.

One of the most remarkable aspects of La Calandria is the way it transcends time. Despite being released decades ago, the song remains as relevant and captivating as ever. It stands as a testament to Infante's enduring legacy as a pioneer of Mexican music. La Calandria continues to be celebrated by generations of music lovers, who find solace and connection in its lyrical beauty.

There are numerous interpretations and covers of La Calandria, each adding a unique twist to the original. This speaks to the song's universal appeal and its ability to be reimagined in different musical styles. From mariachi bands to contemporary artists, La Calandria continues to be a source of inspiration for musicians worldwide.

La Calandria by Pedro Infante is a true gem in the world of Mexican music. Its emotional depth, melodic beauty, and Infante's captivating performance make it a masterpiece that transcends time. Whether you're a long-time fan or discovering this song for the first time, La Calandria is sure to leave a lasting impression that will stay with you long after the music fades.

About Pedro Infante

Pedro Infante was a Mexican actor and singer who became an icon of Mexican cinema during the Golden Age of Mexican cinema in the 1940s and 1950s. Born on November 18, 1917, in Mazatlán, Mexico, Infante began his career in the 1930s as an extra in Mexican films.

Infante's unique voice and charismatic persona quickly propelled him to stardom, and he went on to star in numerous successful films. His singing career paralleled his acting success, and he became known for his powerful vocals and ability to convey deep emotions through his music.

Throughout his career, Pedro Infante released numerous hit songs, many of which have become classics of Mexican music. His versatility as an artist allowed him to excel in various genres, including rancheras, boleros, and huapangos. His rich and resonant voice, combined with his acting talent, made him one of the most beloved figures in Mexican entertainment.

Tragically, Pedro Infante's life was cut short in 1957 when he died in a plane crash at the age of 39. Despite his premature death, his music and films continue to be celebrated and cherished by fans worldwide. Infante's enduring legacy as an icon of Mexican music and cinema cements his place as one of the most influential artists of his time.