Pink Guy

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Animal Man album cover

Animal Man

Pink Guy


I love animals, especially when they're dead
So get it embedded up in your head 'cause I'm headed to the Red Cross
I'm snapping dogs' necks like it's a hobby of mine
'Cause I'm rapping like a turban when I'm snapping this cat's spine
I love hitting deer and making these hounds fight
To you they might be screaming, but to me it just sounds like...
(Oooh, ooh)
If PETA begs me to stop
Like my cock was lodged down in their sensitive spot
And I rocked these polka dot furs from dogs that I killed
Along with ten other dogs, Greenpeace ain't thrilled
'Cause on my way to work
I try to hit as many squirrels and deer as I can
Endangered species are like harder targets
They greet me by my first name in the black markets (Oooh)
With fresh carcass, shredding like guitar picks (Ooh)
Yo, I’m known for killing raccoons
And baboons and kangaroos for a thousand smackaroons
And the Chinese butcher cook it well with more ash than Kutcher
If you find your dead pet in the yard, you can bet it’s me, Mr. Poultry
Chopping down the tall trees
Feed it pellets, I ain't talking about the Pedigree
Ha, you just made an enemy (Oooh)
Here, try giraffe: it's cooked and tastes heavenly (Ooh)
The only good animal is the livestock
So sit back with me and watch these felines rot
Killing animals is great, fuck the rules
If you're scared of the wild, just grab the right tools
Shoot the fucking birds out of the sky, and they're singing:
We fall again, we fall again (Grab your weapons, bitch)
We fall again
We fall again
(Uh, just watch them fall, uh)
I got these birds screaming like angels (Yeah)
When they fall out the sky, they looking mad grateful (Uh-huh)
Grab your shotguns and grab your rifles (Uh)
Have these birds looking sleepy like NyQuil
We fall again, we fall again
We fall again
We fall again

[Santa's Brother]
You do realize this is a song about killing animals?

[Filthy Frank]
Oh, let him rap about what he wants, he's just a boy

Pink Guy image

Are you ready to dive into the eccentric world of Pink Guy's music? Then get prepared for the explosive track, "Animal Man!" Originally created for Filthy Frank's Youtube channel in 2013, this song later found its way onto Pink Guy's self-titled album in 2014 as the final enchanting piece. In "Animal Man," get ready to explore Pink Guy's bizarre love affair with killing and devouring various animals. It's a track that pushes the boundaries of creative expression and serves as a testament to Pink Guy's unique and daring musical style.

About Animal Man

"Animal Man" stands as an audacious statement in Pink Guy's discography, delivering a wild and unapologetic exploration of his fascination with animals and the act of hunting them down for consumption. Through his witty and outrageous lyrics, Pink Guy boldly presents his eccentric perspective on the primal instinct of hunting and the satisfaction derived from indulging in carnivorous desires.

With its infectious and energetic beats, "Animal Man" instantly grabs your attention and refuses to let go. The song kicks off with a pulsating rhythm that sets the stage for the narrative Pink Guy is about to unfold. As the track progresses, the intensity escalates, drawing you deeper into Pink Guy's eccentric mindset.

Pink Guy's playful and tongue-in-cheek lyrics in "Animal Man" showcase his unique blend of dark humor and unconventional storytelling. He fearlessly dives into the controversial topic of animal hunting, blurring the lines between satire and social commentary. The song is, in essence, a sonic manifest of Pink Guy's artistic fearlessness and the willingness to tackle taboo subjects head-on.

Throughout "Animal Man," Pink Guy's delivery is as eccentric as ever, highlighting his versatility as an artist. His vocal range shifts effortlessly from smooth and melodic to aggressive and guttural, perfectly capturing the raw emotions behind the song. It's a testament to his ability to navigate various musical styles and create a dynamic listening experience.

Accompanying the captivating lyrics and Pink Guy's vocal prowess, the production of "Animal Man" boasts a fusion of genres, creating a truly eclectic sonic experience. The track incorporates elements of hip-hop, electronic music, and even experimental sounds, resulting in a sonically rich and diverse composition. The seamless integration of different genres adds an extra layer of depth to the track, making it a unique and memorable listening experience.

When it comes to Pink Guy's overall style, "Animal Man" perfectly encapsulates his quirky and unorthodox musical approach. His ability to tackle controversial subjects with such finesse and creativity showcases his refusal to conform to the norms of mainstream music. Pink Guy's music stands in a league of its own, unapologetically pushing boundaries and creating an unconventional and captivating listening experience.

As the final track on the self-titled album, "Animal Man" serves as a powerful closing statement, leaving the listener in awe of Pink Guy's unfiltered creativity. It concludes the journey through Pink Guy's eccentric world on a high note, allowing the audience to fully immerse themselves in his audacious storytelling.

In essence, "Animal Man" by Pink Guy is a remarkable track that pushes the boundaries of creative expression. Through its explosive beats, witty lyrics, and unconventional subject matter, the song encapsulates Pink Guy's unique style and fearless approach to music. It's a track that challenges societal norms and encourages listeners to dive headfirst into the unconventional, leaving an unforgettable impression.

  • Release Date: July 9, 2013
  • Artist: Pink Guy