Princess Nokia

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Morphine album cover


Princess Nokia


Smash my heart in pieces, it looks so good on the floor

People think it's fun and games but my life is really lonely
Ain't nobody that can save me, ain't nobody that console me
I'm an emo little boy and I want someone to hold me
Got my money like a blanket and I hold it when I'm lonely
Got my blanket and my bottle, yeah, you know I like to sip
Said her lips taste like morphine, asked me if I want a drip
I'm in bed when I'm lonely, I'm in bed when I'm sick
I'm in bed on a flight and I'm in bed on a trip
You say you love me, I know you're lyin'
You say you're sorry, well, thanks for tryin'
Got a new life, not invited
Got a date now and I'm excited
Is my meant to be being where I wanna be
So I turn off my phone and then I go to sleep
Spent a month on the road, every night a new bed
When I touch back home, could've sworn I was dead
Only focus was important so it's back to work
Always focus on my money, people think I'm a jerk
Yeah, I really, really want it, I can't waste no time
Everybody gettin' money, but I get mine

Think it's fun and games
And my life is so lonely
Can you please hold me?

Princess Nokia image

If you're searching for a song that combines raw emotion with captivating storytelling, then look no further than "Morphine" by Princess Nokia. This powerful track is the sixth song off her fourth mixtape, "A Girl Cried Red," and delves into the struggles that exist beneath the surface of Nokia's life. With her signature blend of fearless honesty and poetic lyricism, Princess Nokia takes listeners on a journey through her pain and offers a glimpse into the solace she seeks.

About Morphine

"Morphine" is a hauntingly beautiful song that showcases Princess Nokia's skills not only as a rapper but as a storyteller. Drawing from her personal experiences, she creates a vivid portrait of the hidden battles she fights while hinting at the possibility of finding relief in the arms of another. The title itself, "Morphine," serves as a metaphor for the escape she longs for, comparing it to the pain-numbing effects of the drug.

The lyrics of "Morphine" mirror the struggles many people face in their own lives. Nokia's poignant expression of her pain resonates deeply, drawing listeners in and encouraging them to confront their own demons. Through her lyrical prowess, she effortlessly captures the complexities of her emotions, leaving no stone unturned in her exploration of vulnerability and resilience.

What sets "Morphine" apart is Princess Nokia's ability to infuse her own experiences into the song, creating a deeply personal connection with her audience. She speaks directly to those who feel invisible, acknowledging that their struggles may not be evident to the outside world. In doing so, she offers solace and a sense of understanding, reminding listeners that they are not alone.

With her distinctive and unmistakable style, Princess Nokia combines elements of hip-hop, alternative rock, and punk to create a sonic landscape that perfectly complements the raw emotion of "Morphine." The production features moody and atmospheric textures, layered with a driving beat, creating a sound that is both haunting and captivating. Nokia's delivery is both fierce and vulnerable, further enhancing the emotional impact of the song.

Throughout the track, Princess Nokia's lyrics are filled with vivid imagery and introspection, inviting listeners to step into her world. She crafts evocative lines such as, "She's my cyanide in the night / I'm bleeding from the inside," painting a picture of the inner turmoil she experiences. These poetic elements not only showcase Nokia's lyrical prowess but also elevate "Morphine" to a work of art.

"Morphine" is a song that challenges societal expectations and provides a voice to those who often go unheard. Princess Nokia confronts her pain head-on, refusing to shy away from the difficulties she faces. In doing so, she empowers listeners to embrace their own struggles and find strength in vulnerability.

The message of "Morphine" is a testament to Nokia's authenticity as an artist. Through her music, she encourages her fans to acknowledge their own pain, confront their inner demons, and seek solace in healthy and empowering ways. Her powerful storytelling and relatable lyrics make "Morphine" a song that resonates on a deep emotional level.

In a world where vulnerability is often perceived as a weakness, Princess Nokia confronts this stigma and turns it on its head. She reminds us that it takes great strength to acknowledge our pain and seek healing. "Morphine" serves as a reminder that we all have struggles that may not be visible to outsiders, but that doesn't make them any less valid.

With its thought-provoking lyrics, atmospheric production, and Princess Nokia's captivating delivery, "Morphine" is a song that demands to be heard. It is a powerful anthem for anyone navigating the complexities of pain and the search for solace. Dive into this emotional journey and let Princess Nokia's "Morphine" offer you the catharsis you've been searching for.