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Simultaneous album cover




So, the first time I saw him was at the annual city festival, at the end of the plaza, on, uh, "Punker Hill", also known as "The Island of Misfits". Um, It's like a mound of black leather and army surplus jackets and boots and spiky egg-white hairdos and mohawks and second generation Exploited and Minor Threat and Sex Pistols patches and stuff. Basically a haven for the misunderstood punk-y, rock-y, goth-y, "woe is me" types.​

And, uh, and there he was, right in the middle of it all. Um, oversized yellow foam-rubber cowboy hat, and, pink plastic Toys-R-Us pistols and holster. Off-white dashiki, uh, shirt, and tattered bell bottom jeans, leather feet, Raleigh cigarette finger stains. And he was an island within an island, and I just, kinda had to know more.​

So, I, uhh, I sat with him for hours just trying to get a bearing on his beautiful insanity. Every third inquiry was met with, you know, an eloquent but unusual response, and, you know, the subsequent exchange, it kinda warranted continuing the conversation, cause he was, he was interesting. Uh, 'course the other, the other reason my efforts were dismissed, while he took in the constant flow of the festival crowd. All around us.​

Uh, a raging river of multi cultural music, art, food, families. Uh, all of this with his Walkman at full volume. I think it was Foreigner, playing through the headphones. And I asked maybe, you know "Hey, maybe you could turn that down, so we can talk?", and he replied "Can you hear me"? and I said "Yes", he said "Well, then it's fine". He never really pretended, not once, to be able to organize all of this chaos that was going on around us. Uh, he just unapologetically chose which pieces to focus on.​

Well, you know, after a few hours we seemed to have found our stride, found our rhythm, kinda settled into it, and we're having these intermittent conversations, uh, flipping back and forth between the chaos and the focus. And then, just kinda out of no where, he seemed to become a little unsettled and disturbed. And I asked him what was wrong and he just blurted out "Peanut parents in syrup", and then he looked at me like I would know what that means, and then he said, "You have any, do you have any batteries?"

So basically his, his walkman was running out of power and he just needed batteries, so before I could ever turn and ask one of our fellow punkers for some double-A's, he grabbed my face with both hands, and then for the first time in the entire conversation, he, gave me his complete focus and attention, completely present, and calmly said "We will never know world peace, until three people can simultaneously look each other straight in the eye."

[Verse 1]
Should the oceans rise (Rise, rise)
Should the sky come falling down (Falling down)
Should the islands tremble beneath us ('neath us, 'neath us)
See our better nature blossom (Blossom, blossom,)

[Verse 2]
Should the sun rain fire (Rain fire)
Should Hell on Earth freeze over (Freeze over)
And our inner beast wake hungry
See our better nature feed them
Should the sun rain fire
Should Hell on Earth freeze over
And our inner beast wake hungry
See our better nature feed and calm them
Find a way through, around, or over
Find a way through, around, or over
Find a way through, around, or over
Find a way through, around, or over

Find a way through, around, or over (Around, or over, around, or over)
Find a way through, around, or over (Around, or over, around, or over)
Find a way through, around, or over

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If you're a fan of alternative rock music, then you're probably familiar with the name Puscifer. This progressive and eclectic band, led by the multitalented Maynard James Keenan, never fails to push boundaries and deliver unique sonic experiences. One of their standout tracks, "Simultaneous," is a testament to their distinctive sound and artistic vision. So, grab your headphones and let's dive into the captivating world of "Simultaneous" by Puscifer.

About Simultaneous

"Simultaneous" is a mesmerizing composition that can be found on Puscifer's fourth studio album, "Conditions of My Parole," released in 2011. It showcases the band's signature blend of rock, electronica, and experimental elements, resulting in a truly immersive sonic journey. From the moment the track begins, you're transported to a world that exists only within this song, brimming with captivating melodies, thought-provoking lyrics, and an undeniable sense of intrigue.

At its core, "Simultaneous" is a beautifully layered musical arrangement that introduces listeners to a wide array of instrumental textures and sonic landscapes. The song effortlessly combines elements of rock, electronic music, and even hints of industrial influences. Puscifer's ability to seamlessly blend diverse genres is a testament to their musical prowess and willingness to experiment.

Maynard James Keenan's haunting vocals are the perfect complement to the atmospheric nature of "Simultaneous." His voice, which carries a captivating mix of raw power and vulnerability, draws listeners in, making them feel every word and emotion conveyed through the lyrics. Keenan's ability to evoke such a range of feelings through his vocal performance is a testament to his skill as a vocalist and his deep connection to the music he creates.

Lyrically, "Simultaneous" is a thought-provoking tapestry of words that encourages introspection and interpretation. The track explores themes of love, loss, and the duality of existence. It poses existential questions that resonate deeply with listeners, inviting them to ponder their own experiences and perceptions of reality. Puscifer has always had a knack for crafting lyrics that provoke thought and stir emotions, and "Simultaneous" is no exception.

Throughout the duration of the song, Puscifer takes listeners on a dynamic journey, constantly shifting and evolving the sonic landscape. From the ethereal verses that delicately float along to the explosive and intense crescendos, there is never a dull moment in "Simultaneous." The track is bursting with energy, creating a sense of anticipation and excitement that keeps you on the edge of your seat, eagerly waiting to see where the music will take you next.

What sets "Simultaneous" apart from many other songs is its ability to create a paradoxical atmosphere of both perplexity and burstiness. On one hand, it immerses listeners in an otherworldly and enigmatic realm, where the boundaries of reality become blurred. On the other hand, it unleashes a veritable explosion of sound, urging you to surrender yourself to the sheer power and intensity of the music.

Listening to "Simultaneous" is like embarking on a sonic adventure filled with unexpected twists and turns. It demands your full attention, rewarding you with intricate layers of sound and thought-provoking lyrics. Whether you're a devoted follower of Puscifer or a casual listener exploring their discography, "Simultaneous" is a track that will captivate and leave you craving more.

So, if you're ready to embark on a musical journey that defies the boundaries of conventional genres, "Simultaneous" by Puscifer is the perfect starting point. Prepare to be transported to a world where perplexity and burstiness coexist, and where the power of music knows no limits.

  • Release Date: October 30, 2015
  • Artist: Puscifer