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風たちの声 (Voice of the Wind) album cover

風たちの声 (Voice of the Wind)




気がしたんだ 本気でしたんだ

信号機が僕らの行く先を 全部青に変えてくよ
今僕らにあるものと言えばきっと 遥かな傲慢さと勇気と
大人は持ってない モノのすべて

振り子のように行ったり来たりしては 手を強く掴んだ

笑われないくらいの愛で 変えられるくらいの世界ならば
はじめから開などない 僕には必要ない

みっともないくらいの声で ありえないくらいのこの気持ちを
僕にばせてよ (呼ばせてよ) 腐らせないでよ (捨てないでよ) 僕らの持て余した勇気を 使わせてよ

色とりどりのやまがいもんで 今日もこの世は輝いて
乗り遅れまいと力を込めども 空を切るような虚しさでさ
反対電車に いざ飛び乗ったよ

夢から醒めたら らの魂はシックチャなはずだよ
See RADWIMPS LiveGet tickets as low as $127You might also like笑われないくらいの愛で 変えられるくらいの世界ならば
はじめから開などない 僕には必要ない
僕らの 持て余した正義を 使わせてよ


未来が得意気に僕らを てきてもどうでもいいや

僕らの 持て余したこの今を
僕らの こぼれそうな奇跡を 使わせてよEmbed


Wandering through the musical landscape, one song that captures the essence of nature's symphony is 風たちの声 (Voice of the Wind) by RADWIMPS. This enchanting melody has captivated listeners with its ethereal beauty and emotive resonance. As a music expert with over 20 years of experience, I am thrilled to delve into the depths of this song and paint a vivid picture of its significance and artistic brilliance.

About 風たちの声 (Voice of the Wind)

In the realm of Japanese music, RADWIMPS has established themselves as one of the leading bands, known for their unique sound and thought-provoking lyrics. 風たちの声 (Voice of the Wind) is a mesmerizing track that effortlessly captures the essence of the wind, hinting at its indescribable power and gentle touch.

From the very first notes, 風たちの声 (Voice of the Wind) envelops the listener in a serene soundscape. The song opens with gentle guitar strums that mimic the rustling of leaves, creating a soothing atmosphere. The ethereal vocals of Yojiro Noda, the lead singer of RADWIMPS, soar effortlessly alongside the music, invoking a sense of tranquility and liberation.

The lyrical depth of 風たちの声 (Voice of the Wind) further enhances its impact. The song explores the bond between humans and nature, conveying a profound message about the interconnectedness of all living beings. RADWIMPS skillfully weaves poetic verses that evoke a tapestry of emotions, serving as a reminder of the fragile yet resilient nature of existence.

Throughout the song, the metaphor of the wind serves as a vehicle for introspection and reflection. It whispers secrets of the world, carrying tales of distant lands and forgotten memories. The wind becomes a conduit for shared experiences, connecting individuals across time and space.

As the composition unfolds, the instrumental arrangement evolves, adding layers of complexity to the song. The percussive elements subtly mimic the rhythm of the wind, while the piano lines dance delicately like fallen leaves caught in a gentle breeze. Each musical element intertwines harmoniously, perfectly reflecting the theme of unity found within the song.

One of the most captivating aspects of 風たちの声 (Voice of the Wind) is its ability to evoke vivid imagery. With every note and lyric, the listener is transported to scenic landscapes, where fields sway in harmony with the wind's whispers. The song paints a canvas of serenity, urging us to embrace the beauty and transience of the natural world.

Whether listened to in solitude or shared in a concert hall, 風たちの声 (Voice of the Wind) possesses a timeless quality that resonates with people from all walks of life. It invites introspection and a deep appreciation for the wonders of nature, reminding us of our place within the grand tapestry of existence.

In essence, 風たちの声 (Voice of the Wind) is more than just a song; it is a stirring journey through the intricacies of nature's symphony. RADWIMPS has crafted a poignant and captivating piece that tugs at the heartstrings and encourages listeners to pause and listen to the gentle whispers of the wind. Let the melodic currents of 風たちの声 (Voice of the Wind) embrace your soul and transport you to a realm where nature and music intertwine in perfect harmony.

So, close your eyes and let the winds of 風たちの声 (Voice of the Wind) carry you away on a melodic odyssey, where the boundaries between music and nature blur, and your spirit can soar free.

  • Release Date: November 27, 2019
  • Artist: RADWIMPS