Rage Against the Machine

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Revolver album cover


Rage Against the Machine


[Verse 1]
His spit is worth more than her work
Pass the purse to the pugilists
He's a prize-fighter
And he bought rings and he owns kin
And now he's swinging
And now he's the champion

Hey revolver, don't mothers make good fathers? Revolver
Hey revolver, don't mothers make good fathers? Revolver

[Verse 2]
A spotless domain
Hides festering hopes, she's certain there's more
Pictures of fields without fences
A spotless domain
Hides festering hopes, she's certain there's more
Pictures of fields without fences
Her body numbs as he approaches the door
As he approaches the door
As he approaches the door
As he approaches the door
As he approaches

Hey revolver, don't mothers make good fathers? Revolver
Hey revolver, don't mothers make good fathers? Revolver
Hey revolver, don't mothers make good fathers? Revolver
Hey revolver, don't mothers make good fathers? Revolver
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Hey revolver, don't mothers make good fathers? Revolver
Hey revolver, don't mothers make good fathers? Revolver


Rage Against the Machine image

Revolver by Rage Against the Machine is a powerful and thought-provoking song that addresses the issue of domestic violence. The song explores the psychological and emotional turmoil of a woman who is trapped in an abusive relationship and fantasizes about using a revolver to defend herself.

With its hard-hitting lyrics and aggressive guitar riffs, Revolver delivers an unapologetic message about the dangers of domestic violence and the need for victims to take a stand against their abusers.

In this article, we will delve into the deeper meanings of the song and how it addresses the issue of domestic violence in a way that is both thought-provoking and powerful.

About Revolver

Revolver is a track from Rage Against the Machine's critically acclaimed debut album released in 1992. The song was written by the band's lead vocalist, Zack de la Rocha, and addresses a serious and often silenced issue: domestic violence.

At its core, Revolver is a song about a woman who is trapped in an abusive relationship and is reflecting on her situation. She is contemplating using a revolver to defend herself against her abusive partner and end her own suffering.

The lyrics of Revolver are raw and honest, with lines such as "I'm picking up the gun where you left off. I'll drop debts with a lead cough" portraying the woman's desperate need for escape.

The song is not only about the effects of domestic violence on the victim, but also about the societal norms that perpetuate the cycle of abuse. The lyrics question why society turns a blind eye to domestic violence until it's too late, asking "How come they never see the light that shines?"

Revolver is a stark reminder of the reality of domestic violence and the need for society to take a stand against abuse in all its forms. With its angry and defiant tone, the song challenges societal norms and shines a light on the issue that is often kept in the dark.

Revolver is a prime example of how Rage Against the Machine used their music to tackle social issues head-on. The band's anti-establishment and anti-oppression views were evident in much of their music, with Revolver being at the forefront of this message.

Through their music, Rage Against the Machine challenged listeners to look beyond the surface and question the status quo. Revolver is a perfect example of this, with its powerful message of standing up against domestic violence resonating as strongly today as it did back in 1992.


Revolver by Rage Against the Machine is an unforgettable and powerful song that delivers an important message about domestic violence. The song's raw lyrics and aggressive guitar riffs make it a standout track on the band's debut album, and its message of defiance against societal norms continues to resonate with listeners today.

Through their music, Rage Against the Machine challenged listeners to question the status quo and stand up against oppression of all kinds. Revolver is just one example of the band's commitment to this message and their willingness to tackle difficult social issues head-on.

Revolver may be a dark and unsettling song, but its message is clear: we must stand up against domestic violence and fight for a world where all individuals can live free from fear and abuse.