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The Temple of the King album cover

The Temple of the King



[Verse 1]
One day, in the year of the fox
Came a time remembered well
When the strong young man
Of the rising sun
Heard the tolling of the great black bell
One day in the year of the fox
When the bell began to ring
It meant the time
Had come for one to go
To the temple of the king

There in the middle of the circle he stands
Searching, seeking
With just one touch of his trembling hand
The answer will be found
Daylight waits while the old man sings
Heaven help me
And then like the rush of a thousand wings
It shines upon the one
And the day had just begun
(Uh uh uhh...)

[Verse 2]
One day, in the year of the fox
Came a time remembered well
When the strong young man of the rising sun
Heard the tolling of the great black bell
One day in the year of the fox
When the bell began to sing
It meant the time had come for the one to go
To the temple of the king
There in the middle of the people he stands
Seeing, feeling
With just a wave of a strong right hand, he's gone
To the temple of the king

[Guitar Solo]

Far from the circle, at the edge of the world
He's hoping, wondering
Thinking back from the stories he's heard of
What he's gonna see
There, in the middle of a circle it lies
Heaven help me!
Then all could see by the shine in his eyes
The answer had been found

Back with the people in the circle he stands
Giving, feeling
With just one touch of a strong right hand, they know
Of the temple and the king
(Uh uh uhh...)

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If you're a fan of epic rock ballads, then you'll surely appreciate the 'Temple of the King' by Rainbow. This masterpiece holds a special place in Richie Blackmore's Rainbow's discography and has captured the hearts of fans for years. Not only is the song itself a powerful and moving piece, but it also holds multiple interpretations and has been covered by various bands, solidifying its status as a timeless classic.

Originally released as part of the Richie Blackmore's Rainbow album, 'Temple of the King' has garnered attention through its storytelling and melodic composition. The song has resonated with listeners worldwide and has become a fan-favorite due to its ability to transport the listener to another realm.

Although the song holds a special place in Rainbow's catalog, it has also been embraced by other artists. One notable cover of 'Temple of the King' was done by the Scorpions as a tribute to the legendary Ronnie James Dio after his passing. This cover pays homage to Dio's influence and contribution to the world of music.

About The Temple of the King

The narrative of 'Temple of the King' is captivating and open to interpretation. At its core, the song tells the story of a young man who embarks on a journey to the temple of the king. This quest is driven by a thirst for knowledge and answers to life's deepest questions. Along the way, the protagonist encounters challenges and obstacles, ultimately discovering what he has been searching for and sharing it with the world.

The lyrics of 'Temple of the King' also allow for a more metaphorical interpretation. The song can be seen as a representation of one's journey through life, with the temple symbolizing the destination or purpose. As the protagonist navigates through trials and tribulations, they gain wisdom and understanding, leading them closer to their ultimate fate.

Richie Blackmore's guitar prowess shines through in 'Temple of the King,' demonstrating his ability to create melodic and emotive solos. The instrumental sections of the song transport listeners to a realm of fantasy and wonder. The combination of Blackmore's guitar work, the haunting vocals, and the atmospheric soundscapes created by the band form a harmonious blend that captivates the senses.

One aspect that sets 'Temple of the King' apart is its ability to evoke a range of emotions. The song effortlessly transitions between soft and powerful moments, taking the listener on an emotional rollercoaster. From the introspective verses to the soaring chorus, each section of the song is meticulously crafted to convey its intended impact.

The versatility of 'Temple of the King' is further accentuated by the fact that it has been covered by numerous bands over the years. The Scorpions' tribute cover stands as a testament to the song's enduring legacy and influence on the rock and metal genre.

As with any timeless piece of music, 'Temple of the King' continues to resonate with new generations of listeners. Its universal themes of self-discovery, perseverance, and the journey through life make it relatable to anyone who has ever sought answers or faced adversity. The song's ability to connect on an emotional level is a testament to its enduring power.

In essence, 'Temple of the King' is more than just a song; it is a testament to the creative genius of Rainbow and the impact of their music. Its captivating storytelling, emotive melodies, and universal themes have solidified its place as a timeless rock classic. So, sit back, open your mind, and let the enchanting sounds of 'Temple of the King' transport you to a realm of musical brilliance.

  • Release Date: August 4, 1975
  • Artist: Rainbow