Ramon Ayala

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La calandria

Ramon Ayala


1 ContributorLa calandria LyricsEn una jaula de oro
Pendiente del balcón
Se hallaba una calandria
Cantando su dolor

Hasta que un gorrioncillo
A su jaula llego
"Si usted puede sacarme
Con usted yo me voy."

Y el pobre gorrioncillo
De ella se enamoro
Y el pobre como pudo
Los alambres rompió

Y la ingrata calandria
Después que la sacó
Tan luego se vio libre
Voló, voló y voló

El pobre gorrioncillo
Todavía la siguió
PA' ver si le cumplía
Lo que le prometió

La malvada calandria
Esto le contestó:
"a uste ni lo conozco
Ni presa he sido yo."
See Ramon Ayala LiveGet tickets as low as $57You might also likeY triste el gorrioncillo
Luego se regresó
Se paró en un manzano
Lloró, lloró y lloró

Y ahora en esa jaula
Pendiente del balcón
Se encuentra el gorrioncillo
Cantando su pasión

En una jaula de oro
Pendiente del balcón
Se hallaba una calandria
Cantando su dolor

Hasta que un gorrioncillo
A su jaula llego
"Si usted puede sacarme
Con usted yo me voy."

Y el pobre gorrioncillo
De ella se enamoro
Y el pobre como pudo
Los alambres rompió

Y la ingrata calandria
Después que la sacó
Tan luego se vio libre
Voló, voló y volóEmbed

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La calandria by Ramon Ayala is a timeless classic that has captivated audiences for decades. With its unique blend of traditional Mexican music and modern influences, this song has become one of Ayala's most iconic and beloved compositions. In this description, we will explore the rich history and cultural significance of La calandria, as well as delve into the captivating melodies and heartfelt lyrics that make it a true masterpiece.

About La calandria

La calandria is a song that showcases Ramon Ayala's exceptional talent as a musician and songwriter. With its upbeat tempo and lively rhythm, Ayala takes listeners on a musical journey that is both uplifting and joyous. The song's instrumentation beautifully combines the traditional sounds of the accordion with the vibrant energy of the guitar and drums, creating a dynamic and infectious melody that is impossible to resist.

As one listens to La calandria, it becomes clear that Ayala's deep understanding and appreciation for Mexican music traditions shines through every note. The song draws inspiration from genres such as norteño and conjunto, incorporating their characteristic elements to create a sound that is both familiar and innovative. Ayala's mastery of the accordion is evident as he effortlessly maneuvers through intricate melodic lines, showcasing his technical prowess and musicality.

One of the defining features of La calandria is its captivating lyrics. Ayala's heartfelt words paint a vivid picture of a young bird, the calandria, and its symbolic journey that reflects aspects of life and love. Through poetic imagery and metaphors, Ayala explores themes of hope, resilience, and the pursuit of dreams. The lyrics resonate with listeners on a personal level, evoking emotions and memories that are universal.

La calandria's enduring popularity can be attributed not only to its melodic and lyrical brilliance but also to the cultural significance it holds for Mexican audiences. The song has become an anthem of sorts, symbolizing the strength and resilience of the Mexican spirit. Its uplifting message and infectious rhythm have made it a staple at celebrations, festivals, and gatherings, where people come together in unity and joy to dance and sing along to its infectious melody.

Ramon Ayala's contribution to Mexican music cannot be overstated, and La calandria stands as a testament to his remarkable talent and influence. Throughout his career, Ayala has been a pioneer in blending traditional sounds with contemporary elements, bridging the gap between generations and appealing to a wide range of audiences. La calandria, with its timeless appeal and universal themes, exemplifies the depth and versatility of Ayala's musicality.

In a world filled with ever-changing trends and fleeting hits, La calandria remains a steadfast presence, reminding us of the power of music to transcend time and connect people from different backgrounds. Its infectious melody and heartfelt lyrics continue to captivate audiences, bringing joy and inspiration to countless individuals. Whether you are a fan of Mexican music or simply appreciate the beauty of a well-crafted song, La calandria by Ramon Ayala is a must-listen that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression.