Ramon Ayala

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Que me lleve el diablo

Ramon Ayala


1 ContributorQue me lleve el diablo LyricsQue rayos me pasa a mi
Que quiero llorar gritando...
Maldito sea tu amor
Como te estoy adorando
Que suerte me cargo yo
Quisiera no haber nacido
Pa' que te fui a conocer
Si eres un caso perdido
Si un dia te fuiste de mi
Y hoy vuelves
Demonios que hago
Si te perdono, pa' que
Si te maldigo, que gano
Mejor tu sigue feliz
Y a mi que me lleve el diablo
Cantinas muchas cantinas
Recorro de arriva a bajo
Estoy asta el mero fondo
No puedo caer mas bajo
Si un dia te fuiste de mi
Y hoy vuelves
Demonios que hago
Si te perdono, pa' que
Si te maldigo, que gano
Mejor tu sigue feliz
Y a mi que me lleve el diabloSee Ramon Ayala LiveGet tickets as low as $57You might also likeEmbed

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Que me lleve el diablo, a popular song by Ramon Ayala, is an iconic masterpiece that showcases the talent and artistry of this renowned Mexican singer-songwriter. With his unique blend of traditional Mexican music and modern influences, Ayala crafts a powerful and emotional musical experience that captivates listeners from the first note to the last.

About Que me lleve el diablo, it is a poignant and heartfelt ballad that explores themes of love, loss, and longing. The song tells the story of a person, who, in the face of heartbreak, wishes for the devil to take them away from the pain and misery that love has brought upon them.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Que me lleve el diablo is the raw emotion that Ayala brings to the performance. His expressive vocals, filled with anguish and vulnerability, resonate deeply with listeners, evoking a sense of empathy and understanding. The song is a testament to Ayala's ability to convey complex emotions through his music, touching the hearts of his audience.

Through his masterful songwriting, Ayala brings the lyrics of Que me lleve el diablo to life, painting a vivid picture of heartache and despair. The poetic nature of the lyrics allows listeners to connect with the song on a profound level, as they reflect on their own experiences of love and loss.

Accompanying Ayala's emotive vocals and poignant lyrics is the musical arrangement that sets the perfect backdrop for the song's powerful narrative. The combination of traditional Mexican instruments such as the accordion and the guitar, blended with contemporary production elements, create a rich and captivating sound. The music builds and swells, enhancing the emotional impact of the song, effectively capturing the essence of the lyrics.

Ramon Ayala's Que me lleve el diablo has become an anthem for those who have experienced heartbreak and pain in love. Its resonance with listeners across generations is a testament to the enduring power of Ayala's music and his ability to tap into the universal experiences of human emotion.

Throughout his illustrious career, Ramon Ayala has solidified his status as a musical legend. With his extraordinary talent and his ability to transport listeners through his music, Ayala has become one of the most influential figures in Mexican music history. His songs, like Que me lleve el diablo, continue to captivate and inspire audiences around the world, leaving an indelible mark on the music industry.

So, if you're searching for a song that will move your soul and resonate with your own experiences of love and heartache, look no further than Que me lleve el diablo by Ramon Ayala. It's a musical journey that will leave you breathless, reminding you of the power of music to transcend language and touch the deepest parts of our being.