Randy Travis

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Point of Light

Randy Travis


[Verse 1]
There is a point when you cannot walk away
When you have to stand up straight and tall and mean the word you say
There is a point you must decide just to do it 'cause it's right
That's when you become a point of light

[Verse 2]
There is a darkness that everyone must face
It wants to take what's good and fair and lay it all to waste
And that darkness covers everything in sight
Until it meets a single point of light

All it takes is a point of light
A ray of hope in the darkest night
If you see what's wrong and you try to make it right
You will be a point of light

[Verse 3]
There are heroes whose names we never hear
A dedicated army of quiet volunteers
Reaching out to feed the hungry, reaching out to save the land
Reaching out to help their fellow man

[Verse 4]
There are dreamers who are making dreams come true
Taking time to to teach the children, there's nothing they can't do
Giving shelter to the homeless, giving hope to those without
Isn't that what this land's all about?
One by one, from the mountains to the sea
Points of light are calling out to you and me

All it takes is a point of light
A ray of hope in the darkest night
If you see what's wrong and you try to make it right
You will be a point of light

If you see what's wrong and you try to make it right
You will be a point of lightEmbed

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Are you ready to embark on a musical journey that will touch your heart and inspire you to make a difference in the world? Look no further than "Point of Light," a timeless song written by Don Schlitz and Thom Schuyler. Originally commissioned by then-President George H. W. Bush for his prestigious charitable organization, Points of Light, this track strikes a deep chord within listeners, urging them to contribute to society and be the guiding force of goodness, irrespective of whether anyone is watching.

About Point of Light

The story behind "Point of Light" is as captivating as the song itself. In the early 1990s, then-President George H. W. Bush established Points of Light, an organization dedicated to promoting volunteerism and community service. To further amplify the mission and inspire individuals to get involved, President Bush reached out to acclaimed songwriters Don Schlitz and Thom Schuyler to craft a song that captured the essence of making a positive impact on the world.

With their seasoned songwriting expertise, Schlitz and Schuyler carefully crafted the lyrics of "Point of Light" to convey a profound moral and ethical message. The core idea behind this powerful anthem is the belief that doing the right thing, even when no one is watching, holds immeasurable value. The lyrics inspire listeners to embody the concept of being a beacon of light, illuminating the path for others and leaving an indelible mark on the world.

When you delve into the captivating lyrics of "Point of Light," you'll find yourself being transported to a world where selflessness and compassion reign. The words resonate with the notion that true acts of kindness and goodness often go unnoticed but have far-reaching effects. As the song poignantly states, "When you do things right, people won't be sure that you've done anything at all." These profound lines, akin to the wisdom of God in Futurama's "Godfellas" episode, truly encapsulate the song's overarching message.

Randy Travis, renowned for his distinctive baritone vocals and emotional depth, was chosen to bring "Point of Light" to life. Travis effortlessly infuses the song with his signature style, allowing the heartfelt lyrics to come alive. His nuanced delivery adds layers of emotion, captivating listeners and urging them to embrace the song's call-to-action.

"Point of Light" is undoubtedly one of Randy Travis' standout performances, showcasing his ability to connect with listeners on a deeply emotional level. Travis' soulful rendition transcends the boundaries of a mere song, morphing it into a melodic experience that lingers in the hearts of all who hear it. With his heartfelt delivery, Travis beautifully imparts the song's inspirational message, leaving an indelible imprint on the hearts and minds of his audience.

Since its release, "Point of Light" has become an anthem for those striving to make a difference. Its timeless message continues to resonate and inspire individuals across generations. The song's universal appeal lies in its ability to touch the core of our humanity and remind us of the transformative power of acts of kindness, regardless of the scale. Whether it's a small act of charity or a grand gesture, "Point of Light" serves as a gentle guide, urging us to embrace the potential we all possess to change the world.

As you dive into the captivating world of "Point of Light," allow its haunting melodies and poignant lyrics to provoke self-reflection and motivate you to be the change you wish to see. Let this song be a constant reminder that even when no one is watching, your actions have the power to illuminate the darkest corners of society and make a lasting impact.

So, are you ready to embark on a journey of compassion, guided by the ethereal sounds of Randy Travis' "Point of Light"? Let this song serve as a beacon, lighting your path and reminding you of the extraordinary heights humanity can reach when we choose to do the right thing, regardless of the circumstances. Embrace the power within you, and let your light shine.