Ricky Martin

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Fuego De Noche, Nieve De Dia album cover

Fuego De Noche, Nieve De Dia

Ricky Martin


[Letra de "Fuego De Noche, Nieve De Dia"]

[Verso 1]
Antes de que empiece a amanecer
Y vuelvas a tu vida habitual
Debes comprender que entre los dos
Todo ha sido puro y natural

[Coro 1]
Tu loca mania Has sido mia
Solo una vez Dulce ironia
Fuego de noche, nieve de dia

[Verso 2]
Luego te levantas y te vas
El te esta esperando como siempre
Luces tu sonrisa mas normal
Blanca, pero fria como nieve

[Coro 1]
Tu loca mania Has sido mia
Solo una vez Dulce ironia
Fuego de noche, nieve de dia

[Coro 2]
Y mientras yo me quedo sin ti
Como un huracan rabioso y febril
Tanta pasion, tanta osadia oh, tu
Fuego de noche, nieve de dia
[Verso 3]
Noche a noche en blanco sin dormir
Ardo entre los pliegues de mi cama
Se que estas a punto de venir
Pero solo viene la manana

[Coro 1]
Tu loca mania Has sido mia
Solo una vez Dulce ironia
Fuego de noche, nieve de dia

[Coro 2]
Y mientras yo me quedo sin ti
Como un huracan rabioso y febril
Tanta pasion, tanta osadia oh, tu
Fuego de noche, nieve de diaEmbed

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If you are an avid follower of Latin pop music, you might have come across the hit song Fuego De Noche, Nieve De Dia by Ricky Martin. The song is an absolute classic and a staple for every Latin enthusiast.

Released in 1995, Fuego De Noche, Nieve De Dia was an instant hit and a massive commercial success. The song perfectly showcases the versatility of Ricky Martin's voice, and the lyrics are catchy enough to make you want to dance.

About Fuego De Noche, Nieve De Dia

The title of the song translates to "Fire at Night, Snow by Day," and Ricky Martin tells a story of a person who is struggling to come to terms with their feelings of love. The lyrics are poetic and blend perfectly with the melody, making it a song that you can listen to on repeat without getting bored.

The music video for Fuego De Noche, Nieve De Dia is breathtaking, and it perfectly captures the essence of the song. In the video, Ricky Martin performs the song in the middle of a snowy landscape, while a dancer performs a mesmerizing routine behind him.

The song has a unique rhythm that sets it apart from other Latin pop songs of that era. The blend of electric guitars, trumpets, and drums creates a compelling sound that will make you want to dance. The lyrics are in Spanish, but you do not need to understand the language to feel the passion and intensity behind them.

Fuego De Noche, Nieve De Dia won Ricky Martin numerous awards, including the coveted Billboard Award for Latin Pop Song of the Year. The song was also the opening track for his 1995 album A Medio Vivir, which sold millions of copies worldwide. A Medio Vivir is regarded as one of the most influential Latin pop albums of all time, and Fuego De Noche, Nieve De Dia played a significant role in its success.

The success of the song saw Ricky Martin skyrocket to international fame, and he went on to release numerous other hits. Even today, Fuego De Noche, Nieve De Dia remains a fan favorite and a staple in every Latin pop enthusiast's playlist.

In 2020, 25 years after the release of the song, Ricky Martin took to social media to express his gratitude for the song's success. He thanked his fans for their unwavering support throughout the years and hinted that he might perform the song during his upcoming concerts.

Wrapping Up

From the catchy lyrics to the infectious rhythm, Fuego De Noche, Nieve De Dia is a song that you cannot help but love. Its success solidified Ricky Martin's status as a Latin pop icon, and it remains one of the most influential Latin pop songs of all time. If you haven't listened to this song yet, you are missing out on a true masterpiece.