Roberto Carlos

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O Portão album cover

O Portão

Roberto Carlos


2 ContributorsO Portão LyricsEu cheguei em frente ao portão
Meu cachorro me sorriu latindo
Minhas malas coloquei no chão
Eu voltei

Tudo estava igual como era antes
Quase nada se modificou
Acho que só eu mesmo mudei
E voltei

Eu voltei, agora pra ficar
Porque aqui, aqui é meu lugar
Eu voltei pr'as coisas que eu deixei
Eu voltei

Fui abrindo a porta devagar
Mas deixei a luz entrar primeiro
Todo meu passado iluminei
E entrei

Meu retrato ainda na parede
Meio amarelado pelo tempo
Como a perguntar por onde andei
E eu falei

Onde andei, não deu para ficar
Porque aqui, aqui é meu lugar
Eu voltei pras coisas que eu deixei
Eu voltei
Eu voltei
See Roberto Carlos LiveGet tickets as low as $53You might also likeEu voltei, agora pra ficar
Porque aqui, aqui é o meu lugar
Eu voltei, pras coisas que eu deixei
Eu voltei
Eu voltei

Sem saber depois de tanto tempo
Se havia alguém à minha espera
Passos indecisos caminhei
E parei

Quando vi que dois braços abertos
Me abraçaram como antigamente
Tanto quis dizer e não falei
E chorei

Eu voltei, agora pra ficar
Porque aqui, aqui é o meu lugar
Eu voltei, pras coisas que eu deixei
Eu voltei

Eu voltei, agora pra ficar
Porque aqui, aqui é o meu lugar
Eu voltei, pras coisas que eu deixei
Eu voltei
Eu voltei
Eu parei em frente ao portão
Meu cachorro me sorriu latindoEmbed

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Have you ever come across a song that instantly transports you back in time? A song that captures the essence of an era and carries within it a multitude of emotions? For Brazilian music lovers, "O Portão" by Roberto Carlos is one such timeless masterpiece. This iconic track from the legendary Brazilian singer-songwriter has not only resonated with audiences for generations, but also holds a special place in the heart of Carlos himself. Let's delve into the enchanting world of "O Portão" and discover the magic it holds.

About O Portão

"O Portão," which translates to "The Gate" in English, was released by Roberto Carlos in 1974 as part of his album "Roberto Carlos." It remains one of his most beloved and enduring songs, encapsulating the essence of his musical artistry.

The essence of "O Portão" lies not only in its melodious composition but also in its deeply heartfelt lyrics, penned by the esteemed Brazilian poet Paulo Sérgio Vale. The song tells the story of a man who walks past the gate of his lost love, reminiscing about the beautiful moments they once shared. It encapsulates the universal experience of longing for someone who has moved on, tapping into the depths of human emotions. Through powerful storytelling and heartfelt sentiment, Carlos and Vale create a connection with the listener that transcends time and space.

The melancholic yet captivating melody of "O Portão" further enhances the emotional impact of the song. Carlos, known for his distinctive blend of romantic ballads and Brazilian rhythms, crafted a musical backdrop that perfectly complements the bittersweet nostalgia of the lyrics. The arrangement is delicate and enchanting, characterized by Carlos' velvety vocals gliding effortlessly over gentle acoustic guitar strumming and mesmerizing orchestral strings. The result is a musical tapestry that sweeps the listener into a world of introspection and sentimentality.

Released at a time when Brazil was undergoing significant political and societal changes, "O Portão" tapped into the collective consciousness of a nation in transition. It became an anthem for those grappling with personal loss and adapting to a rapidly evolving world. The introspective nature of the song resonated deeply with listeners, offering solace and understanding during a time of uncertainty.

Roberto Carlos, commonly referred to as the "King of Latin Music," has left an indelible mark on the Brazilian music scene throughout his illustrious career spanning over six decades. Considered one of the pioneers of the Latin American romantic movement, Carlos has captivated audiences worldwide with his soulful voice and profound songwriting. "O Portão" stands as a testament to his enduring artistry, showcasing his ability to create music that connects with the hearts of millions.

Over the years, "O Portão" has become a cultural touchstone in Brazil, evoking a sense of nostalgia and fondness whenever it graces the airwaves. It has also been covered by numerous artists, each bringing their own interpretation and personal touch to the song. Yet, no rendition can surpass the original, which remains an unparalleled masterpiece in the realm of Brazilian music.

In a world filled with fleeting musical trends, "O Portão" represents a timeless beacon of beauty and emotion. Its longevity serves as a reminder of the power of music to transcend language and cultural barriers, speaking directly to the hearts of listeners. Whether you are a long-time fan of Roberto Carlos or encountering "O Portão" for the first time, prepare to be captivated by its enchanting melodies and poetic storytelling. Open the gate to your emotions and let "O Portão" transport you to a realm where love, loss, and longing intertwine in perfect harmony.