Roberto Carlos

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Quando album cover


Roberto Carlos


[Verso 1]
Quando você se separou de mim
Quase que a minha vida teve fim
Sofri, chorei tanto que nem sei
Tudo que chorei por você, por você, uoh uoh uoh

[Verso 2]
Quando você se separou de mim
Eu pensei que ia até morrer
Depois lutei tanto pra esquecer
Tudo que passei com você, com você, com você

E mesmo assim ainda eu não vou dizer que já te esqueci
Se alguém vier me perguntar
Nem mesmo sei que vou falar
Eu posso até dizer: ninguém te amou o tanto quanto eu te amei
Mas você não mereceu
O amor que eu te dei, uoh uoh uoh

[Verso 3]
Quando você se separou de mim
Quase que minha vida teve fim
Agora eu nem quero lembrar
Que um dia eu te amei e sofri e chorei
Eu te amei e chorei, uoh uoh uoh
E mesmo assim ainda eu não vou dizer que já te esqueci
Se alguém vier me perguntar
Nem mesmo sei que vou falar
Eu posso até dizer: ninguém te amou o tanto quanto eu te amei
Mas você não mereceu
O amor que eu te dei, uoh oh oh

Quando você se separou de mim
Quase que minha vida teve fim
Agora eu nem quero lembrar
Que um dia eu te amei e sofri e chorei
Por você eu chorei
Por você eu chorei
Eu sofri...Embed

Roberto Carlos image

Quando by Roberto Carlos is a mesmerizing song that takes listeners on an emotional journey through its heartfelt lyrics and enchanting melody. With over 20 years of experience in the music industry, Roberto Carlos has established himself as a legendary figure, and this song is a testament to his undeniable talent and artistry.

About Quando

Quando, which translates to "When" in English, is a captivating ballad that showcases Roberto Carlos' ability to evoke raw emotions through his music. Released in [YEAR], this song has resonated with audiences worldwide, becoming a beloved classic in the Latin music scene.

The song begins with a gentle piano introduction, setting the tone for the heartfelt journey that lies ahead. As Roberto Carlos' soulful vocals take center stage, listeners are immediately drawn into the emotional depth of the song. His voice effortlessly conveys the longing and vulnerability expressed in the lyrics, allowing listeners to connect on a profound level.

Lyrically, Quando explores the theme of lost love and the yearning for its return. Through poetic imagery and vivid storytelling, Roberto Carlos paints a picture of a love that was lost, leaving the protagonist with an overwhelming sense of longing and nostalgia. The lyrics speak to the universal experience of heartbreak and the human longing for connection.

One of the most striking elements of Quando is the beautifully crafted melody. The composition is filled with sweeping melodies and intricately layered instrumentation, creating a sonic landscape that envelops the listener. The orchestration perfectly complements Roberto Carlos' vocals, adding depth and emotion to every verse.

Throughout the song, Roberto Carlos' vocal performance shines, showcasing his incredible range and control. He effortlessly navigates between tender moments filled with vulnerability and powerful crescendos that elicit strong emotions. The way his voice intertwines with the music creates a captivating synergy that draws listeners in and keeps them engaged from start to finish.

Quando is not only a testament to Roberto Carlos' musical prowess but also his ability to transcend language barriers. Despite being primarily performed in Portuguese, the song's emotional depth and universal themes allow listeners from different cultural backgrounds to connect with its message. It serves as a reminder that music has a powerful way of transcending borders and fostering emotional connections.

Over the years, Quando has become an iconic song in Roberto Carlos' discography, garnering widespread acclaim and touching the hearts of millions. Its timeless appeal has ensured its continued popularity, and it remains a beloved favorite among fans and critics alike.

In addition to its musical brilliance, Quando has also served as a source of inspiration for many artists who have covered the song in their own unique styles. Its influence can be seen in various renditions across different genres, further solidifying its stature as a true musical masterpiece.

Ultimately, Quando by Roberto Carlos is a song that resonates with listeners on a deep emotional level. Its poignant lyrics, captivating melody, and powerful vocal performance create an immersive experience that leaves a lasting impact. Whether you are a seasoned fan of Roberto Carlos or new to his music, this song is undoubtedly a must-listen and a testament to the enduring power of music.