Rodney Carrington

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Put Your Clothes Back On

Rodney Carrington


2 ContributorsPut Your Clothes Back On LyricsPut your clothes back on
I'd rather be alone
Your thing is all worn out now get on home
You've had too many lovers
They've worn off the hair
There ain't no way I'm goin in there
Put your clothes on
And get on home

I Should of never gone out
I should of never had a drink
Take that thing outside it's startin' to stink
Your friends done told me where you have been
And I feel sorry for all those men
Put your clothes back on, baby
And get on home

Yeah, get that thing away from me
It looks like something your dog would eat
I've seen enough now set me free
I think that thing just barked at me
Early this mornin' it bit my leg
Oh, little darlin', don't you make me beg
Put your clothes back on
And get on home
You might also likeOh shit, I'm scared! I need medical care
I think three midgets just crawled out of there
Well, I was fine before you came
Would'ya thow somethin' over that pitiful thing
Baby, put your clothes back on
And get on home
Yeah, put your clothes on
And get your booty back homeEmbed

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Hey there! Are you ready to have some fun and get a good laugh? Well, look no further than Rodney Carrington's hilarious and unique song, "Put Your Clothes Back On." In this catchy tune, Carrington showcases his comedic talents and explores the humorous side of relationships and intimacy. So, get ready to roll on the floor with laughter as we delve into the details of this side-splitting track.

About Put Your Clothes Back On

Written and performed by the multi-talented comedian Rodney Carrington, "Put Your Clothes Back On" is a track that combines witty lyrics with a catchy, country-inspired melody. The song was released on Carrington's 2009 studio album, "El Niño Loco," and quickly became a fan favorite, showcasing his signature humor and storytelling ability.

In "Put Your Clothes Back On," Carrington takes on the role of a desperate man in a relationship where the passion has faded away. Through his clever lyrics, he paints a vivid picture of a couple who has lost their spark and are on the brink of drifting apart. Carrington's comedic brilliance shines as he tackles the topic with his unique blend of wit and charm.

With his trademark humor, Carrington creates a playful and relatable narrative that many listeners can resonate with. The song explores the ups and downs of romantic relationships, bringing to light the challenges couples face in keeping the fire alive. Through his comedic lens, Carrington manages to find comedy in the most mundane aspects of love and brings them to life in a light-hearted and entertaining manner.

Accompanied by a catchy country melody, "Put Your Clothes Back On" combines Carrington's comedic genius with his musical talent. The lively instrumentation perfectly complements the tongue-in-cheek lyrics, creating a fun and enjoyable listening experience. Carrington's delivery is filled with energy and enthusiasm, further enhancing the comedic effect of the song.

"Put Your Clothes Back On" is a perfect showcase of Rodney Carrington's unique style. As a comedian and singer-songwriter, Carrington masterfully merges humor with music, creating a genre all his own. His ability to tackle sensitive subjects with light-heartedness and wit is what sets him apart as an artist.

Not only does Carrington entertain his audience with clever wordplay, but he also sparks reflection and laughter simultaneously. His ability to tap into universal experiences and find humor in everyday situations is truly remarkable. Through "Put Your Clothes Back On," Carrington reminds us to find the lighter side of love and embrace the quirks and challenges that come with it.

In addition to its comedic value, "Put Your Clothes Back On" can also be appreciated for its musicality. Carrington's well-crafted composition showcases his unique blend of country and comedy, resulting in a truly memorable track. The infectious melody and Carrington's captivating vocals make the song enjoyable to listen to even if you're not a die-hard fan of comedy.

Throughout his career, Rodney Carrington has left an indelible mark on both the comedy and music worlds. His ability to seamlessly blend the two has garnered him a dedicated fan base who appreciates his distinct style. "Put Your Clothes Back On" stands as a testament to Carrington's talent and his ability to bring laughter to people's lives through his music.

So, if you're in need of a good laugh or simply want to enjoy a catchy and amusing track, "Put Your Clothes Back On" by Rodney Carrington is a must-listen. Get ready to embrace the hilarity, tap your feet to the rhythm, and let Carrington's comedic genius brighten your day!