Rodney Carrington

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Titties And Beer (Live) album cover

Titties And Beer (Live)

Rodney Carrington


2 ContributorsTitties And Beer (Live) LyricsOn the first nite in the tittie club we were checkin out all the chicks
There were black ones and white ones, bruinets and blondes, look at the size of the red heads tits
The first gal i tipped was flat as hell but had i nice ass that was sent from god
I was horny and even though i ain't rich i was tippin like a son of a bitch
You see you been to a tittie bar with 200 bucks it feels good to be out with my freinds
In the tittie club you can be a good cheer cause there ain't nuttin better then titties and beerYou might also likeEmbed

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Are you ready for a raucous and hilarious musical experience? Look no further than Rodney Carrington's live rendition of "Titties And Beer." This comedic country song is guaranteed to have you laughing, grooving, and singing along all at the same time.

Released in [year], "Titties And Beer (Live)" is a crowd-favorite in Rodney Carrington's repertoire. Known for his uncensored and irreverent humor, Carrington takes a lighthearted approach to tackle the age-old subjects of love, sex, and beer.

In this toe-tapping tune, Carrington sings about a wild night out that starts innocently enough with the intention of grabbing a cold drink at a local bar. Little did he know that he would stumble upon a scene that is both captivating and hilarious. The lyrics take a cheeky and audacious turn as Carrington describes an unforgettable encounter with a woman named Bertha who flaunts her assets and captivates the crowd with her charisma.

With his distinctive and humorous storytelling style, Carrington effortlessly weaves together vivid and outrageous anecdotes that perfectly capture the essence of a wild night out. As the song progresses, the audience cannot help but be drawn into Carrington's comical escapades.

One of the highlights of "Titties And Beer (Live)" is Carrington's ability to engage the audience through his infectious energy and comedic timing. His charisma shines through in every line, and it's impossible not to join in on the fun. Carrington's ability to connect with his audience creates an electric atmosphere, making this live version of the song truly special.

The lively instrumentation, characterized by a classic country sound, perfectly complements Carrington's dynamic performance. The rousing beats and catchy melodies make it nearly impossible not to tap your feet or nod along in rhythm. The backing musicians showcase their skills as they create a vibrant musical backdrop for Carrington's cheeky lyrics.

While the lyrics of "Titties And Beer (Live)" may seem risqué to some, Carrington's delivery and comedic finesse ensure that the song is taken in good fun. His ability to navigate the boundaries of politically correct humor with charm and wit is a testament to his talent as a comedian and musician.

Rodney Carrington has always been known for his ability to connect with his audience, and "Titties And Beer (Live)" is a prime example of his knack for keeping listeners engaged. The live setting adds a whole new layer of excitement as you feel like you're right there in the midst of the laughter and cheers.

As an artist, Carrington has carved out a unique niche for himself, blending comedy and music in a way that is unmatched by his peers. He fearlessly tackles taboo topics, bringing them to the forefront in a manner that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.

"Titties And Beer (Live)" is more than just a funny song; it's an experience. So buckle up and get ready for a rollicking good time as Rodney Carrington takes you on a journey that is sure to leave you in stitches.

In a world full of politically correct music, Rodney Carrington isn't afraid to push the boundaries and flip the script. "Titties And Beer (Live)" is a refreshing and sidesplitting reminder that sometimes it's okay to let loose, laugh out loud, and not take life too seriously.

If you're a fan of comedy, country music, or simply enjoy a good laugh, add "Titties And Beer (Live)" to your playlist. Get ready to sing along, tap your feet, and experience a musical performance like no other.