Savage Garden

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’O sole mio album cover

’O sole mio

Savage Garden


1 Contributor’O sole mio LyricsChe bella cosa na jurnata 'e sole
N'aria serena doppo na tempesta!
Pe'll'aria fresca pare gia' na festa...
Che bella cosa na jurnata 'e sole

Ma n'atu sole
Cchiu' bello, oi ne'
'O sole mio
Sta 'nfronte a te!

Lùcene 'e llastre d"a fenesta toia;
'Na lavannara canta e se ne vanta
E pe'tramente torce, spanne e canta
Lùcene 'e llastre d'a fenеsta toia

Ma n'atu sole
Cchiu' bello, oi ne'
'O solе mio
Sta 'nfronte a te!

Quanno fa notte e 'o sole se ne scenne
Me vene quase 'na malincunia;
Sotto 'a festa toia restarria
Quanno fa notte e 'o sole se ne scenne

Ma n'atu sole
Cchiu' bello, oi ne'
'O sole mio
Sta 'nfronte a te!You might also likeEmbed

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‘O sole mio’ by Savage Garden featuring Luciano Pavarotti is a highly popular song that has been performed by many artists. The song, which was first recorded in 1898, is a classic Neapolitan song which has been reinterpreted by countless performers over the years. The version by Savage Garden is one of the most popular in the modern era, and features the remarkable voice of the legendary tenor Pavarotti. The song is famous for its passionate and soulful melody which can evoke strong emotions in the listener.

About ’O sole mio

The song ‘O sole mio’ is renowned for its catchy melody, which is based on the famous Neapolitan song titled "’O sole mio". The song has been performed by many famous artists over the years, including Elvis Presley, Bryan Adams, and Luciano Pavarotti. The song's lyrics are in the Neapolitan language and describe the beauty of the sun and its ability to evoke feelings of happiness and joy.

The version of ‘O sole mio’ by Savage Garden featuring Luciano Pavarotti was released in 1997. This rendition of the song showcases the beautiful vocals of Pavarotti, who sings a stunning operatic duet with Savage Garden's frontman Darren Hayes. The song's arrangement is lush and full with strings and features a combination of operatic and pop elements to create a unique hybrid of musical genres.

The song begins with a simple acoustic guitar riff which is quickly joined by the strings and Pavarotti's operatic voice. Hayes then joins in, singing the verses in a more subdued manner before the two vocalists come together for the soaring chorus. Throughout the song, the two performers showcase their incredible vocal abilities with soaring high notes and powerful emotive delivery.

The lyrics of ‘O sole mio’ are a celebration of the beauty of life and the sun, with lines such as "a beautiful thing is a sunny day" and "Oh, how wonderful to stay alive". The song captures the essence of the Neapolitan spirit and the joy of life, making it a beloved classic that is still regularly performed and enjoyed by many people today.

The combination of Savage Garden's pop sensibilities and Pavarotti's operatic prowess make this version of ‘O sole mio’ truly unique and memorable. The song has transcended genres and cultural barriers to become a classic that can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of their musical tastes or background.

In summation, ‘O sole mio’ by Savage Garden featuring Luciano Pavarotti is a timeless classic that represents the beauty of the Neapolitan song tradition. The song's amazing melody and powerful vocals make it an unforgettable experience for listeners, and its positive and joyful lyrics continue to resonate with people all over the world. If you're a fan of music that is both uplifting and soulful, then ‘O sole mio’ by Savage Garden featuring Luciano Pavarotti is definitely worth a listen.