
Shakira avatar image
Lo Hecho Está Hecho album cover

Lo Hecho Está Hecho



[Letra de "Lo Hecho Está Hecho"]

[Verso 1]
En la suite 16
Lo que empieza no termina
Del mini bar al edén
Y en muy mala compañía
Era ese sabor en tu piel
A azufre revuelto con miel
Así que me llené de coraje y me fui a caminar por el lado salvaje
Pensé "no me mires así
Ya sé lo que quieres de mí"
Que no hay que ser vidente aquí
Para un mal como tú no hay cuerpo que aguante

Lo hecho está hecho
Volví a tropezar con la misma piedra que hubo siempre
Se siente tan bien todo lo que hace mal
Y contigo nunca es suficiente
Eh eh eh eh eh ah ah ah ah ah
Eh eh eh eh eh ah ah ah ah ah

[Verso 2]
¿Cómo fue? ¿Qué pasó?
Esa noche impaciente
Fueron a llamar de la recepción
Cuando se quejaban de la 17
No puede ser nada normal
Acabar eligiendo tan mal
En materia de hombres soy toda una experta siempre en repetir mis errores
No hay ceguera peor
Que no querer mirar
Cuando te guardabas el anillo dentro del bolsillo y dejarlo pasar
Lo hecho está hecho
Volví a tropezar con la misma piedra que hubo siempre
Se siente tan bien todo lo que hace mal
Y contigo nunca es suficiente
Eh eh eh eh eh ah ah ah ah ah
Eh eh eh eh eh ah ah ah ah ah

Nunca me sentí tan fuera de lugar
Nunca tanto se escapó de mi control
Pero todo en este mundo es temporal
Lo eres tú y lo soy yo
Nunca me sentí tan fuera de lugar
Nunca tanto se escapó de mi control
Pero todo en este mundo es temporal
En eso no decido yo

Lo hecho está hecho
Volví a tropezar
Con la misma piedra que hubo siempre
Se siente tan bien todo lo que hace mal
Y contigo nunca es suficiente

Se siente tan bien todo lo que hace mal

Shakira image

If you're searching for a song that'll get you on your feet, Lo Hecho Está Hecho by Shakira is just what you need. This catchy, electropop and samba fusion is sure to get you dancing and singing along to its energetic beats. But the song isn't just about music, it also tells a story of love, guilt, and heartbreak.

Lo Hecho Está Hecho, which means what's done is done, starts with Shakira confessing her involvement in a man's extramarital affair. She expresses her remorse and pain from the situation as she sings, "Lo hecho está hecho, no podemos volver atrás" which translates to "what's done is done, we cannot go back." Throughout the song, Shakira's voice glides through each verse with a blend of emotion and attitude that captures the listener's attention.

About Lo Hecho Está Hecho

Lo Hecho Está Hecho is a song written by Shakira and produced in collaboration with Pharrell Williams and The Neptunes. The song was released in 2009 as part of her studio album, She Wolf.

Shakira's involvement in the production of the song is evident in every aspect of its creation. From the lyrics to the music and even the production, Shakira can be credited for the success of this song. Furthermore, Pharrell Williams and The Neptunes' contribution to the song added a more polished and clean sound to complement Shakira's unique voice.

The song's lyrics tell a story of Shakira's involvement in a man's extramarital affair. Although the theme of the song is controversial and morally questionable, Shakira manages to bring a sense of vulnerability and, at the same time, self-empowerment to the situation. She owns up to her actions and emotions, thus creating a sense of transparency and honesty that shines through in her performance.

The fusion of samba and electro-pop genres in the music creates an upbeat, danceable sound that accompanies the song's theme. The combination of these two genres infuses a specific energy that Shakira's vocals are perfectly suited for. The rhythm is infectious and is sure to get you on your feet in no time.

Lo Hecho Está Hecho, like many of Shakira's songs, is known for its unique sound and fusion of genres. Her ability to draw inspiration from various musical traditions and incorporate them into one cohesive sound is a testament to her artistry. The song's theme may be controversial, but the way she presents it through her music is a work of art that deserves recognition.

In summary, Lo Hecho Está Hecho is a masterpiece of fusion genres, taking elements from samba, electro-pop, and Shakira's own unique sound. The lyrics tell a story of love, guilt, and heartbreak, making it relatable to many people. Lastly, the song showcases Shakira's artistry, producing a song that not only gets people dancing but also tells a story worth hearing.

  • Release Date: October 9, 2009
  • Artist: Shakira