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Already Dead



[Verse 1]
You won't find me here
The place that you expected me to be
In my bed on the second floor
I'm outside your house
I'm closing in on you
And all the times you smiled
You said hello and thought I was ok
I was planning your final struggle

When you wake up, I'll be there
When you see me, you'll be on your back again
When you, when you, when you, when you
Know you're already dead
You'll love me, too

[Verse 2]
You will find me here
The place you least expected me to be
Breaking through your basement window
I'm outside your room
I can hear you breathe
And all the times you laughed
You shook my hand and thought I was your friend
I was planning your tragic ending
When you wake up, I'll be there
When you see me, you'll be on your back again
When you, when you, when you, when you
Know you're already dead
You'll love me, too

You'll look down on me
With eyes of endless tragedy
Try and stop the pain
But there's never closure
Find your solace in what you could have been
When they look for me
The evidence is buried deep
Try to guide the way into the darkness

When you wake up, I'll be there
When you see me, you'll be on your back again
When you, when you, when you, when you
Know you're already dead
You'll love me, too

Looking down on me
Through eyes that never stop crying
Looking down on me
Will you ever look away?Embed

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Already Dead by Silverstein is a captivating song that draws its inspiration from the critically acclaimed novel The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. In an Alternative Press video, vocalist Shane Told reveals that he based the song on his interpretation of the book, as he was only halfway through it at the time of writing. Little did Told know that his assumptions about the storyline would be completely off, showing the unpredictability and creative process behind the song. With its deep connection to literature and the personal experience of the artist, Already Dead takes on a whole new level of meaning and intrigue.

Already Dead serves as a testament to Silverstein's ability to infuse their music with thought-provoking concepts and emotions. As the song builds, the listener is taken on a journey through Told's vision of The Lovely Bones, creating a compelling narrative that speaks to themes of loss, despair, and finding hope in unexpected places. The raw intensity and energy of the music, combined with Told's passionate vocals, make Already Dead an emotionally charged experience that resonates with listeners on a profound level.

As Told mentions in the Alternative Press video, Already Dead was written based on what he thought would happen in the novel. This leap of faith in his own interpretation showcases the artist's creative process and willingness to explore new realms of inspiration. By taking inspiration from literature, Silverstein bridges the gap between various art forms and allows their music to become a vessel for storytelling and self-expression.

The combination of Silverstein's signature melodic hardcore sound with the deep and introspective themes of The Lovely Bones creates a unique and captivating listening experience. Already Dead showcases the band's ability to craft powerful instrumentals that perfectly complement the emotional weight of the lyrics. The dynamic shifts between soft and heavy sections, combined with Told's haunting vocals, create a sense of urgency and intensity that keeps the listener engaged throughout the song.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Already Dead is the unexpected twist in Told's interpretation of The Lovely Bones. As he admits, he was "totally, totally wrong" about the book's plot. This unexpected revelation adds an intriguing layer to the song, highlighting the complex nature of storytelling and the subjective nature of interpretation. Just as Told's perception of the book changed, the listener is invited to question their own preconceived notions and explore the multiple layers of meaning embedded in the lyrics of Already Dead.

Already Dead stands as a testament to the power of literature in inspiring and guiding the creation of music. By drawing from Alice Sebold's seminal work, Silverstein has crafted a song that not only captivates listeners with its raw emotion and intense instrumentals but also encourages them to dive deeper into the literary world. The connection between music and literature in Already Dead demonstrates the profound influence that different art forms can have on one another, expanding the boundaries of creativity and storytelling.

As Told humorously mentions in the video, the movie adaptation of The Lovely Bones "sucks," emphasizing his preference for the original source material. This playful remark adds a touch of lightheartedness to Already Dead, reminding us that music is not only a means of expressing deep emotions but also a form of entertainment and personal expression.

In essence, Already Dead by Silverstein is more than just a song. It is a heartfelt exploration of the creative process, the power of literature, and the nuances of interpretation. With its innovative melding of music and storytelling, Already Dead offers listeners a multi-dimensional experience that resonates on both an emotional and intellectual level. Whether you are a fan of Silverstein, a lover of The Lovely Bones, or simply appreciate the merging of different artistic forms, Already Dead is a must-listen that will leave you pondering the intricate connections between music and literature.